One morning, Paul walked into a room full of famous fictional characters. He quickly realized that Matt forgot the theme. So he woke up.
When he woke, he found bots had sent invites for a party for his death. Confused, Paul turned to his friend little Paul Junior.
"I wonder what the bots would have done if I didn't update my anti-bot software."
Paul Junior replied:
"I'm a bot"
The knife slid into Paul's creation causing it to explode, killing Paul.
"oh men oh..." said Paul with a tear in his eye as he died...again. Paul was dead.
Three days later, Ari emerged from her snow palace.
"Paul... I will fly all the Icelandic fish to your funeral tomorrow. ALL of them." He raised his leg and unzipped his pants, whizzing all over Paul's funeral invitation.
Elsewhere, Curtis and Shawn opened their invitations only to find the envelopes empty. "This is quite the surprise!" exclaimed Curtis. "It seems as though the envelope contained Anthrax." Curtis and Shawn passed peacefully later |