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Congrats America! Season 2
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Milk Bowl
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Post #1: 21st Jan 2018 12:05 AM 
Hey Congress + President: pull your heads out of your asses, pass a budget, and allow my wife to actually work her government job, so she can get a paycheck, and I can buy the baby some food.

Get off of CNN/Fox News. Stop coming up with new hashtags. Stop telling me who's fault it is; tell me how you are going to fix it.
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Post #2: 22nd Feb 2018 11:29 AM 
JJ @ 22/2/2018 10:04
vladykins @ 22/2/2018 10:55
Here's a similar argument I get that's a cop out:

"We can't do anything to stop school shootings because these people are crazy and will get guns and shoot people."

I was about to respond to Primate's post but this boils it down better. This is the excuse for not banning assault weapons, requiring extensive background checks, etc. People want their guns at the expense of lives and they don't care. Politicians don't want to lose their NRA blood money. Other countries have shown us what works but it comes down to selfishness in this country.

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Post #3: 22nd Feb 2018 11:36 AM 
Ahoda @ 22/2/2018 10:33
Ever since Trump was elected I never realized how stupid my friends on Facebook were. And they get dumber with each shooting or event.

Replace friends with family, and I agree.
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Post #4: 22nd Feb 2018 1:47 PM 
There are only 20 liberals?!?!?

Either that or Vlady is like 5 million different people.
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Post #5: 22nd Feb 2018 1:56 PM 
Your gun won't protect you if your house is broken into (if you have it safely stored).

Your gun won't protect you from the government if they really want what you have.

All they are is expensive toys that make you feel more powerful. They make pills for that now.
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Post #6: 22nd Feb 2018 2:01 PM 
Igor @ 22/2/2018 12:58
Spin @ 22/2/2018 13:56
Your gun won't protect you if your house is broken into (if you have it safely stored).

Your gun won't protect you from the government if they really want what you have.

All they are is expensive toys that make you feel more powerful. They make pills for that now.

Those are all irrelevant.
Its a freedom/right you deserve to have.
Not worth debating those points

It was relevant in 1780s. It was maybe relevant in the 1860s. It sure as hell isnt relevant now in this modern society.

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Post #7: 22nd Feb 2018 2:04 PM 
Timmah @ 22/2/2018 12:59
Spin @ 22/2/2018 13:56
Your gun won't protect you if your house is broken into (if you have it safely stored).

Your gun won't protect you from the government if they really want what you have.

All they are is expensive toys that make you feel more powerful. They make pills for that now.

Oh, yeah? Well what about the zombie apocalypse?!

Machetes don't run out of ammo.

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Post #8: 22nd Feb 2018 2:34 PM 
Mads @ 22/2/2018 13:33
Igor @ 22/2/2018 15:01
Mads @ 22/2/2018 13:58
Igor @ 22/2/2018 14:52
Mads @ 22/2/2018 13:51
I also don't think Igor realizes there's a difference between "leftists" and "liberals."

Leftists are complete and utter garbage.
But liberals are all pretty much the same on taking away gunz

This is false. I see a lot of division between people who want all-out bans, bans on specific guns, or just better legislation on background checks and methods of purchase. There's also a whole other debate over researching gun violence from a public health perspective.

Nydia Velázquez's bill, H.R.3987 - Protecting Americans from Gun Violence Act of 2017, is one to look into. It would place a fee on background checks and the revenue from those fees would fund gun violence research at the CDC. It's probably not a perfect bill, but I agree with the general premise. Most of the cosponsors are from the Progressive Caucus, though, so I doubt it will get any movement in this Congress.

I don't quite think that's the case. Every facebook post I've seen is more on the line of "why do we need guns", "gunz r bad mkay", etc. Hell even on here it seems to be the general tone. I don't think any person on any part of the spectrum is against research (at least a large majority should be for it). It's shitty that there are barriers in place that prevent that.

You're basing your entire opinion of a larger group of people off of some idiots on your facebook feed? Great sample.

Don't forget. He chose that select group of idiots.
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Post #9: 22nd Feb 2018 3:07 PM 
Herm @ 22/2/2018 13:42
I like the idea of arming schools with bodyguards/grown ups with military training/background. I don't know how far down the rabbit hole your country's gone, but seeing as any gun legislation talk leads nowhere, how about giving the other end of extreme a try? Seems like doing nothing is making things worse. Thoughts?

Putting more guns into the schools won't help. It just adds more bullets to the fray when shit gets crazy. Plus, most school bodyguards are there for a reason: either they need to be employed by the district to coach a sport, or they weren't good enough (or retired due to old age from) for the police force.
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Post #10: 22nd Feb 2018 3:23 PM 
Timmah @ 22/2/2018 14:11
Dadd @ 22/2/2018 15:09
Spin @ 22/2/2018 15:07
Herm @ 22/2/2018 13:42
I like the idea of arming schools with bodyguards/grown ups with military training/background. I don't know how far down the rabbit hole your country's gone, but seeing as any gun legislation talk leads nowhere, how about giving the other end of extreme a try? Seems like doing nothing is making things worse. Thoughts?

Putting more guns into the schools won't help. It just adds more bullets to the fray when shit gets crazy. Plus, most school bodyguards are there for a reason: either they need to be employed by the district to coach a sport, or they weren't good enough (or retired due to old age from) for the police force.

With what they pay teachers, I shudder to think of who they would employ as bodyguards ...

Isn't there an issue involving unemployed military vets? Or did I just make that up? I might have made it up, but if not we could solve two problems in one swoop!

Yeah, let's give people who likely suffer from some form of PTSD a weapon and put them into a stressful environment (like a high school), while paying them a basically minimum wage salary.

Sounds like a great plan. You should write your congressmen.
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Post #11: 22nd Feb 2018 3:44 PM 
Ben @ 22/2/2018 14:30
Spin @ 22/2/2018 15:23
Yeah, let's give people who likely suffer from some form of PTSD a weapon and put them into a stressful environment (like a high school), while paying them a basically minimum wage salary.

Sounds like a great plan. You should write your congressmen.

If schools did do that they likely wouldn't be targeted, they would find another school without an armed guard.

A common theme of some (or most, I don't have the statistics in front of me) of the school shootings is 'revenge' for bullying. The kids aren't just looking to shoot up a school just because. How is one guy with a handgun stationed at one of the many entrances to a school going to deter that one person?

My high school had armed police men (multiple) stationed throughout our building, and there were still kids who brought weapons to school. Luckily nobody was seriously hurt while I was in school (late-90s), but it's not as big a deterrent as you'd think.
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Post #12: 22nd Feb 2018 3:58 PM 
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Post #13: 22nd Feb 2018 4:37 PM 
Sock @ 22/2/2018 15:13
Can we at least all agree that kids being murdered in school is a bummer?

It is a bummer, because I had to redirect my Thoughts and Prayers from the people in California after the wildfires, to the kids in Florida. Do you know how much it costs to change destinations on those things?
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Post #14: 22nd Feb 2018 6:10 PM 
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Post #15: 4th Mar 2018 11:06 AM 
Darkus Black @ 4/3/2018 9:05
Primate @ 4/3/2018 2:42

I know the source is iffy, and you have to stop reading before they step off onto dreamland, but the first part of the article explains my concerns pretty well.

Already being discussed on the official thread:


Just. Stop.
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