After getting Boc killed Curtis does a little dance on his body.
The group is stunned and shocked. Just sitting there watching this.
“Guys,” Curits quips with a sheepish grin, “Let’s talk about this.”
Wikey asks stupidly, “Wait, you’re not a hermit stump?”
TIB picks up a brick and starts hitting his own face, “God damn it. Stupid fucking…” before he can finish he knocks himself unconscious.
Christian drops the smoking gun in shock and runs and grabs Curtis by the throat and pins him to the ground. Sab and Vlady take turns kicking him in the kidney’s until he pisses blood.
Having enough Ari walks over. He spits on Curtis’s face and pulls out The Deliverer pistol and unloads a clip into Curtis’s dome.
You are part of the Raider mafia team and each night you may block 1 player from using their actions. You may not pick the same person multiple nights in a row.