First thoughts:
Sami -- there is definitely more creep than sweet in that one. I'd lean 7, maybe 8.
Dyl -- I'm not sure if I should be scoring the cake (which looks good), or the thing falling off the cake (probably not as good). The only cake I'm familiar with that has cherries on top, is a black forest cake, which is delicious, so, I'd probably eat it (2-3)
Steph -- Sock, not alarming, but sock you think is moving...very alarming. I'd probably say at least an 8, if not 9 or 10.
KC -- Looks like a happy little snail. One you could easily crush with your shoe. 1, 2 tops.
Boc -- While there is definitely some carton still present, it looks more monster. I'd say 7.
Herm -- The head seems to be the only non-lizard part, but the head makes things resemble humans a lot, so maybe a 7.
Spin -- [redacted]
Rodney -- While a surprise stress test, especially one poorly administered, would raise the blood pressure, giving someone a heart attack is a big thing. 7, no more than an 8 for me. | It's looking like the consensus for Rodney's is around an 8, but the spread is pretty large (7 to 10). I'll probably play it on the safe side and go with the 8.
##Submit 8 for Rodney's |