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Fox 2.1
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Post #1: 1st Feb 2023 7:28 PM 
1. Josh
2. mal
3. Stargate
4. Dyl
5. Sami is not a gho0o0oost
6. Spin
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Post #2: 3rd Feb 2023 5:55 PM 
I see this has started. I skimmed through quickly, so I'll try to address what I remember people saying about my answers here shortly before I have to leave work.
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Post #3: 3rd Feb 2023 6:06 PM 
1. African elephant -- who wouldn't want an elephant as a pet? I don't recall the question saying it has to go in your house or anything like that. I guess I picked African because they are more majestic (in my eyes) than the smaller Indian ones. I guess if one answer stands out to me as weird it's the Red Panda (Mal), as I could see the fox question being something about save from extinction or something like that. Panda's seem like weird pets, as all they do is eat bamboo all day.

2. $0.00 in change in my car. This is because I just gave all my change from my car (and the jar on my desk at home) to my daughter for a change-drive she had at her school. I think I had like $4.75 or something like that floating around in there prior to that. Josh's $12 and JJ's 17 cents just seem like too high and too low of numbers to be real.

3. My dad just retired, and he keeps telling me about the traveling and relaxing he gets to do, and I know 'retired' works on your tax return for a job title, so I went with it. I think I'd be pretty good at that. Didn't think too much more about the answer, tbh. Kat's answer of Assistant is the only one that really stands out much...like, an assistant what?

4. I watched GoT in like two pulses, because I didn't have HBO Max, so I think I had S1-5 or something on DVD from the local library, and my wife and I watched through those so quickly trying to catch up that I don't remember much from them, so yeah, I'd like to rewatch it all the way through sometime when I can find the time to take it all in. Don't get hung up on my not participating in the show thread, as I barely ever wade into Movies or TV. Why would anyone want to rewatch Lost, it was terrible the first time.

5. Three haircuts a year: Once at the start of the spring semester (January), once before summer field camp (June), and once again before the fall semester starts (August). Don't really care much about it between then. Other than KC's twice a week, the only other suspicious ones are the ladies who have listed more than 1 or 2 a year, because I know how expensive those are, and if you do it that often, you must have a lot of disposal income.

If I had to vote now, it'd probably be for JJ or Josh, although I don't see a lot of obvious Fox answers to more than 1 or 2 questions from either of them.
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Post #4: 3rd Feb 2023 6:40 PM 
JJ @ 3/2/2023 17:35
Rodney @ 3/2/2023 18:57
TheNavneet @ 3/2/2023 17:49
iirc the "strategy" we used to do is spare the fox who seems like a slam dunk and try to daykill someone who was iffy

Josh should absolutely not be lynched as they are the slam dunk

@ Josh voters


If it's still between Spin/Josh for me by the deadline Id rather let Josh live because he said he would post after work and I think he'll participate more than Spin. Plus I like his Sauvignon Blanc.

You think Josh will participate more than I will?

That's a new one.
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Post #5: 3rd Feb 2023 6:41 PM 
Rodney @ 3/2/2023 17:10
A red panda is super small and cuddly. It is nothing like a panda

It's not the giant bear from that Disney or Pixar movie that the teen girl turns into?
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Post #6: 3rd Feb 2023 7:01 PM 
Rodney @ 3/2/2023 17:59
Please remove raccoon from sus. That's one of the best answers

I knew a guy once who kept a raccoon as a pet. He also fed the bears in his woods. He also also used to hide in the trees and shoot in the general direction of hunters who dared step too close to his land.
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Post #7: 3rd Feb 2023 7:01 PM 
Rodney @ 3/2/2023 18:01
Giraffe is absolutely sus. Where you gonna put a giraffe?

Next to the elephant?
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Post #8: 3rd Feb 2023 7:05 PM 
JJ @ 3/2/2023 18:01
I don't think animals is one of the fox questions or, if it is, it just blends in too well.

Says the person who wants to keep an Orca as a pet. Haven't you seen the movie Blackfish?
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Post #9: 3rd Feb 2023 7:13 PM 
JJ @ 3/2/2023 18:11
(says the person who thinks if a woman goes to the hairdresser more than once or twice per year they must have a lot of "disposable" income) :lol:

My wife gets a cut about once a year, and I know it costs more in total than about 3 years worth of cuts for myself.
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Post #10: 3rd Feb 2023 7:14 PM 
Rodney @ 3/2/2023 18:12
Potential fox Q's

What animal would make a terrible pet?
African elephant
(can't believe at least 3 of these are real answers)

Your next job
State manager
Hmm, housekeeping and assistant don't fit with Josh but I'd love to hear about these

The show one is probably a negative opinion so please out your friends if you know they don't like what they said

Who fucking knows on number questions

If my next job is 'retired', then fuck me. I don't want to be doing the job I have now for the next 30 years.
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Post #11: 3rd Feb 2023 7:22 PM 
Rodney @ 3/2/2023 18:17
And that professors retire early

I'm in my 40s, Professors retire when they die, and I'm not actually a professor. I'm basically a glorified HS teacher who teaches grades 13-14.
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Post #12: 3rd Feb 2023 9:10 PM 
Dyl @ 3/2/2023 19:34

5. How many times a year do you get your haircut?

Pretty Sus
Spin: 3

Kind of Sus
TiB: 12
Mal: 12
Christian: 9

Again I am tunnel visioning on Spin here but 3 was the lowest answer and seems low for number of haircuts. Now I know Spin is probably best known for his Jesus avatar but I never considered him having long hair which I think is the only defense for this number. TIB/Mal/Christian all have seemingly high numbers. Once a month seems like a decently high number.

I give very little attention to my hair, and when I get it cut, it's almost a kid's buzz cut, then I let it grow out until it gets annoying, which is usually 3-6 months. I also refuse to get a haircut during the semester as I can't stand "you got a haircut" jokes.
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Post #13: 3rd Feb 2023 9:22 PM 
Dyl @ 3/2/2023 18:59
Petition to future fox hosts having two threads per game.

1 thread for sign ups
1 thread where the first post is the question answers so I have to stop going to the middle of page 3.

They are on page 1 for me.
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Post #14: 3rd Feb 2023 10:28 PM 
JJ @ 3/2/2023 21:22
Josh, Euphoria. Explain! Plz (I'd rather lynch Spin)

Of course you would.
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Post #15: 3rd Feb 2023 10:57 PM 
Boc @ 3/2/2023 21:55
Christian @ 3/2/2023 21:55
Grumpy Old Man @ 3/2/2023 23:38
Here's what lamps said about Mr Robot

Finished this series yesterday.

It was brilliant after all, but also way too slow for me personally tbh. I just cannot sit and watch and wait that long, even though it was worth the wait in the end. The final plot twist was really good and I like how it explains a lot of things. Didn’t have a clue really, but then, I didn’t have a clue in S2 either and I really liked how they did that.

Also, the last 3 seasons didn’t have enough Tyrell (and his botox doll), i think we can all agree. He was one of the best characters in any series ever for me. Would have liked to see more of that OTT craziness throughout - bit of a missed opportunity there.

Does this sounds like a guy who wants to rewatch?

how much time has passed since he posted that? lol It's possible he's forgotten the negative aspects.

that was like a few days ago lol

Oh yeah? That looks hella sus.

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