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F&E: "You Meet in a Tavern"; lvl 1
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Milk Bowl
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Post #1: 5th Feb 2021 1:32 PM 
##Tuuluuwaq claims the Sickle (as the warhammer is no longer available).

Dagger - Canassa
Long sword - Ahron
Short sword
Crossbow- Faerora
Mace - Greaseface
Scimitar - Randall
Rapier - Lavina
Sickle - Tuuluuwaq
War hammer - Khanarak
Shield - Boobarella
Quarterstaff - Stargate
Sling - Cyrillus
Wooden stool
None (hide) - Brian
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Post #2: 5th Feb 2021 1:53 PM 
Hey group 6, do any of you have better name ideas for us other than 'Group 6'?

Also, our group now has a shield and a sickle, so we seem fairly balanced for any obstacle. Should we stick together to maximize those items? Should Priggat maybe go for a ranged weapon? Does anyone else find it odd we are discussing team strategies out in the open in front of all the other groups?
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Post #3: 5th Feb 2021 2:14 PM 
jamie @ 5/2/2021 13:06
Spin @ 5/2/2021 14:53
Hey group 6, do any of you have better name ideas for us other than 'Group 6'?

Also, our group now has a shield and a sickle, so we seem fairly balanced for any obstacle. Should we stick together to maximize those items? Should Priggat maybe go for a ranged weapon? Does anyone else find it odd we are discussing team strategies out in the open in front of all the other groups?

I don’t think we are competing against the other teams? they are just there while we do our own thing or am I wrong?

As for team name, I have no idea but I can build to a snowball once it’s going.

As for our decision, I like the idea of sticking together. If horror movies have taught me anything is don’t be a minority or split up.

Main Quest 2 says we are fighting the other groups, so I think we have to decide if we fight them together, split up and fight on our own, or call a truce and talk our way out of trouble. I definitely agree that staying together would be best on the adventure after we leave this place.
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Post #4: 5th Feb 2021 5:09 PM 
Rodney @ 5/2/2021 16:04
All the pent up role-playing energy from the new lab we were supposed to get is being unleashed in this thread and I need it

I'm trying to save my backstory post for post #20,000, but then I need to find something else to post for the next 9 or 10 until I get there.
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Post #5: 5th Feb 2021 5:28 PM 
AhrNav @ 5/2/2021 15:37
(not an official pick just setting up the scene for @Stargate and @Penner)

Randall knocks over Tuuluuwaq's ale which causes a melee to break out in the Mellow Canary

Ahron: (looking at Malus and Greaseface) Heads up bois. This party is about to get started. I don't like the looks of Marybeth over there (gesturing towards Faerora) and he's certainly no Roger (glancing at Murder bunny). Might be best if we stick together and watch each other's six.

Tuuluuwaq sighed, seeing his drink spilled all over the floor. He had only brought a few vials of additive with him to colorize his water to look like ale, so he could fit in with the others. If given a choice, he'd never set foot into another pub. Entirely too much lawlessness in pubs for the old bear.

"You will come to regret that decision" he said loudly towards Randall, feigning just enough anger to make it sound real, as he reached for the handle of his sickle. He knew the limits of his strength, and while they were more than sufficient to deal with Randall, its best to be prepared for anything.

Where are my compatriots, Tuuluuwaq asked himself looking around the crowded pub.
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Post #6: 5th Feb 2021 5:35 PM 
(I almost wish this was on a different forum, so we could all use our characters as avatars and set our names to our character names, so it was easier to follow, and wouldn't be weird across the rest of the board)
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Post #7: 5th Feb 2021 5:39 PM 
Rodney @ 5/2/2021 16:38
Curtis @ 5/2/2021 17:37
Rodney @ 5/2/2021 17:35
We want our own subforum!

He means a whole new ndim board. I thought about subforum but this will mostly be the only active thing in rpg right now anyway so all the pinned threads etc are fine

I posted this completely independent of spins post. I hadn't seen it yet. My demands are much more reasonable

Who needs reason when you are a giant polar bear?
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Post #8: 5th Feb 2021 6:46 PM 
Penner @ 5/2/2021 17:31
Greaseface will not be hosting FE’s Amazing Race sorry folks

You sure he's not already hosting it?
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Post #9: 5th Feb 2021 6:48 PM 
Penner @ 5/2/2021 17:47
Spin @ 5/2/2021 18:46
Penner @ 5/2/2021 17:31
Greaseface will not be hosting FE’s Amazing Race sorry folks

You sure he's not already hosting it?

The game is getting rave reviews!

And I'm disappointed I missed the signups.
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Post #10: 5th Feb 2021 11:21 PM 
St. Augustine. That is where it all began.

There was something about the frenetic energy in this tavern tonight that reminded him of his childhood. As Tuuluuwaq stepped away from the action to try to catch a quiet moment, his mind was taken back. He didn't remember much about his parents, other than he was separated from them as a young cub. The first thing he remembered was looking up at the monks and nuns who inhabited St. Augustine monestary in far-away Canalaska. As a young cub, he would run and play with the other orphaned youth, and the mix of species was not too unlike what he saw tonight, minus a metal-contraption or two, as they weren't found that far north. As he grew older, he found a strong calling to the divine teachings, and pushed hard to be educated in ways of the monks. The monks were hesitant at first, but finally relented allowing Tuuluuwaq to join them.

It was only a few months before he was set to finish his schooling and ascend to monk-hood, when a traveling bard came to St. Augustine. Tuuluuwaq doesn't remember much about this creature, other than the song that he sang for the inhabitants.

"Oh joyous day, this the first of December
With snow falling hard, we all remember
The conditions looked bleak, the villagers were frail
Until we came upon those bears so pale

Our prayers were answered, we'd hunger no more
The arrows flew true, and there was barely a roar
From the two grown bears had fallen in their place
Only a small cub remained, down the hill did he race

The harvest was plenty, so say the tellers
The villagers had more than could fit in their cellars
Oh joyous day, this the first of December
With snow falling hard, we all remember."

It was at that moment, it all came back to Tuuluuwaq. He could recall that fateful afternoon as a young cub when he was walking the coast with his parents as they were about to teach him to catch seals. He remembered seeing a small fishing boat round the point filled with people from a nearby village. Before he could even ask his parents what they were, a storm of arrows flew to where they stood. Three hit his mother and two his father, but he luckily was sheltered by the larger bears from the attack. With their dying breaths they told him to run and don't look back. He turned for the forest and did as he was told. He never looked back. He doesn't remember how he got to St. Augustine, but he now knows it was all fate. He was brought here to learn the ways of the monks and he was brought here to meet this bard and hear his song. He prayed over this new information about his parents for more than a week. At that point he approached the eldest monk and ask for permission to leave the monastery.

"I must go and fight for those who are in trouble and protect those than cannot protect themselves. The world is a dangerous place filled with all sorts of evil, and I am needed to defend the just against that evil."

The monk just nodded his head. He knew the strength in the young bear's heart. This bear was given this great strength by the Divine, so they were in no place to keep him here.

Tuuluuwaq collected his few things and set off into the unknown. He wasn't sure where he would go, but he knew he'd do everything in his power to fight for right and for those that truly needed it. While he was mostly a solitary creature, he did occasionally crave personal connection. This is when, by the grace of the divine, he found the rat Priggat, who shared his religious convictions. It wasn't long after, he came to know the elf Booberella, who was a mysterious sorcerer with strange abilities he had never seen before, including being wholly imperceptible to outside conditions. Even Tuuluuwaq got cold on occasion, but not Booberella. These three strange friends would travel together, keeping each other safe and providing company for the originally lonely travelers.

Tuuluuwaq wasn't sure how many towns they'd seen or how many lengths they'd walked together, but there was a reason they were in this tavern this evening. The Divine had put them here for a reason, he was sure of that.
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Post #11: 5th Feb 2021 11:43 PM 
Christian @ 5/2/2021 22:40
(that's a lot of words lol)

You are not wrong.
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Milk Bowl
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Post #12: 6th Feb 2021 3:39 PM 
Hey Priggat and Booberella, since most of us come from the northern regions, should are name reflect that? I’m not the most creative with names but the first couple that come to mind are ‘The Northerners’ or ‘Team Tundra’. I’m definitely open to suggestions.

We also need to finalize if we are fighting together, fighting separately, or trying for peace. I’d rather not fight if we don’t have too, but I’ll protect the group in whatever you both want.
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Post #13: 6th Feb 2021 9:09 PM 
##Main Quest #2: A

#Side Quest #1: Group 6 is "The Northerners" (unless Priggat really wants to change it).

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Post #14: 6th Feb 2021 10:04 PM 
Zersch @ 6/2/2021 19:16
Vandal twitches at being called a bear again.

Vandal should accept the complement, as it a great honor.
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