I was going to add Matt's second blindside in RI good job Curt.
Some other good ones not necessarily top 5:
John Carroll's boot in Marquesas
Paschal and the original rock draw
Carl and Lindsey in the trivia face off.
Erik giving up his necklace
Amanda's surprise idol
James leaving with two idols
Jeff Kent's boot was pretty crazy
You guys seem to have the more recent ones down. I think Sarah's boot would be my fav though.
What I loved about the Amanda idol was that we didn't even know if she had it as viewers because they never showed her finding it. Honestly, I'd prefer they do this a lot of the time. But most times the idol plays into a personal story.
I think the idol thing really only works if it was found the same episode it's used. Like a Gary or an Amanda thing. I also think it would have been epic if we didn't know Tai had an idol (like we could still see him searching for one but never confirmation he found it) but probably wouldn't work since you can hear brad say "do it, do it"
drrrrr @ 9/11/2017 18:03
I was wrong about Jamie he is a true visionary and I name him my successor
christy telling rob c she wasn't sure what she wanted to do which leads to herself getting voted out
colby taking tina to f2
lex & kathy keeping amber in allstars
penner flipping and then flipping back in cook islands
fincher flipping on galu only to get voted out next tribal
drrrrr @ 9/11/2017 18:03
I was wrong about Jamie he is a true visionary and I name him my successor
To me a good winner is someone who showed self awareness, had the ability to adapt in the game. They didn't have to be in total control of the season but show some strategic game. Big or flashy moves aren't always needed. In terms of a good winner I'd rather smart gameplay over flashy gameplay.
Top 5, no order.
drrrrr @ 9/11/2017 18:03
I was wrong about Jamie he is a true visionary and I name him my successor
fuck dylan i just got spoiled for survivor i was being so close to avoiding spoilers. i can't watch until saturday :(
i'm more upset at the winner bottom 5 for me personally of all time
drrrrr @ 9/11/2017 18:03
I was wrong about Jamie he is a true visionary and I name him my successor