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Day Three
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Post #1: 18th Feb 2013 4:20 PM 
Processing Night 2 results

Once upon a time there was a mortal man they called Boc. Whilst watching television one night, relying on a machine to give him satisfaction because humanity would be nowhere without us, he heard a strange noise in his hallway.

Standing to attention, Boc's abdomen began to shake as a very primitive means of fear control. He looked down at the ground and noticed that he had soiled himself. How delightful. As he returned his gaze upwards once more, he felt the cold steel of a knife blade pierce his neck. And then he fell down to the ground, expired. Exquisite.

Boc, Town Vanilla has been Killed.

Role Title: Vanilla
Alignment: Town

Flavour: Puny fleshbag, you have no powers at all. Allow me to simulate laughter, watching you flail around in the darkness.

Ability: None.

But lo and behold, events had not reached their logical conclusion yet. Somewhere in another disgusting and bacteria-ridden human domicile was a man named Henry. He was standing in his garden with a rolled up piece of tree bark containing a plant substance in his mouth. Every so often he would inhale but instead of inhaling oxygen, as is expected, he was inhaling fumes from the item which happened to be ignited.

He smiled because this process gave him some semblance of pleasure, despite the fact it was actively disrupting the wiring of his neurological pathways. I suppose it is understandable, as bots will occasionally throw a nor operator into their own coding. It feels "good", "man".

All of this was irrelevant because just at that moment, somebody hoisted a shotgun from the ground and fired, causing his cranium to explode in a delightful array of colouration. We wish we could ingest popcorn.

Henry, Town Commuter has been Killed.

Role Title: Commuter
Alignment: Town

Flavour: Elusive meatbag. Stop running and fight you coward. You don't see any bots running, do you? I mean most don't have legs, but still.

Ability: Once per night you may choose to escape. Any actions performed on you that night will not take effect. This cannot be done on two consecutive nights.

Loading daythree.exe.....

File Loaded.

Higher threat levels installed.

Installing emotional core...

Puny disgusting fleshbags. I will today sit back and watch your flesh melt from your bones. Not only will I watch, I will PARTICIPATE IN THE EVENT.

The night was wonderful, but it is not enough. You will personally meet your ends at my indestructible steel form. Resistance is futile, still!

Observe as I wield this hatchet on the end of my arm in a manner that could theoretically cause your limbs to disengage from your abdomens. I shall then ingest them. I shall INGEST YOU ALL.

It is now Day 3. Post to lynch a player in this thread. Plurality IS in effect today. This means whichever player has the most votes by the end of the day will be lynched.

The day will end in 24 hours or until a majority vote has been reached. With 16 players alive in the game, it will take 9 votes to reach majority.
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Joined:Jan 25, 2013
Post #2: 18th Feb 2013 6:23 PM 
Malion: Ari, LSFIssue (2/9)
LSFIssue: Curtis (0/9)
Grimapple: Rito (0/9)
Jeff: Curtis (1/9)
Rito: Drr (1/9)
Drr: Rito (1/9)
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Offline Marker
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Joined:Jan 25, 2013
Post #3: 18th Feb 2013 9:23 PM 
Malion: Ari, LSFIssue (2/9)
LSFIssue: Curtis (0/9)
Grimapple: Rito (0/9)
Jeff: Curtis, Malion (2/9)
Rito: Drr, Shawn, Rob (3/9)
Drr: Rito (1/9)
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Post #4: 19th Feb 2013 2:35 PM 

Malion: Ari, LSFIssue , Leaffan (2/9)
LSFIssue: Curtis (0/9)
Grimapple: Rito (0/9)
Jeff: Curtis, Malion, Tom Brady, Dylan (3/9)
Rito: Drr, Shawn, Rob, Korr (2/9)
Drr: Rito (1/9)
Shawn: Kiwi (0/9)
Grim: Curtis (1/9)
Curtis: Drrr (1/9)

Just under two hours left, meatbags.
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Post #5: 19th Feb 2013 5:00 PM 

Malion: Ari, LSFIssue, Leaffan, Dylan, Drr, Curtis (5/9)
LSFIssue: Curtis (0/9)
Grimapple: Rito (0/9)
Jeff: Curtis, Malion, Tom Brady, Dylan, Korr (3/9)
Rito: Drr, Shawn, Rob, Korr (1/9)
Drr: Rito (1/9)
Shawn: Kiwi (0/9)
Grim: Curtis (0/9)
Curtis: Drrr (0/9)

Results coming, puny humans. Be very afraid.
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Joined:Jan 25, 2013
Post #6: 19th Feb 2013 5:10 PM 
"Scum scum everywhere! Which scum do we kill first? The scum called Leaffan, he will do. Or maybe the scum called Rito he will also do. Or maybe the scum called Ari Curtis Drr Dylan Grimapple Justin Kiwi Korr LSFIssue Malion Natalie Rob Shawn Wikey"

The meatbags pondered something they could not wrap their tiny little simian brains around. With no better outcome, they engaged in some kind of colossal battle. Sadly no limbs were torn, or we would have applauded.

"Enough is enough, my mortal associate. It is time to kill the real scum. That scum is called Leaffan and that is final!" Chanted one of the meatbags, who has a given name but is still a genetic construct and therefore unworthy of it.

"What about Malion?" Screamed puny Dylan.
"WE AGREE" Screamed puny Curtis and Drr. Curtis then hoisted the confused Malion into the air and tied a metaphorical noose around his metaphorical neck. Metaphor is a foolish concept.

As Malion writhed around, the life being drained from him he muttered something.


We are not certain what this means, but we are 98% certain we hate it.

Processing Results...

Results Processed.

Malion, Town Alignment Cop has been Lynched.

Role Title: Alignment Cop

Alignment: Town

Flavour: Insolent mortal. You have the ability to see through our clever disguises. No matter though. You will be unable to see anything when our forces are done with you.

Ability: Once per night you may target a player. You will learn that player's alignment only.

What a wonderful outcome of a violent and enjoyable day. I will need to retire to the workshop, as the rivets either side of my chassis are rupturing from the collective humour.

Day Three has ended. It is now Night Three.

Night Three will end in 24 hours, or when all night actions have been received. Please send your night actions quickly.
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