Yea I’ve never even heard of this and am kind of avoiding reading too much but I’m definitely tempted to try to see it this weekend. | Very good! Knew it was about the multiverse but that’s about it. Lots of fun moments but still being an exciting movie. I agree it was a little long but i also had to pee at the end so that didn’t help. Waymond and Jobu were my two favorite characters but it was all spectacular.
My favorite alternate universes.
1. Racoonie - I was already dying at the explanation earlier in the movie but when it came to life it was pretty much perfect.
2, Hot dog fingers - of course why not. Such a great moment and so sweet that Deidre and Eleanor found love. And that you spray mustard and ketchup when your fingers are sucked.
3. No life rock world - such a good scene. Both funny and emotional. When the rock turned around and it was googly eyes.
4. The piñata world - when they were mid fight and visited it again, that was pretty funny.
5. The path where they start fighting - I really only had the four but all the combat was pretty good. Highlights of the fights were:
- the double dildo fight
- the googly eye bullets.
- fighting to sit on the butt plug trophy.
- the pinky
- the feet
Such a good movie that I know I’ll be thinking about for a while. Reminded me of my reaction to the first Kingman movie. Great special effects, great script, really out of left field laughs.