I've sent a postcard - yes many actually
I garden - not really, but wish I had enough property too
I've recently gotten a promotion or new job - no, a couple years ago
A relative of mine is in prison - not that I'm aware of
I've kissed a stranger - couple times.
I have wind chimes - nope
I recycle - yes
I've sung "Happy Birthday" to somebody in the last year - yes, of course I have kids
I've been to a concert in the last six months - nope
I own a dishwasher - yes, absolutely
I've been to Walmart in the last 7 days - nope
I keep old/expired picture IDs - nope cut em up and toss them.
I actively watch music videos - nope
I have Amazon Prime - yes
I have at least five credit cards - nope
My last name is featured somewhere visible outside my home - nope |