I've handled a snake - yup a couple of times.
I've played a physical game cartridge on the original NES - Hell I still owned my old console and it worked upto about 4 years ago. Still loved playing super mario brothers once in awhile.
I have a card addressed to me somewhere in my home - for sure birthday card from my mom and grandma
I've been to a nationally televised sporting event - too many to mention but almost all are UM, Red Wings, Lions or Tigers related.
My phone is my only alarm clock. most reliable for sure.
I'm acquainted with my neighbors - yes with pretty much everyone in my whole neighborhood.
I've had a work related injury - nope
I have a worst enemy - nope not really
I'm good at keeping up with the dishes - for sure, I help from time to time but the wife and kids normally handle it.
I've been to the Grand Canyon - nope on my bucket list though. |