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WaW - Episode 1
John Snav
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Post #1: 13th Feb 2020 3:25 AM 
pretty solid premiere.

i wonder how much thought went into killing natalie first because her twin got voted out first and it'd make for a nice sound byte for the producers. yeah that sorta meta gaming has got to be going on

yul was the STAR of that episode for me by a mile. really digging the 4-alliance of him soph nick and wendell

SUPER happy kim stayed. i felt so bad for her being ghosted by everyone

ben fucking sucked and i dont understand why ppl didnt seem to be more upset with him running his mouth to everyone about everything. he needs to fucking die soon.

enjoyed tony's restraint in going cuckoo this early. i dont have high hopes for him because his style of gamplay just cannot work once ppl know what hes about but the dude is hilarious and TV gold so every episode we get of him is a bonus
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John Snav
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Post #2: 13th Feb 2020 11:54 AM 
Christian @ 13/2/2020 8:45
Prince Navneeta @ 13/2/2020 4:25
pretty solid premiere.

i wonder how much thought went into killing natalie first because her twin got voted out first and it'd make for a nice sound byte for the producers. yeah that sorta meta gaming has got to be going on

yul was the STAR of that episode for me by a mile. really digging the 4-alliance of him soph nick and wendell

SUPER happy kim stayed. i felt so bad for her being ghosted by everyone

ben fucking sucked and i dont understand why ppl didnt seem to be more upset with him running his mouth to everyone about everything. he needs to fucking die soon.

enjoyed tony's restraint in going cuckoo this early. i dont have high hopes for him because his style of gamplay just cannot work once ppl know what hes about but the dude is hilarious and TV gold so every episode we get of him is a bonus

I'm surprised at how much I enjoyed seeing Yul here. I've watched Cook Islands a number of times, and initially I wasn't a fan of his, but upon rewatches I came to admire the game he played. And he seems to just be really, really nice. I wonder if that's going to be his downfall this season. I'm also kind of hoping for some Parvati/Yul Cook Islands reunion/interaction at some point.

Yul gets a lot of shit because of the God Idol and the message in a bottle twist benefitting him but that's not really his fault moreso the producers. His usage of the God Idol to flip Penner was brilliant as was his secret acquisition of Adam's jury vote by making it seem like he was eliminating Penner as a truce to Adam when in reality Penner was slated to die that round regardless.
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John Snav
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Post #3: 13th Feb 2020 10:53 PM 
Hatch had his moment in the sun during All Stars. I'm a HUUUUGE Hatch fan but his time is past. He would be underwhelmeling if he came back now because he'd basically be as physically capable as Rudy or BB was.
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John Snav
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Post #4: 13th Feb 2020 10:54 PM 
Probst hates Daugherty because Daugherty tricked his girlfriend Julie Berry into voting for him. Daugherty's FTC is a pure work of art.
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John Snav
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Post #5: 16th Feb 2020 1:44 PM 
Boc @ 16/2/2020 9:49
is there a reason for the Rob dislike besides overexposure? Genuinely curious, he's always been such a likable guy to me

overexposure is the biggest thing. also Probst's constant fangirling over him is off putting and causes other people to be overlooked bc of it.

personally ive enjoyed him a lot in marquesas and HvV and thought he was overbearing in AS and RI. in the one episode of WaW he was great but mostly because he made Ben look like a chump
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