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John Snav
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Post #1: 1st Feb 2023 7:28 PM 
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John Snav
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Post #2: 3rd Feb 2023 2:00 PM 
rod josh tib are my first FOS's

tib bc of the giraffe
rod/josh bc of cash in car
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John Snav
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Post #3: 3rd Feb 2023 2:33 PM 
Rodney @ 3/2/2023 11:26
Elephant is more sus than $12 (although even I admit that's p high). Quarters can add up and I Implore you to go count your car change Nav. I bet you will find 5 dollars in quarters comes fast

i dont even have $5 in my wallet
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John Snav
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Post #4: 3rd Feb 2023 2:34 PM 
#daykill josh

now that i think abt it idk if josh even owns a car (thats not meant to be a dis just that they live in NYC and dont need a car)
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John Snav
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Post #5: 3rd Feb 2023 2:42 PM 
Bones was great for the little time i watched it. idr how much i watched but yeah its a great answer for it

the reason i said that 70s show is bc i interpreted the q as something ive seen once but havent ever re-watched. esp with the 90s show released recently it really sparked my desire to watch t7s again
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John Snav
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Post #6: 3rd Feb 2023 3:02 PM 
##daykill josh
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John Snav
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Post #7: 3rd Feb 2023 3:22 PM 
Christian @ 3/2/2023 12:17
that is a good point though. How many people who have watched GoT would actually watch it again? I haven't watched it all the way through once, but hearing people talk of how it ended, I probably won't.

as awful as the ending of GoT was idt anyone can disagree that the first 4 seasons were phenomenal. coupled with the recent release of HoTD and its very understandable for old GoT nostalgia to be strong. ive rewatched GoT all the way thru at least twice after it ended and might watch one more time before the Jon Snow show comes out
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John Snav
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Post #8: 3rd Feb 2023 3:24 PM 
Rodney @ 3/2/2023 12:10
I want to know how many of the $0 people have cars

idk how it works in ur neck of the woods in Philadelphia but here in California we use this new fangled technology called credit cards
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John Snav
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Post #9: 3rd Feb 2023 3:33 PM 
i thought spin's "retired" answer was hilarious and i was jealous of not thinking of it myself
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John Snav
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Post #10: 3rd Feb 2023 3:35 PM 
also re: participating in GoT threads, idr if i ever did that either but ive seen the first 4-5 seasons at least 7 times so idk if i can really use that as a basis why spin doesn't like GoT enough to rewatch it
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Post #11: 3rd Feb 2023 3:35 PM 
Dyl @ 3/2/2023 12:34
TheNavneet @ 3/2/2023 15:33
i thought spin's "retired" answer was hilarious and i was jealous of not thinking of it myself

This isn’t a comedy contest

u were more fun b4 u got old and cranky
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John Snav
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Post #12: 3rd Feb 2023 5:04 PM 
Lamps @ 3/2/2023 13:40
Which show had the most disappointing ending?
Which show’s ending would you rewrite?

I didn’t watch GOT and never will but would it be an answer to that?

Lost fits both of these too
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John Snav
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Post #13: 3rd Feb 2023 5:49 PM 
iirc the "strategy" we used to do is spare the fox who seems like a slam dunk and try to daykill someone who was iffy

i would be open to doing that but idk if i agree that spin looks sketchy. im still eyeing rodney and i think TIB should be looked at again as well
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John Snav
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Post #14: 3rd Feb 2023 6:29 PM 
im pretty hung up on the "survivor" answer that rod gave. but i went back and checked and it doesnt look like he watched survivor 43 (latest season) so its possible he views it as something he stopped watching and wants to go back to it. still kinda weird tho. the rest of the answers i buy, the car change one isn't that far fetched

i will try to take a look at everyone elses answers shortly

in the meantime ##unvote josh
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John Snav
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Post #15: 3rd Feb 2023 6:49 PM 

1. If you could have any exotic animal as a pet, what would it be?

Josh: Elephant
Mal: Red Panda
Stargate: Hedgehog
Dyl: Monkey
Sami: Panda
Spin: African Elephant
Nav: Tiger
Boc: Fox
Christian: Penguin
Vern: Panda
Rose: Sloth
Herm: Turtle
Ahoda: Iguana
Lamp: Meerkat
Rodney: Tiger
TiB: Giraffe
KC: Monkey
JJ: Orca
Gmaj: Racoon
Kat: Monkey

sloth for rose could be iffy but also feels like a very rosesque pet to have
hedgehog, fox, turtle, orca all feel very off
racoon and giraffe ping'd me the most
elephants is a weird choice (i say this as a POI)

2. Roughly how much money in change do you think is floating around in your car right now?

Josh: $12
Mal: $1.50
Stargate: 58 cents
Dyl: 67 cents
Sami: 0
Spin: 0
Nav: 0
Boc: 2 cents
Christian: $1.80
Vern: 0
Rose: 0
Herm: 0
Ahoda: 90 cents
Lamp: 2 euro
Rodney: $5
TiB: $3.27
KC: 60 cents
JJ: 17 cents
Gmaj: $2
Kat: 0

if we operate under the assumption that josh is a Fox, everyone who said 0 is auto-cleared. maybe the fox question is related to loose cash at home instead of the car or something.

3. What’s a job other than your own that you could see yourself being good at?

so here i think the fox q could be something that the person has done before that they were good at. by that logic answers that seem like large scale jobs, for the lack of the better word, are probs okay

Josh: Stage Manager
Mal: Voice Actor
Stargate: Film Editor
Dyl: Sportswriter
Sami: Mediator
Spin: Retired
Nav: Tech Support
Boc: Editor
Christian: Children's Entertainer
Vern: Podcaster
Rose: Lawyer
Herm: Photo Editor
Ahoda: Bartender
Lamp: Postsecondary Teacher
Rodney: CEO
TiB: Sports Broadcaster
KC: Housekeeping
JJ: Lyft Driver
Gmaj: Football Coach
Kat: An Assistant

4. Name a show that you’d like to re-watch someday.

Josh: Euphoria
Mal: Lost
Stargate: The Leftovers
Dyl: Lost
Sami: Veep
Spin: Game of Thrones
Nav: That 70s Show
Boc: Lost
Christian: Justified
Vern: Oz
Rose: Lost
Herm: Buffy
Ahoda: Glee
Lamp: Mr. Robot
Rodney: Survivor
TiB: The Wire
KC: Breaking Bad
JJ: Buffy
Gmaj: The Sopranos
Kat: Bones

5. How many times a year do you get your haircut?

not gonna try and analyze this one since Josh's answer blends in way too well with a lot others though maybe it kinda clears the people with higher answers maybe?

Josh: 5
Mal: 12
Stargate: 5
Dyl: 6
Sami: 4
Spin: 3
Nav: 5
Boc: 4
Christian: 9
Vern: 7
Rose: 2
Herm: 4
Ahoda: 6
Lamp: 6
Rodney: 5
TiB: 12
KC: Twice a week
JJ: 5
Gmaj: 4
Kat: 3

so based on this my suspect pool is


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