Abortion should be a right, women should chose the babies they kill
Death penalty is shit, nobody has a right to chose why people should die. Live in prison is a worse penalty anywayz
Marijuana should obvioulsy be legal
Anyone can marry who gives a fuck it doesn't affect me
Confederate flag is pretty racist
cliamge change is real
Drug test CEOs getting tax cuts/everyone that gets gov benefits if you do that shit, fuck that. it aint' the governments business whta drugs you do
Minimuum wage should be raised to at least $10 in the US, maybe more depending on the area/economy
health care is a right but the way to adress it is debateable
spanking ur children is retarded, they'll just be afraid of u and rebel. wtach black mirror yo
tortuen is inhumane and inefective
government survelience is shit but at the same time its necesarry against threats to our country/spies/terrorists. snowden/manning are scum traitors
ya i dont give a fuck about immigrants, just let em live. they work hard/grind harder than most people
welfare is fine, governmetn programs are too, just depends how they are run. overall its a net positive to society even if they are ran shitly
violent video games dont lead to shit, if the persion is a maniac they will do whatever they do
Igor is a fucking genius, suck my dick and listen to my wisdom you dumbfucks