I played a sport in school: In 4th and 5th grade I ""played baseball"" aka was shoved to the corner in left field and picked grass if that counts
I've bought a product off an informercial: Sure haven't
I've cried in a public place: Sure haven't. Obviously yes as a screaming whiny child like everyone, but I can't think of a single time from teenage years - present
I will buy candy to give out to children this year: Sure won't
I have an embarrassing interest or hobby: All of you!
I've seen someone die: Not quite but the man who threw himself in front of the train I was riding got wedged somewhere under my seat. Lovely
I still own something I had when I was a child: Plenty of things
I have been to a party in the last month: Sure have
I currently have a dating profile: Sure do
I've gotten an autograph from a celebrity: LOU FERRIGNO! :muscles: