1) When reacting to his death this houseguest said... "IT WAS A ROUGH WEEKEND TBQH!"?
a) Leos (Leos always says tbqh)
2) Who thought, "It was fucking funny reaching this spot without actually doing something memorable"?
a) Waka (Waka did nothing memorable)
3) Who when casting his vote to evict Vic said, "My vote falls on the head of Victor."
a) Johnny (Johnny always calls people by nicknames)
4) Who when talking about the cast said, "I keep forgetting that Johnny's playing."
b) Paul (This sounds just like Paul)
5) Whose reasoning for voting Leos round 1 was "just because idk."
b) Raptor (Pretty sure Samm didn't vote Leos but I could be wrong)
6) Who posted "##Eat:Donuts" when venturing through the maze?
b) Johnny (Sounds like a silly thing Johnny would do)
7) Who said, "Lol I totally threw that veto. There was no sense in me attempting to win" about the first veto competition.
a) Perry (Sounds like a stupid thing Perry would do)
TB) How many do you think you got right? 7 |