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Round 17 - FINALE!
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Post #1: 24th Aug 2022 6:47 PM 
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Post #2: 24th Aug 2022 6:49 PM 
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Post #3: 24th Aug 2022 6:49 PM 
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WELCOME! Its time for the finale of Fell Guys. Rose and Reaper have battled their way through sixteen different Team rounds, Race rounds, and Survival rounds in order to stand here at the base of Fall Mountain. This is what you seek:

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The Crown floats on the very peak of Fall Mountain waiting for one of you to grab it. BUT FIRST! You must battle

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The two of you will be running the gauntlet up the mountain, avoiding a number of obstacles and challenges thrown your way. Your gauntlet will consist of every Survival round you've competed in up to this point:

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There are seven challenges and seven rounds. Whoever wins a majority of these rounds will rise to the peak first and claim the glory. The loser will take a long tumble down Fall Mountain. The magic number of wins you are looking for is four.

DEAD PLAYERS! You have a small chance to get in on the action. For Snowball Survival, the final round in this gauntlet, instead of one life per player each dead competitor is encouraged to roll dice to determine who to give an extra life to. Way back when I was going to allow you to list one player three times and the other player only twice, but this game has been luck from start to finish and should end that way with no ~social play at work

So if you are one of the eliminated competitors, list Rose and Reaper in any order and roll 1d2. Whoever you vote for will be granted an extra life in the final round. Each player will begin with a default one life. Please roll in this thread and please roll asap. The timeframe will end before the Snowball Survival segment begins. Theres a chance someone wins their four rounds and we dont even GET to Snowball Survival. Tbd!

Rose and Reaper, you will compete in two rounds at a time as you make your way up the mountain. The base consists of Ski Fall and Slime Climb. The rules for those will be reposted below are you can complete then in this thread as soon as you're able. You have 24 hours for these first two but please go as soon as you can. I'll post the next two once they're done


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Post #4: 24th Aug 2022 6:50 PM 
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In this Survival challenge, you'll race down an icy hill and attempt to jump through holes worth one, two, or three points. Your goal is to reach thirty points in as few attempts as possible.


Roll 6d6. A 1 scores you 1 point, 2 scores you 2 points, 3 scores you 3 points, but a 6 anywhere in that roll sends you flying off the edge and will negate any points you would've scored for that roll. Then, in another post, roll another 6d6 to continue adding to your score until you hit thirty total points. The second you hit thirty, you're all set (unless you still hit a 6 in that row). You could technically just do this all in one post and roll 6d6 a ton of times but I'm fine with the clutter and kinda prefer it tbh, so just keep the rolls in separate posts.

I roll a 4 1 3 3 4 5. I score on the 1, the 3, and the 3 for 7 points.
I roll a 2 5 3 1 6 1. I would've added to my score, but rolling the dreaded 6 wiped me out and I got nothing. I'm still at 7 and continue til I hit thirty.

Another example. If I'm at 28 points and roll a 4 5 1 1 4 3, then that second 1 is where my score is reached. That will be used when counting how many actual rolls it took you to reach your score. If this is confusing don't worry, I'll be keeping everyone's score anyway. But feel free to help out your peers if you understand. And again, if I had rolled a 6 in that roll even after hitting those two 1's to score thirty, the row is still negated and I keep going.

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Post #5: 24th Aug 2022 6:50 PM 
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Come on in folks. Its time for the dreaded....SLIME CLIMB

In Slime Climb, everyone will be racing to climb to the top of a tower as deadly slime slowly but surely raises beneath us, eventually claiming victims. Here's how it works.

I will roll the following in the next post

1 [toll]1d1[/roll]
2 [toll]1d2[/roll]
3 [toll]1d3[/roll]
4 [toll]1d4[/roll]
5 [toll]1d5[/roll]
6 [toll]1d7[/roll]
7 [toll]1d8[/roll]
8 [toll]1d9[/roll]
9 [toll]1d10[/roll]
10 [toll]1d13[/roll]
11 [toll]1d14[/roll]
12 [toll]1d15[/roll]
13 [toll]1d18[/roll]
14 [toll]1d19[/roll]
15 [toll]1d20[/roll]

This will represent the slime rising and the speed as which its rising up the tower (in this instance ..down). Every player will then roll the following

1 [toll]1d10[/roll]
2 [rtoll]1d11[/roll]
3 [toll]1d12[/roll]
4 [rtoll]1d13[/roll]
5 [toll]1d14[/roll]
6 [toll]1d15[/roll]
7 [toll]1d16[/roll]
8 [toll]1d17[/roll]
9 [toll]1d18[/roll]
10 [toll]1d19[/roll]
11 [toll]1d20[/roll]
12 [toll]1d21[/roll]
13 [toll]1d22[/roll]
14 [toll]1d23[/roll]
15 [toll]1d24[/roll]

As you can see, the players have a head start over the slime. On level 1, the slime is only rolling a 1d1 while the players are rolling a 1d10.

Your goal is to roll numbers that are HIGHER than the slime number on that level. If you roll a number that is equal to or lower than the the slime number on that level...your climb ends there and nothing you rolled afterwards matters.

Example. On level 5 the slime is rolling 1d5 and ends up rolling a 4. I am rolling 1d14 which gives me an advantage. However, I roll a 2. The slime catches up to me and I stop there.

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Post #6: 24th Aug 2022 6:51 PM 

1 Rolled: 1 (1) [1d1]
2 Rolled: 1 (1) [1d2]
3 Rolled: 1 (1) [1d3]
4 Rolled: 3 (3) [1d4]
5 Rolled: 3 (3) [1d5]
6 Rolled: 4 (4) [1d7]
7 Rolled: 4 (4) [1d8]
8 Rolled: 9 (9) [1d9]
9 Rolled: 8 (8) [1d10]
10 Rolled: 10 (10) [1d13]
11 Rolled: 13 (13) [1d14]
12 Rolled: 15 (15) [1d15]
13 Rolled: 12 (12) [1d18]
14 Rolled: 1 (1) [1d19]
15 Rolled: 12 (12) [1d20]
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Post #7: 24th Aug 2022 6:56 PM 
My extra life in Snowball will go to..........none other than..................

Rolled: 1 (1) [1d2]

1. Rose
2. Reaper
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Post #8: 24th Aug 2022 7:10 PM 
Just reroll those two
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Post #9: 24th Aug 2022 10:11 PM 
Ski Fall results are in.........

Rose: 43 rolls
Reaper: 70 rolls

Rose wins Ski Fall!

Rose is up 1-0. Best of 7
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Post #10: 24th Aug 2022 10:12 PM 
And Slime Climb results are in.........

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Reaper wins Slimb Climb!

Reaper ties it up 1-1. Five challenges left
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Post #11: 24th Aug 2022 10:13 PM 
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Moving into tier two. Coming right up
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Post #12: 24th Aug 2022 10:13 PM 
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You will be playing Wall Guys. In this game, the goal is to climb over walls of various heights by building different stairs. Your goal is to scale three walls by building three sets of stairs, from small to medium to large. Here's how it works

To build a small wall, roll the following in the same post


You want the total number to always INCREASE in order to build a successful wall. If I rolled a 2 and a 7, I'm good and can move on. If I rolled a 5 and a 3, I have to try the small wall again until my second number is higher than my first. If the numbers are the same, it does not count and you must continue, it has to be higher.

Once you do that small, easiest wall, you move onto a medium wall. By rolling four times:


This works the same way, just more challenging. Each number must be higher than the one before it. If you don't achieve it on your first roll, roll for the medium wall again until you get it. You do not roll for the small wall again, that's already cleared. Then, the largest wall, roll six times:


You might get lucky and get it in one go, you might get very unlucky and be stuck for awhile! Each time you have to attempt a step it adds a roll onto your total.

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Post #13: 24th Aug 2022 10:14 PM 
Rolled: 10 (10) [1d20] Rolled: 4 (4) [1d20] Rolled: 8 (8) [1d20]
Rolled: 8 (8) [1d20] Rolled: 17 (17) [1d20] Rolled: 15 (15) [1d20] Rolled: 6 (6) [1d20] Rolled: 7 (7) [1d20]
Rolled: 2 (2) [1d20] Rolled: 17 (17) [1d20] Rolled: 19 (19) [1d20] Rolled: 10 (10) [1d20] Rolled: 3 (3) [1d20] Rolled: 6 (6) [1d20]
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Post #14: 24th Aug 2022 10:16 PM 
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You will be playing Door Dash. In this game, you'll have to run through three sets of doors. Some doors are fake, some are real. Your goal is to cross through each row as quickly as you can. Here's how it works

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I've already rolled to assign numbers to doors. You will each start on row one, the very bottom one with six doors. You will rolling the following


You must then decide which numbered door on the first row you wish to apply your roll to. You want to apply this roll on the door with the CLOSEST number to your roll. Once you apply a number to a door, that door has been cleared and you move onto the next one

REMEMBER! You'll roll 1d20, then post which door you're using it on, THEN roll another 1d20 and so on

For example. If I roll a 12 to start, I'm gonna wanna apply that to the door with the 11 on it, which gives me one point. Points are bad! I'll post that I'm using it on door 11, then I roll again. This time I roll a 7. There's a door with a 7 on it, so I apply it to that and get zero points. Which is good! You want as few points as possible by the end

Once you roll six times for row one and apply your six rolls, you'll repeat the process with the second row. Then the third row at the very top. You must work through each row from top to bottom before moving on. You cant roll a 16 right away and choose to apply it to row two, you have to use it somewhere on row one

You have 24 hours

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Post #15: 25th Aug 2022 11:53 AM 
Update when I’m home later
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