Yeah fairly average trailer surprisingly. Def no where close to the Guardians trailers. I’m excited though, James Gunn is great and this HASSSSS to be much better than Suicide Squad
My only complaints have nothing to do with the actual movie
1. I was spoiled. I saw a picture of all the characters who died on Instagram before I even realized what I was looking at. Bummer!
2. I made the terrible decision to watch it at home, none of my usual people wanted to go to the theater to see it when they could just stream it so I watched it by myself last night. Hits different in the worst way. It reminds me of this videos of people editing the laugh track out of Seinfeld. Not that you need other people laughing to know when something is funny ofc! But the atmosphere is just NOT the same. I def won't make that mistake again with a movie like this, even if I had friends over it would've paled in comparison. No good!
Anyway the movie itself was really fun. I was gonna give it a 7/10 because my experience wasn't the best but it deserved better, it was a fun time. 8/10
Tbh even before I was spoiled it was pretty obvious from the trailers that Team A was gonna get wiped out in that beach scene, that was the only scene any of them were in in any of the trailers. I actually thought it could've been better, I wasn't as high on the opening as most seem to be. I think because I knew they were all gonna die I wanted more, so when it kinda happened so fast I was like oh that was it huh. Could've done more than a couple shot to death and a couple blown up
TDK was great, I wish he survived. Maybe he did! He was last seen still alive. I wish the ending was him still alive and not Weasel, that would've been way more fun. Like his two arms crawling across the sand over to him and helping him out. Nathan Fillion would've been great in that role if it was bigger and his power is so stupid so they could've had a lot more fun with it throughout the whole movie
I don't really like Jai Courtney so it was kinda funny seeing Boomerang go so quickly. So many people were stoked to see him back lol, he was their favorite character. Imagine how mad they must've been. Gone so quickly with zero fanfare
I didn't like Rick Flag in the first one at all but he was better here, I was actually a bit sad to see him go. I liked his final line and I liked the guilty look on Cena's face when he killed him
Cena was dece. His wooden acting kinda works for this character. I'll watch the Peacemaker show for sure. I thought it was supposed to be a prequel too, I think they were lying about that so they didn't spoil his fate? I'm fine with his survival because I like the show taking place after this instead of before a bit more. Maybe he'll ruminate on what he did in the show
Loved Ratcatcher. Loved Polka Dot Man. LOVED King Shark. That shot of King Shark looking out the van at people living their lives really got me, he looked so sad. I'm such a sucker for dumb CGI characters. "I no friends :( ". So sad!!! I loved his design and just any shot of him lumbering around slowly
I read long ago that Polka Dot Man would be the heart and soul of the movie but uh..not really. I liked what we got from him but I wanted more because I liked him. Didn't like his death either, that was also p obvious from the trailer. I hate a sudden squash death, always kinda boring tbh. Glad to see David Dastmalchian with a good role though, usually he just shows up in movies for a bit and is creepy as fuck and dies right away
The heart and soul certainly went to Ratcatcher over PDM and that worked, I thought she was great. I liked the brief flashbacks with Taika. Peacemaker also great. Loved the ending with him and Sebastian. LOVED Sebastian. What a cutie. That ending gave me shades of Guardians 2 a bit. I think Gunn nails endings just as much as beginnings
I kinda agree Boc @ Harley. I do think Margot is perfect as her though. And I like the character. But idk, sometimes it didn't feel like she fit in this movie. Like she was too established of a character already and just too popular of a character among these no names so it felt a lil off. Didn't help that the 10 minute stretch of her and her husband to be was the most meh stretch of the movie
Starro was a dope villain, just so bonkers. Gross textures! Fun climactic fight
Great music throughout, the needle drops weren't as in your face/Gunn-esque as I thought they'd be. Some of the softer music was my fave
Anyway this absolutely shits on Ayer's attempt and I cannot imagine his AyEr CuT is that much better because he's a bit of a hack imo. But if the studio really did cut the shit out of his version then I guess I'm just glad this movie exists as an FU to studios and a lesson to let their director run wild since Gunn did great
Best DCEU movie by a mile (literally zero competition tho) and a big part of that is because it didn't desperately try to fit into the EU like all of their movies (and MCU movies!) do. No need to force in Batman and the Joker like Suicide Squad did, no desperate bid to set up the next slew of movies
This was also better than maybe 20 or 21 of the 24 MCU movies. So yay Gunn, directed my two favorite MCU movies and now my favorite DCEU movie
Would watch again, fun time. Wouldn't mind a sequel from Gunn at all, I'd love to see the surviving characters again
Saw this in theaters yesterday. (posted my review in rustic) I left after the Weasel credit scene. Based on your guys write ups it sounds like there was another one? Did Peacemaker live? Making him into a villain and killing him was my biggest gripe with the movie. Tell me there was another scene!
Sure was, he lived. I’m certain it’s on YouTube if you wanna watch. He’s getting an HBO spinoff show that they’ve already finished filming. Probably a redemption arc