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Fox I
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Post #1: 7th Jan 2021 12:13 PM 
Here we go! Everyone had the same five questions except for one of you, the Fox. They had different questions and are seeing the real questions now for the first time. The questions were...

How many times have do you think you've farted today?
im317 said 2
Stargate said 0
Vernon said 47
Christian said 6
Ahoda said 4
Brian said 4
Josh said 1
Cody said 2
Nav said 5
Boc said 3
Jamie said 5
TIB said 0
Penner said 0
Mal said 1
KC said 3

How many pairs of shoes do you own?
im317 said 7
Stargate said 4
Vernon said 16
Christian said 3
Ahoda said 3
Brian said 5
Josh said 13
Cody said 4
Nav said 3
Boc said 4
Jamie said 10
TiB said 8
Penner said 3
Mal said 3
KC said 7

About how many times did you eat fast food last month?
im317 said 0
Stargate said 8
Vernon said 0
Christian said 2
Ahoda said 4
Brian said 2
Josh said 6
Cody said 10
Nav said 5
Boc said 6
Jamie said 0
TiB said 10
Penner said 5
Mal said 10
KC said 5

What country probably has the best food?
im317 said USA
Stargate said USA
Vernon said Italy
Christian said Italy
Ahoda said China
Brian said Italy
Josh said Mexico
Cody said Italy
Nav said Italy
Boc said Mexico
Jamie said Italy
TiB said Italy
Penner said USA
Mal said Japan
KC said USA

Who on FE would you trust to babysit your children?
im317 said Vlady
Stargate said Stargate
Vernon said Maddie
Christian said Josh
Ahoda said KC
Brian said Dadd
Josh said Brian
Cody said Brian
Nav said TiB
Boc said Brian
Jamie said Herm
TiB said Josh
Penner said TiB
Mal said TiB
KC said TiB

14 of you are Hens, 1 of you is the Fox

WHO among you is the Fox? Discuss all you wish, go crazy. You can ##vote this way and change your vote if you unlynch etc, standard mafia voting rules. I really dont think we need a full 24 hours for this, lets say deadline is midnight tonight?

If the majority catches the Fox then the Hens win. If the Fox slips through then they win.

aaaand go!
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Post #2: 7th Jan 2021 12:14 PM 
Btw, the farting question was meant to be for the fox because I didn't wanna expose all of your flatulence habits but I forgot to change it. Oops! We're all friends here!
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Post #3: 7th Jan 2021 5:19 PM 
Penner voted Ahoda
Vernon voted Ahoda

im317 voted
Stargate voted
Christian voted
Ahoda voted
Brian voted
Josh voted
Cody voted
Nav voted
Boc voted
Jamie voted
TIB voted
Mal voted
KC voted
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Post #4: 7th Jan 2021 6:04 PM 
Ahoda: Penner, Vernon, Christian

Not voted: im317, Stargate, Ahoda, Brian, Josh, Cody, Nav, Boc, Jamie, TIB, Mal, KC
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Post #5: 7th Jan 2021 6:54 PM 
Ahoda: Penner, Vernon, Christian, Boc, im317

Not voted: Stargate, Ahoda, Brian, Josh, Cody, Nav, Boc, Jamie, TIB, Mal, KC
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Post #6: 7th Jan 2021 6:59 PM 

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Post #7: 7th Jan 2021 7:00 PM 
Ahoda Destroyer Of Worlds @ 7/1/2021 18:58
In my defense in the China answer, curtis sent me the wrong question and I wasn't thinking I was the fox when I answered

Wut. This makes no sense, I sent you the corrected question and you sent back a corrected and updated answer? How did you not think you were the fox. Your pm has full instructions talking about you being the fox
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Post #8: 7th Jan 2021 7:05 PM 

How many times have do you think you've farted today?
How many times do you think you've coughed today?
Ahoda said 4

How many pairs of shoes do you own?
About how many sweatshirts do you own?
Ahoda said 3

About how many times did you eat fast food last month?
About how many movies did you watch last month?
Ahoda said 4

What country probably has the best food?
Which country would you guess has the biggest population?
Ahoda said China

Who on FE would you trust to babysit your children?
Who on FE would you most like to have some drinks with?
Ahoda said KC
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Post #9: 7th Jan 2021 7:06 PM 
You could've been fine, I thought you would answer maybe TiB or Brian or Josh for someone to have drinks with which all could've been fine answers for babysitting

Instead you went with KC, who has never had a sip of alcohol in his life
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Post #10: 7th Jan 2021 7:10 PM 
Lets evolve it as we go to strike the right balance, this was a fine first experiment. Questions definitely have to be carefully chosen. Its easy to come up with questions where the answers might be similar but then if theyre way too similar then theres gonna be nothing to go off of, I kinda tried to have them get more difficult for the Fox as it went, the number ones are fairly easy

But obviously you gotta try to come up with questions that hopefully dont sell the Fox out immediately. Questions that get odd answers out of several people is definitely ideal going forward. There were a few here but not enough to make voting interesting

I did consider revealing one set of questions and answers at a time throughout the day, like drop one of the five every two hours. Just to see how opinions shift throughout the day as odd answers pop up later

Any other ideas? Any way we can mix up the voting process and such? I wonder if two foxes would be fun
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Post #11: 7th Jan 2021 7:11 PM 
Ahoda Destroyer Of Worlds @ 7/1/2021 19:07
Curtis @ 7/1/2021 20:06
You could've been fine, I thought you would answer maybe TiB or Brian or Josh for someone to have drinks with which all could've been fine answers for babysitting

Instead you went with KC, who has never had a sip of alcohol in his life

I dont know what they are answering though so your logic is bad

lol no its not, I'm just saying if you had given a better answer to your question you could've been okay. As soon as I saw you said KC I knew you accidentally screwed yourself more than was necessary
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Post #12: 7th Jan 2021 7:15 PM 
Ahoda Destroyer Of Worlds @ 7/1/2021 19:14
Curtis @ 7/1/2021 20:11
Ahoda Destroyer Of Worlds @ 7/1/2021 19:07
Curtis @ 7/1/2021 20:06
You could've been fine, I thought you would answer maybe TiB or Brian or Josh for someone to have drinks with which all could've been fine answers for babysitting

Instead you went with KC, who has never had a sip of alcohol in his life

I dont know what they are answering though so your logic is bad

lol no its not, I'm just saying if you had given a better answer to your question you could've been okay. As soon as I saw you said KC I knew you accidentally screwed yourself more than was necessary

Its all a guess. I dont know what they are answering. If they had to answer who from fe would do stand up I would have been fine. The only correct answer to baby sitting is maddie or Brian for me. They knows my kids

I think you're confused but that's okay
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Post #13: 7th Jan 2021 7:18 PM 
The Long Navt @ 7/1/2021 19:16
Curtis @ 7/1/2021 17:10
Lets evolve it as we go to strike the right balance, this was a fine first experiment. Questions definitely have to be carefully chosen. Its easy to come up with questions where the answers might be similar but then if theyre way too similar then theres gonna be nothing to go off of, I kinda tried to have them get more difficult for the Fox as it went, the number ones are fairly easy

But obviously you gotta try to come up with questions that hopefully dont sell the Fox out immediately. Questions that get odd answers out of several people is definitely ideal going forward. There were a few here but not enough to make voting interesting

I did consider revealing one set of questions and answers at a time throughout the day, like drop one of the five every two hours. Just to see how opinions shift throughout the day as odd answers pop up later

Any other ideas? Any way we can mix up the voting process and such? I wonder if two foxes would be fun

2 foxes is worth trying. Without them knowing each other but having the same set of alternate questions

And maybe the two people with the most votes die so the Hens have to get BOTH in one vote. So if one had an unfortunate obvious answer the Hens don't have a slam dunk and have to get the second one. I think that might be the way to go
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Post #14: 7th Jan 2021 7:19 PM 
Anyone down to run the next one?

If you arent familiar or dont remember, the way the Barnyard games worked is that each round would get a new host and things would keep moving fairly quickly
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Post #15: 7th Jan 2021 7:22 PM 
Ahoda Destroyer Of Worlds @ 7/1/2021 19:20
Did you create questions or is there question bank you used?

I came up with them

I just decided on two number questions, two short answer questions, and one FE member question. Future hosts can shoot for whatever they like the best
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