The cocktail party had barely begun when the remaining contestants had already made up their mind. Right out of the gate several of them surrounded Timmah. "You're not here for the right reason, are you?" Timmah shrugged. "You know, you're all pretty pathetic. Jumping through hoops for this bullshit." Timmah reviewed those standing around as he snacked from a plate full of deli meat. "Like, how can you really buy into this? Find love on a television show? You don't even know the Mystery Suitor's name, much less anything about him and you all are clamoring. It disgusts me."
Timmah didn't even wait for the rose ceremony. "Keep your fucking flowers, I'm bouncing. You clowns enjoy the rest of this shit show." Chris Harrison entered "Hey guys it's-" Timmah laughed and after getting another mouthful of sliced ham he spiked the plate on the floor near the door, shattering it. He exited Villa de la Vina backwards with two middle fingers in the air. In this moment he had transcended everything. And it was beautiful.
Character: Chad Johnson Played by: Timmah Role:Third Party Even-Night Serial Killer
You’re Chad and after eating a plate cold cuts, chugging an entire gallon of milk, and downing a protein shake you’ve decided that you are sick of this phony shit.
Each even numbered night you may attempt to kill a chosen player. You are immune to all attempts on your life.
You are aligned with YOURSELF. You win if you survive until the end of the game.
It is now NIGHT SEVEN. The night will end eventually. Just get your actions in.