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Post #1: 21st Apr 2017 11:21 AM 
Remaining Roles:










Post Edited by Badger'n'Brian @ 21st Apr 2017 11:21 AM
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Post #2: 21st Apr 2017 12:01 PM 
Hall of Fame:

Maddie - Maddie basically struck gold as a tracker night 1. Tracking Ahoda was a huge victory for town, because not only was cult dying night 1, but Maddie was able to turn that into a two-for-one the following day phase. It can be nervewracking as an investigative role to

Lamps - Lamps reads this game were ON POINT. His role provided him no information, but pretty much every read he came forward with in the day thread was correct. Sometimes he picked up on people being town that I was pretty sure I'd have pegged as scum if I didn't know their role. He was also perfect in terms of hitting town with his role, and he would have met his alternate win con had he not been delayed and blocked. It WAS lucky for his role that cult died before converting anyone, but still, I found it impressive.

Jamie - Jamie really impressed me as scum this game. The reason he made it so deep is that he was active, didn't scum slip, came up with a very plausible role claim, and put in a lot of scum distancing. A lot of things that were out of his control prevented him from having much of a shot of winning as mafia (more on that later), but I was really impressed with how he rolled with the punches and always put his best foot forward. He was delayed and then redirected to himself, which kinda sucked for him but he still used the redirect to try and gain town cred. By the last day, there was really nothing he could do to have a legit shot at winning.

Chrisitan - Aside from providing amazing commentary in his PM, being active as hell in the day thread, and essentially being the third host for the game with all the votals he did, Christian just killed it this game in general. He was pretty much correct in terms of what he thought his items did (except he thought the Golden Gauntlets would have the effect that the Hover Boots actually had. He was also pretty good at providing hints about his previous day actions.

Curtis - I think had someone other than Curtis received his role, there is a decent chance that mafia would have ended up with a seventh member. There were a LOT of people who felt that 317 was town in the early portions of the game, and there were some people who thought that Jamie was until towards the end. There were also a reasonable amount of people who had Timmah read as town, and Curt would have died if he visited him. Curtis had a very solid read on the game, so every visit he had was town. He's the main reason that Herm wasn't lynched at any point in the game, and instead, town ended up targeting Vladdy, who had a very interesting role that was creating confusion.

Zersch - First of all, Zersch was hilarious this entire game - he made me laugh out loud on multiple occasions. He was the main person who picked up on 317 being mafia from the very beginning, and he never really stopped pushing that line of thought. I kinda thought mafia might kill him for that reason. He was also fairly succesful with how he used his delays - he delayed Aries, Jamie and 317 (though 317 was using an unstoppable kill the night that he was hit).

DS - It was cool watching a game where DS couldn't instantly claim. If he did, and the first person to flip was mafia/third party he was basically screwed. So he had to wait til after day 1 to claim, and even then, he didn't give out the details of his new role. He was also pretty active in his scum hunting, and even though I thought a few of his theories were pretty out there, when you are scum hunting that is very likely to happen. And he was scum hunting pretty hard. I appreciate what he brought to this game.

Timmah - Fortunately, being on the Hall of Fame does not prevent someone from being in the Hall of Lame, because Timmah deserves spots on both IMO. I think it was a creative idea to decide not to kill until later on as SK, and at first I thought it would be a good strategy. It allowed him to recover from surviving that night 1 attack for a really long time. If Curtis's role flip hadn't outed that there was an SK in the game, it could have potentailly worked for longer, but when I was designing roles, I had no idea that the SK would decide to not kill.

Cherry - I am so glad I convinced Cherry to play this game. Even though this isn't his first mafia game ever, it's his first mafia game in a REALLY long time, and I thoroughly enjoyed his form of scum hunting. There was none of the 'I'm new and can't keep up' excuses coming from him, which is a nice change. He's the main reason that town got Aries, and he was SO CLOSE to killing Aries night 1 (I was actually releived at the time, because it was already clear by then that Sock was gonna be outed by Maddie and Timmah was being attacked, so I was really hoping for one thing NOT to go town's way). He's kind of in the same boat as Timmah.

317 - 317 was one of the two active mafia members, even if he was quieter in day threads. Early on, he was really good at convincing people that he was town (with the exception of Zersch). He was active in the mafia forum, and I think the strategy of claiming PGO was a reasonable one on his part. I think he would have made it further had it not been such a town dominated game, but by the time of his demise, things were already extremely grim.

Nofo - Nofo impressed me this game. Going into the game, I wasn't really sure how serious he would take it, but he was a good town member. His hostility towards Miko and Herm was annoying, but other than that he really did try and scum hunt this game. He was probably the one to press Timmah the hardest about his night 1 survival. And despite never really hitting a target that was being attacked, I can see why he picked each of his targets when he did.
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Post #3: 21st Apr 2017 12:37 PM 
Hall of Lame

Aries - I would have liked to see Aries try harder in this game. He only really played because I thought I'd be short a few spots, so I asked him to play. But still, it would have been nice to see him fight back on his lynch at least a little bit. Mafia watcher can be very powerful if used correctly. Helps you figure out who the town protective roles are, and there are a lot of different ways you can go in terms of claims. I still think mafia's chances of winning this game were very low without the support of any third party factions, but it would have been a step in the right direction.

Timmah - While I do think that the decision not to kill was an interesting idea at first, I think Timmah allowed it to go on for too long. When the cult leader flipped night 1, and mafia was lynched day 2, that should have been a pretty big red flag that town was in a pretty good position. I can see maybe not killing that night because you are hoping to try and lay low after the attack... but at some point you just have to take the risk before the odds are too unfavorable. Especially considering he had the ability to disguise when he went out on kills, which could have allowed him to screw with town investigative results. The main problem with the idea of a non-killing SK is that the game is balanced around a certain amount of deaths per night, so while I do think SK is underpowered, I think it should be buffed rather than forcing a player not to kill.

Herm - I love Herm, but there was so much confusion around his role when there didn't have to be. Given the amount of ways that people could have been redirected/blocked (Sock, Vladdy, Tib, Farlig's passive, Christian's Mirror Shield, Primate's 1 time Roleblock), I think the existence of the role made sense and wouldn't be that hard to justify. But the way he claimed almost got him lynched. I guess I didn't help things by calling the role 'escort', but I meant it the same way as a police escort (I think DS picked up on this)?

Cherry - I'd feel a little negligent not including a vig with 5 town kills under his belt. He DID hit Timmah when he needed to, and he almost hit Aries, but yeah the record was not great. This game would have been even more one sided in town's favor if Cherry did not kill.

Ahoda - Normally you can't really blame a cult leader for dying night 1, but I feel like the day 1 thread in this game provided a reasonable amount of insight (despite no one fully claiming). Sock just felt like he was out of left field as a recruit, because he spent most of the thread joking - there were plenty who were taking a more proactive approach to uncovering scum.

Merc - Merc was one of the only townies to forget to submit an action, and was pretty quiet in general. I thought his jokes were pretty funny, and he had by far the most understanding of the lore, but he died before he was really able to help town in any capacity. I wish I was able to see more from him.

Vladdy - Vladdy had a really cool role, but the day of his death, he just kinda... let it happen? I'm not sure what I would have done in his circumstances, but it would have been nice to see a few more silencing/role burnings occur. At that point in time, there was a fair amount of claim space left.
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Post #4: 21st Apr 2017 1:01 PM 
Host Thoughts on the Overall Game

So this ended up being a bit of a wash. Town got off to a very strong start, and things just kinda snowballed from there. The game was balanced around 6 mafia members (with a potential traitor), an SK and a Cult. But the Cult Leader died night 1, dragging down a mafia member with them, and the SK who was already pretty hesitant on killing survived an attack. This put town in a very strong spot right from the beginning.

Miko dying early also ended up being beneficial for town, because it prevented most of the mafia from unlocking their abilities. This wasn't the only way that they were able to do so, but it was the easier condition of the two to meet. So many of them were stuck with roles that were meant to be a bit on the weaker side - had 317 gained his janitor role, or Vladdy gained his redirect, I think that mafia would have had a lot more options.

But still, the game ended up being very fun to host. Towards the end, there was a lot less that scum could do, so things died off a little. But before that, it was amazing to watch. There were a lot of unconventional roles in the game which made for some really interesting day phases.

Here are some of my random thoughts about the game that didn't make it into Hall of Fame or Hall of Lame:

- I found it hilarious watching town debate the definition of the word 'unlockable'.

- Watching people discuss Maddie's role being burned was entertaining. There was some very justified confusion about how it occurred. As a side note, the report burning role was one of my favorite in the game, because it provided decent counterplay from mafia against the investigative roles. Usually, after one of these roles is outed they are automatically protected by town, so it's really hard for mafia or third party to deal with them.

- There was a hilarious moment day three between Curtis, Zersch and Christian. Each of them had used their roles on each other, and they were kind of dropping bread crumbs for each other, but each of them kinda was slightly misreading those breadcrumbs in small ways. It didn't really impact things in the long run, but it was really funny getting role PMs from them on that particular day.

- The day that Angi was silenced, Christian unintentionally said a few things that made him look really bad to Angi (asking if she was recruited by Ahoda, mentioning she was quiet). If I were Angi, I'd have been just as suspicious as she was of Christian.

- I couldn't believe people were still suspicious of Cherry at the end of the game. I know that as the game winds down, you have to look at everybody somewhat, but still, Cherry was the towniest town of all by that point.1

- The Mirror Shield created such an entertaining day. TIB's roleblock and Jamie's rolecop were both redirected back towards themselves, so they picked up on how the redirect worked. Curtis was redirected back towards himself, but his role gave him no indication of the fact that it was himself he had targeted. It was entertaining watching people struggle to figure out what happened when both Jamie and TIB were essentially sitting on the information.

- Sock leaving early made me so sad. I was finding him so entertaining. He's so upbeat and funny.
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Post #5: 21st Apr 2017 1:10 PM 
Unlockable Roles:

With the exception of Primate's role, everyone with an unlockable role had more or less the same conditions to unlock. Essentially, each mafia member was linked with a town member. The mafia member was a boss that Link battled in the game, the town member was the corresponding Sage for the area.

Spin/Aries (Forest - Saria/Ghoma)
Angi/317 (Fire - Darunia/Dodongo)
TIB/Sock (Water - Ruto/Barinade)
Nofo/Jamie (Shadow - Impa/Barinade)
Curtis/Vlady (Spirit - Naburuu/Twin Rova)
Wikey/Chris (Light - Zelda/Ganondorf)

There was a corresponding song for each realm - if Miko played it (announced at the beginning of day phae), then the unlockables for both the town and mafia would be unlocked.

The other condition for how to unlock, was that if the character you were linked to died before you. So Chris received his unlockable when Wikey died, Spin received it when Aries was lynched etc.

The mafia unlockable roles were actually pretty powerful IMO, and were meant to give them a decent shot in a game with both Cult and SK. But the early death of Miko, and the low kill count in the game prevented them from really being unlocked.

The unlockable roles were a bit part of why I was strict about character claiming. I wanted the means to unlocking them to be more or less a mystery.
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Post #6: 21st Apr 2017 1:16 PM 
Here is the link to the Mafia Forum.
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Post #7: 21st Apr 2017 1:16 PM 
Alright just wanted to get all that stuff up, this thread is unlocked now. Feel free to continue discussing in here!
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Post #8: 21st Apr 2017 1:19 PM 
Good game guys! Zelda's one of my favorite games!
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Post #9: 21st Apr 2017 1:20 PM 
Mafia forum is locked for guests.
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Post #10: 21st Apr 2017 1:23 PM 
A passive role and nothing I could have unlocked? Bummer.
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Post #11: 21st Apr 2017 1:29 PM 
Should be open now?
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Post #12: 21st Apr 2017 1:30 PM 
farlig @ 21/4/2017 13:23
A passive role and nothing I could have unlocked? Bummer.

Yeah, sorry, you had one of the weaker town roles. I thought later on your role could be useful though because you could 100% confirm that you were not cult.

Vic and Buffy I think had the worst roles overall. But there were a lot of strong ones for town so had to balance it out.
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Post #13: 21st Apr 2017 1:35 PM 
Also, thanks for being patient with regards to the modding. My work circumstances kinda changed part way through the game and made me a lot less available as a host. Was still fun to watch though.
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Post #14: 21st Apr 2017 1:36 PM 
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Post #15: 21st Apr 2017 1:36 PM 
Badger'n'Brian @ 21/4/2017 13:30
farlig @ 21/4/2017 13:23
A passive role and nothing I could have unlocked? Bummer.

I thought later on your role could be useful though because you could 100% confirm that you were not cult.

This is actually the reasoning I used to finally decide Jamie was probably lying with his fake claim.
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