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Darkus Black
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Darkus Black
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Post #181: 5th Feb 2017 4:50 AM 
Christian @ 5/2/2017 5:08
imagine if these people could put this much effort into something productive...

Hey, I tried. I started threads in general chat to get conversations going. One of them seemed to work out but mainly you all just ignored me. There was that one's time I resurrected that drawing thread and nobody thanked me. Maybe take a long hard look at attitudes around these parts.
Darkus Black
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Post #182: 5th Feb 2017 4:51 AM 
The Duke @ 5/2/2017 4:08
oktymax @ 5/2/2017 0:04
DubJ_FFAelite @ 5/2/2017 3:51
I do not condone rape unless the other person is willing.

It's not entirely about consent. Rather, consent alone isn't sufficient.

who is this person? I like this person. Curtis, when you ban FFA, let this person stay.

Haha! This is my favourite part of all time.

Just goes to show that it is never about the actual person.
Darkus Black
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Post #183: 5th Feb 2017 4:52 AM 
Yeah, I just woke up. Deal with it.
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Post #184: 5th Feb 2017 6:12 AM 
Darkusblack @ 5/2/2017 4:40
Chris25 @ 5/2/2017 2:40
Darkusblack @ 4/2/2017 21:29
Chris25 @ 5/2/2017 2:21
Darkusblack @ 4/2/2017 21:14
Wow. You have literally just caught up to what I said a couple of pages ago and repeated it. This is amazing. Do the uncle fucker thing again.

No wait. Repeat this back to me instead. I am actually giddy with excitement at this. I have never found someone as bad as you who thinks they are great. You have been hanging out here being mean to the easy targets for so long that you actually think you are some sort of superstar.

Let me get my stuff. I am settling in for the long haul.

I bet you tell everyone that you are ace at reading body language and that you are a mean poker player. You probably pretend it is what you do for a living while secretly yearning for a better life.


OHHHH SHIT, I just got home from Vegas yesterday actually and I played in 6 poker tournaments, I got 2nd, 3rd, 3rd, 4th, 4th and 6th respectively. So yeah, i do think I'm a pretty mean poker player. (I had to flip a lot of burgers to pay for that trip let me tell you)

See whats going on here is that you're making random bumblefuck comments over and over again and you LITERALLY just said something that proves you're a fucking moron.

If anything, your ass has to be jealous of the amount of shit coming out of your mouth.

You are like a cartoon character. You are literally making plays directly from the'I am the big man on the internet' playbook.

You can't even win in your poker fantasies.

Anyone that knows anything about tournament poker knows that its not about winning its about cashing. You play the odds and try to get the most money you can out of a tournament. I mean I could explain it to you but you wouldn't understand it anyways.

But hey, keep at it buddy. Maybe Maddie likes guys that try to talk about things they dont understand.

Wow . You really got me. I mean I choose to make my money in the world of business so it is hard for me to understand the concept of playing to be second best. Good for you though if that is what floats your boat.

Nothing like finishing the day as the beta everywhere you go.

I get it now. This post had it all. Thanks for the clarification about your insecurities. I am so sorry that the ladies and gaydies of this site didn't respond well to your pickup artist attempts and I am sorry that you have to deal with the frustrations of not being very good at the game you love.

At least you have that feeling of being smug about knowing more about something than a person who doesn't give a shit about it. I mean it is not like everyone around here knows more about a specific subject area in their lives than you do. Apart from everyone of course. Although I am pretty sure that none are as important as playing with cards. Playing with cards, let that sink in for a moment about how gleeful you were that that was the one thing you cling to as your'win'. Playing with cards. Hahahahahahha!

See, this is like text book "projecting"

You "supposedly" have all this success in business yet you're obviously miserable and get your jollies by talking down to people on the internet. You jump to conclusions about things you know absolutely nothing about in the most condescending fashion possible in order to make yourself feel superior to those around you.

Why are you so insecure? What happened to you as a child that makes you feel like this is an acceptable form of behavior?

I have a friend that acts very similar to you as far as acting morally superior and condescending for no reason as a defense mechanism but his excuse is that his mother died at a very young age.

So that leads me to believe that you've dealt with some major emotional trauma as a child and this is literally the only way you can make yourself feel better for a few minutes at a time. But then after the high of thinking you got someone good on the internet wears off and the dread of your unfulfilling life starts to creep in. What do you really have?

You claim to be successful in business but its pretty obvious that just like Trump, you're just miserable, insecure, and bitter. Also like Trump, I don't think it would be too far off to say that your hands probably arent all that big either because you're obviously trying to overcompensate for something as well.
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Post #185: 5th Feb 2017 9:10 AM 
Darkusblack @ 5/2/2017 3:50
Christian @ 5/2/2017 5:08
imagine if these people could put this much effort into something productive...

Hey, I tried. I started threads in general chat to get conversations going. One of them seemed to work out but mainly you all just ignored me. There was that one's time I resurrected that drawing thread and nobody thanked me. Maybe take a long hard look at attitudes around these parts.

If you don't like it here, you can just leave. Nobody is forcing you to stay.

Here's the analogy that popped into my head, that you might understand.


FE originals are like the regulars at a pub. They have their own craziness, but get along since they've been coming here foir a long time.

One day, this new band of soccer hooligans (GLB) stumbled in, and there was tension right off the bat. However, after many beers were purchased, and songs sung, the two groups started to get along.

Then, this tour bus stopped by and a couple new people came into the pub. DubJ is the loud obnoxious drunk uncle who always has to comment on everything and talks too loudly when drunk. You, on the other hand, came storming in, waiving money in the air and demanded service immediately. Fuck the locals and their dingy pub, you have money and need a pint, now. And when they told you to fuck off, you jumped onto the bar and derided each and everyone of them.


If you want to 'be welcomed' maybe yoiu should try to figure out the cultural norms and quit being a giant douche. A little courtesy goes a long way.
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Post #186: 5th Feb 2017 10:08 AM 
Darkus doesn't drink
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Post #187: 5th Feb 2017 10:09 AM 
He deserves a ban just for that imo
Grumpy Ass Old Woman
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Post #188: 5th Feb 2017 10:19 AM 
this thread.....lol
Curtis @ 25/7/2017 9:44
Great job Ahoda

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Post #189: 5th Feb 2017 12:03 PM 
I kinda love the term ladies and gaydies though

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Post #190: 5th Feb 2017 1:05 PM 
Spin killed this site just like he did GLB. He told everyone over there to leave and they did. From what I've seen he does the same thing here. Spin is a board killer.

Darkus Black
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Darkus Black
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Post #191: 5th Feb 2017 3:40 PM 
spindoctor02 @ 5/2/2017 14:10
Darkusblack @ 5/2/2017 3:50
Christian @ 5/2/2017 5:08
imagine if these people could put this much effort into something productive...

Hey, I tried. I started threads in general chat to get conversations going. One of them seemed to work out but mainly you all just ignored me. There was that one's time I resurrected that drawing thread and nobody thanked me. Maybe take a long hard look at attitudes around these parts.

If you don't like it here, you can just leave. Nobody is forcing you to stay.

Here's the analogy that popped into my head, that you might understand.


FE originals are like the regulars at a pub. They have their own craziness, but get along since they've been coming here foir a long time.

One day, this new band of soccer hooligans (GLB) stumbled in, and there was tension right off the bat. However, after many beers were purchased, and songs sung, the two groups started to get along.

Then, this tour bus stopped by and a couple new people came into the pub. DubJ is the loud obnoxious drunk uncle who always has to comment on everything and talks too loudly when drunk. You, on the other hand, came storming in, waiving money in the air and demanded service immediately. Fuck the locals and their dingy pub, you have money and need a pint, now. And when they told you to fuck off, you jumped onto the bar and derided each and everyone of them.


If you want to 'be welcomed' maybe yoiu should try to figure out the cultural norms and quit being a giant douche. A little courtesy goes a long way.

Should have built a wall, you intolerant tosspot
Darkus Black
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Darkus Black
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Post #192: 5th Feb 2017 3:41 PM 
Chris25 @ 5/2/2017 11:12
Darkusblack @ 5/2/2017 4:40
Chris25 @ 5/2/2017 2:40
Darkusblack @ 4/2/2017 21:29
Chris25 @ 5/2/2017 2:21
Darkusblack @ 4/2/2017 21:14
Wow. You have literally just caught up to what I said a couple of pages ago and repeated it. This is amazing. Do the uncle fucker thing again.

No wait. Repeat this back to me instead. I am actually giddy with excitement at this. I have never found someone as bad as you who thinks they are great. You have been hanging out here being mean to the easy targets for so long that you actually think you are some sort of superstar.

Let me get my stuff. I am settling in for the long haul.

I bet you tell everyone that you are ace at reading body language and that you are a mean poker player. You probably pretend it is what you do for a living while secretly yearning for a better life.


OHHHH SHIT, I just got home from Vegas yesterday actually and I played in 6 poker tournaments, I got 2nd, 3rd, 3rd, 4th, 4th and 6th respectively. So yeah, i do think I'm a pretty mean poker player. (I had to flip a lot of burgers to pay for that trip let me tell you)

See whats going on here is that you're making random bumblefuck comments over and over again and you LITERALLY just said something that proves you're a fucking moron.

If anything, your ass has to be jealous of the amount of shit coming out of your mouth.

You are like a cartoon character. You are literally making plays directly from the'I am the big man on the internet' playbook.

You can't even win in your poker fantasies.

Anyone that knows anything about tournament poker knows that its not about winning its about cashing. You play the odds and try to get the most money you can out of a tournament. I mean I could explain it to you but you wouldn't understand it anyways.

But hey, keep at it buddy. Maybe Maddie likes guys that try to talk about things they dont understand.

Wow . You really got me. I mean I choose to make my money in the world of business so it is hard for me to understand the concept of playing to be second best. Good for you though if that is what floats your boat.

Nothing like finishing the day as the beta everywhere you go.

I get it now. This post had it all. Thanks for the clarification about your insecurities. I am so sorry that the ladies and gaydies of this site didn't respond well to your pickup artist attempts and I am sorry that you have to deal with the frustrations of not being very good at the game you love.

At least you have that feeling of being smug about knowing more about something than a person who doesn't give a shit about it. I mean it is not like everyone around here knows more about a specific subject area in their lives than you do. Apart from everyone of course. Although I am pretty sure that none are as important as playing with cards. Playing with cards, let that sink in for a moment about how gleeful you were that that was the one thing you cling to as your'win'. Playing with cards. Hahahahahahha!

See, this is like text book "projecting"

You "supposedly" have all this success in business yet you're obviously miserable and get your jollies by talking down to people on the internet. You jump to conclusions about things you know absolutely nothing about in the most condescending fashion possible in order to make yourself feel superior to those around you.

Why are you so insecure? What happened to you as a child that makes you feel like this is an acceptable form of behavior?

I have a friend that acts very similar to you as far as acting morally superior and condescending for no reason as a defense mechanism but his excuse is that his mother died at a very young age.

So that leads me to believe that you've dealt with some major emotional trauma as a child and this is literally the only way you can make yourself feel better for a few minutes at a time. But then after the high of thinking you got someone good on the internet wears off and the dread of your unfulfilling life starts to creep in. What do you really have?

You claim to be successful in business but its pretty obvious that just like Trump, you're just miserable, insecure, and bitter. Also like Trump, I don't think it would be too far off to say that your hands probably arent all that big either because you're obviously trying to overcompensate for something as well.

Classic projection right there.

You are confirming it all. Keep going.
Darkus Black
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Post #193: 5th Feb 2017 3:43 PM 
Also. 'A friend'

Sorry that your mum died.
Darkus Black
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Post #194: 5th Feb 2017 3:53 PM 
Spin, I went back over my original posts when I got here and they were all perfectly pleasant until I got abuse from Greensday, then drrrr started having a go at me for not changing my avatar, then Mercator joined in and then Dave started telling us all to leave. Nasty people.

So probably best to take your analogy and shove it up your arse because it was the behaviour of the regulars that was at fault and not the new people that thought it might be fun to play there.

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Post #195: 5th Feb 2017 3:58 PM 
Hey Boc, color, please, ty

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