Scarlett Johansson was really good in it, especially in the beginning. It wasn't the movie I expected, but it was entertaining throughout. I had only heard of it just 2 days before I went to see it. My friend had suggested it and since 22 Jump Street was no longer playing, we saw Lucy instead. It was never boring, there were some pretty great action scenes, and the story itself was alright.
I didn't really know much about the story since I haven't read the graphic novel, but the movie was fantastic. It was the perfect mix of sci-fi/comedy/action and had me excited throughout it's entirety. If you enjoy superhero movies you def need to go see this.
Took me two weeks (was watching it in pieces when I had time), but I finally got through it. Just finished it now, and came here right away to announce it! :P
I want to watch the Godfather II now. I also recorded it from the television, but it will be weeks before I can come here and tell you I've finished it. haha
I'm watching a film right now (Scandal at Scourie), and one of the father character said "I have a daughter." in such a great tone. I'm having Big Brother Devin flashbacks.
Watched Blackfish today, only procrastinated that for several months. I liked it but felt really sad by the end of it. I don't fault the poor whales :(
Just watched Something's Gotta Give, I liked it I guess, not a fan of the ending.
A lesson without pain is meaningless. That's because no one can gain without sacrificing something. But by enduring that pain and overcoming it, he shall obtain a powerful, unmatched heart. A fullmetal heart.
Amazing. It was pretty close to perfection. One of the most true to life movies I've ever seen, there was hardly anything that ever seemed unnatural. It was almost more of an EXPERIENCE than a movie really
I love the Star Wars conversation about how they'd never set an episode after Return of the Jedi in today's context (: They must've filmed that scene like 7 years ago, well before any of it happened, but it actually works even better now
Even though he wouldn't be able to make a follow-up movie in the same style, I'd love for Linklater to make a sequel to this like 10 years from now ala the Midnight trilogy to show Mason as he's older