Just tackle and growl? so familiar. Oh well. Welcome to the team Leos!
Time to level you up so you can pull your weight.
He hit 8 offscreen.
Finally a decent move. haha. I don't have to tackle everything.
Time to move on down Route 32 see what I run int-
Ah! Already eh?
What you're not gonna buy me a drink first?
Albert Nobbs the early years.
Ooh rattata. How original.
But then he busts out a Zubat!
Tom Brady everybody.
Well at least you redeemed yourself.
Exactly how this move is different than Tackle in which he throws his rock body at the opponent, I'm not sure.
Tell your friends. They'll want me as an ally in Mafia I'm sure.
And who is this lady in the corner here?
This is how human eggs are made I'm told.
Also known in Japan as Girl Scout Liz.
Oh look she has a Nidoran (Female) how nice.
Sorry I killed it.
It's way too easy to make this conversation sound dirty.
Well, that was fun Liz in this corner at night doing it quick but I gotta g-
Oh sure... battle... wink wink nudge nudge say no more.
Wait that's MY line.
Who is this g-
Um... sorry guy I just "battled" I'm gonna need a solid hour.
Oh, I guess we're doing this.
Roland, you really should have been over on that river. Just for the sake of the musical pun.
Ah Nidoran (Male) very fitting mr camper.
I TOLD you I needed some down time but you just wanted to jump into things. :\
Oh thank god I don't have to rely on Tackle so much anymore. Peck away Huup.
Oh look, fishermen.
I scanned both Henry and Justin and they came up FISHER. Sorry paul I know theres no Out of Game chatting.
Also Levels!
A fairly weak move that lowers speed.... so many redundant moves.
Eep! I thought I was done with Fishers for at least a while.
I'm a good Trainer, but an even better cooker of BACON! Sadly I'm only being judged by my training skills here.
I'm Gonna FISH IT!
If we were playing super smash bros I'd laugh at your choice of pokemon.
Yo just wanted that medal and to be the hero of the game I can relate Ralph.
Oh hi mom. Random of you to call...
WTF mom you're supposed to be SAVING my money not friggin shopping with it!
Oh... we'll see about that!
Oh a super potion that's actually pretty cool thanks mom.
Finally leveling up Paulus, it's been a while.
Whatever floats your boat kid.
Oh you mean BATTLE... Oh.
GORDON! Hello Gordon pleasure to meet you. I know a popular pringles giraffe with that name heh... popular meme in 2009 or so for a month it's on Oh Internet look it up yet I'm famous you bitches be jelly.
Just a wooper that won't be much tro-
oh god barely made it out of that alive.
Keep dreaming Gordon.
It's full of my ex. girlfriends?
Trying to get everyone to 12.
Onward down this unusually long route.
Well I do like meat so... I guess.
With the price of meat what it is, when you get it, if you get it.
Goddamn that's expensive.
Hell no!
Jeez, RUDE.
And look a Pokemon Center. Time to pop in for a quick refresher then on to the next area.
Hell yes it is!
Yeah I did!
Really? You want to do this? Touchy much?
Oh a bird guy, just try not to Peter out, ok guy?
He peter'd out.
Flying... Ice... Rock.... hmm what else was there?
There is the entrance, to whas is called Union Cave.
Oh look it's lit enough that I don't need to use Flash. That's a relief.
It's a Pangolin Pokemon! I gotta catch it!
>_< the suspense!
WOOP! Good to hear!
Hi I'm Sandshrew and welcome to jackass.
Ok time again for... NAME THAT POKE!