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Food: Hot or Not
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Post #1231: 11th Jan 2018 11:18 PM 
Cactus @ 11/1/2018 23:06
Primate @ 12/1/2018 2:08
Why in the purple fuck would you know so much about spam?

name me another food that rivals spam in terms of military history, hawaiian cuisine, popular culture, and digital technology.

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Post #1232: 11th Jan 2018 11:22 PM 
Curtis @ 12/1/2018 4:18


clever, but still 2/4

it's "champing", dumbass
it's "deserts", dumbass
it's "due", dumbass
it's "must have", dumbass

the comma goes inside the quotes, dumbass
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Posted Image #1 GOAT
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Post #1233: 12th Jan 2018 7:14 AM 
Cactus @ 11/1/2018 20:01
vladykins @ 11/1/2018 21:02
Cactus @ 11/1/2018 14:46
vladykins @ 11/1/2018 18:49

Nah, spam is "spiced ham" which, in Midwest terms "spiced" means salt and sugar.

of all the folk etymologies i've heard for spam, this one is quite the yoga expert

The "spiced ham" part comes from the Hormel museum.

According to the company’s Spam Museum, Ken Digneau, the brother of a Hormel executive, came up with the name — a portmanteau word for “spiced ham” — in a naming contest and got $100 as a reward.

The fact that the only "spices" in the ingredients list are sugar and salt is what brings up the second part.

p sure that olivia waxman works for time magazine, not hormel museum or spam museum


Posted Image

Yes, and Hormel has been playing it up as mysterious for awhile, but I believe it's actually up in their company HQ. From the Spam site (I had checked this earlier):

Posted Image

I've also got a fun article from 1992 or 1993 that explains how everything in the universe is made from Spam. I'll see if I can track it down.

How can you have any pudding if you won't eat your meat?
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Posted Image #1 GOAT
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Post #1234: 12th Jan 2018 7:16 AM 

Found it:



Following my recently posted proof of the equivalence of TIME and SPAM,
several people have written to me, asking me to explain in greater
detail the nature and structure of the universe as a whole. The nature
of the universe is simple--the entire observable universe is actually a
single can of Spam: what we call the universe would be more accurately
described as the "SPAM CAN TOTALITY."

Sure, you say, the fact that the entire universe is a gigantic can of
Spam seems intuitively obvious, but just how strong is the hard physical
evidence for the Spam Can Totality? The answer is, of course,
overwhelming; here are just a few proofs of the Spam Can Totality:

(1) The first two subshells of an atom's electron shells are called the
"s" subshell and the "p" subshell; the first two letters of "Spam"
are "s" and "p"--coincidence? I think not!

(2) The mathematic constant e is approximately 19/7--but the letter "s",
the first letter of Spam, is the 19th letter of the alphabet and a
can of Spam weighs 7 ounces! e is equal to the number of the first
letter of Spam divided by the weight of Spam!

(3) "Spam" has four letters: four is equal to 2+2, 2*2, and 2^2; four
is obviously a representation of two twos--and 22/7 (two twos
divided by the weight of Spam) is almost exactly equal to pi, yet
another fundamental physical constant!

(4) In #3, we showed how the length of the word "Spam" is a higher
resonance of two--yet, incredibly, nondivergent forces such as
electrostatic and gravitational forces decrease EXACTLY as the
SECOND power of the radius!

(5) According to the ancient science of numerology, words correspond to
numbers according to the rule a=1, b=2, c=3...i=9,j=10,k=20,l=30....
using this technique, we find that the number of "Spam" is 211--and,
incredibly, the mass of Spam in grams is 198. Now, 198/211 is equal
to .938--which is the mass of the proton in GeV!

(6) Lincoln had a secretary named "Kennedy" and Kennedy had a secretary
named "Lincoln"!

(7) In addition to the standard seven ounce size can of Spam, there are
also larger, twelve-ounce cans available. While the seven-ounce
cans are a long rectangle, the twelve-ounce cans are closer to being
square--and twelve squared (144) minus seven (7) yields 137, the
reciprocal of the fine structure constant! Only by accepting the
truth of the SPAM CAN TOTALITY can one understand the true meaning
and significance of the fine structure constant!

The SPAM CAN TOTALITY is the ultimate reality of the universe. Only by
comprehending Spam can we hope to comprehend ourselves. Black holes are
a hoax--because the universe is a can of Spam, only pink holes can
exist! Only through Spam--the unification of physics, chemistry, and
biology--can we understand the physical nature of the universe! The
ubiquitous microwave background is, in fact, left-over energy from the
original COSMIC CANNING EVENT! Matter is composed of fundamental quanta
of Spam--while antimatter is none other than discrete quanta of
anti-spam, also known as "Vegetarian Spam" or "Tofu"! The reason matter
predominates over antimatter in the Spam Can Totality can be seen by
looking in almost any grocery store--not only does Spam sell better than
Tofu, Tofu expires in a matter of a week or two, while the expiration
date on a can of Spam is years, even decades in the future!

The fact that the earth is made of matter--discrete quanta of Spam--
explains everything about the earth, from its structure to the
machanisms of continental drift and sea floor spreading. If you leave
the contents of a can of Spam on your counter for a few days, it will
automatically form a crust--much like the earth's! Soon, this crust
will form cracks, just like the mid-Atlantic ridge on our own planet,
and things will begin to grow on it--just like the development of life
on earth, only with greater speed, owing to the fact that the earth is
somewhat larger than most cans of Spam. Even the growth of the higher
animals will be simulated in this Spam microcosm, through the process of
Spontaneous Maggot Materialization (patent pending)!

I, therefore, demand that from this day forth, elements shall be called
by their proper Spam-based names. No longer will foolish scientists
refer to the first element as "hydrogen," instead they shall call it
"Spam." "Beryllium" shall henceforth be known only as "spam, eggs,
sausage, and spam"; and the 94th element shall forevermore be called
"spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam,
spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam,
spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam,
spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam,
spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam,
spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam,
spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam,
spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, baked beans, and spam."
(If Baked Beans are off, Spam may be substituted.)

The now obsolete Nobel Corporation will be replaced with the Spam Can
Foundation. Dedicated to furthering Spam knowledge, the Spam Can
Foundation will give an annual prize to the person with the most
spamlike brain--but this prize shall not be mere money, but something
far greater: immortality! The individual selected for this prestigious
award shall be sealed in a rectangular tin in which he or she will
remain fresh and unspoiled for eternity. No doubt there are many people
you will wish to nominate for this award, so be sure to forward their
names and addresses, along with the hours they are normally sleeping to
this foundation.

May Spam be with you,

The Reverend Doctor Trygve Lode
How can you have any pudding if you won't eat your meat?
Grumpy Ass Old Woman
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Post #1235: 12th Jan 2018 7:27 AM 
Cactus @ 11/1/2018 23:06
Primate @ 12/1/2018 2:08
Why in the purple fuck would you know so much about spam?

name me another food that rivals spam in terms of military history, hawaiian cuisine, popular culture, and digital technology.

Curtis @ 25/7/2017 9:44
Great job Ahoda

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Post #1236: 12th Jan 2018 7:50 PM 
vladykins @ 12/1/2018 12:14
Cactus @ 11/1/2018 20:01
vladykins @ 11/1/2018 21:02
Cactus @ 11/1/2018 14:46
vladykins @ 11/1/2018 18:49

Nah, spam is "spiced ham" which, in Midwest terms "spiced" means salt and sugar.

of all the folk etymologies i've heard for spam, this one is quite the yoga expert

The "spiced ham" part comes from the Hormel museum.

According to the company’s Spam Museum, Ken Digneau, the brother of a Hormel executive, came up with the name — a portmanteau word for “spiced ham” — in a naming contest and got $100 as a reward.

The fact that the only "spices" in the ingredients list are sugar and salt is what brings up the second part.

p sure that olivia waxman works for time magazine, not hormel museum or spam museum


Posted Image

Yes, and Hormel has been playing it up as mysterious for awhile, but I believe it's actually up in their company HQ. From the Spam site (I had checked this earlier):

Posted Image

I've also got a fun article from 1992 or 1993 that explains how everything in the universe is made from Spam. I'll see if I can track it down.

um wtf do you think that proves? did you mean to post something else?

we're debating the etymology of spam -- you claim that hormel has confirmed that it's from "spiced ham" and i claim they have confirmed no such thing. the story of the contest was never our dispute, and you'll note that it's directly mentioned in both things i cited. i was already aware of it and never once said it didn't happen, so i'm not sure how you misread me.

it's "champing", dumbass
it's "deserts", dumbass
it's "due", dumbass
it's "must have", dumbass

the comma goes inside the quotes, dumbass
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Post #1237: 12th Jan 2018 7:55 PM 
vladykins @ 12/1/2018 12:16

Found it:



Following my recently posted proof of the equivalence of TIME and SPAM,
several people have written to me, asking me to explain in greater
detail the nature and structure of the universe as a whole. The nature
of the universe is simple--the entire observable universe is actually a
single can of Spam: what we call the universe would be more accurately
described as the "SPAM CAN TOTALITY."


"Spam." "Beryllium" shall henceforth be known only as "spam, eggs,
sausage, and spam"; and the 94th element shall forevermore be called
"spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam,
spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam,
spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam,
spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam,
spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam,
spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam,
spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam,
spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, baked beans, and spam."
(If Baked Beans are off, Spam may be substituted.)


May Spam be with you,

The Reverend Doctor Trygve Lode

and now you're cleverly spamming me with spam about spam, so i'm clearly outmatched here. a hat tip to you, good sir. good day!


it's "champing", dumbass
it's "deserts", dumbass
it's "due", dumbass
it's "must have", dumbass

the comma goes inside the quotes, dumbass
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Host Syrio
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Post #1238: 14th Jan 2018 12:19 AM 
Chicken nuggets but the weird organic whole foods ones
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Post #1239: 14th Jan 2018 12:51 AM 
Teos @ 14/1/2018 0:19
Chicken nuggets but the weird organic whole foods ones

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Eff Ewe DADD!
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Post #1240: 14th Jan 2018 8:17 PM 
I agree with Curtis, but only because chicken nuggets aren't food.
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Post #1241: 19th Jan 2018 12:16 PM 
just a plate of raw sliced tomatoes
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Post #1242: 23rd Jan 2018 4:07 PM 
Teos @ 19/1/2018 11:16
just a plate of raw sliced tomatoes

Sprinkle a little parm on that
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Host Syrio
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Post #1243: 26th Jan 2018 5:17 PM 
Oatmeal with dried fruit mixed in and cinnamon on top
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Post #1244: 29th Jan 2018 3:56 PM 
depends on the dried fruit, but generally yeah
How can you have any pudding if you won't eat your meat?
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Post #1245: 29th Jan 2018 4:31 PM 
Wow this thread is still a thing
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