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Winners at War: Fantasy
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Post #106: 19th Feb 2020 1:45 PM 
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Post #107: 19th Feb 2020 5:58 PM 
Shadow @ 19/2/2020 13:45

Oh it's on, Shadow.
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Post #108: 2nd Mar 2020 7:46 PM 
Episode 2

"It's Like a Survivor Economy"

Early on Day 4, Boc from Sele discovered he had received a fire token, voicing his concerns to Shadow that it might mean either KC or Lamps had been sent to the Edge. Later in the day, Christian worked on his social game by showing Penner how to look for an idol, which she eventually found. However, the idol was split into two halves. She had to give one half to tribemate before sundown. After choosing Outlast to discuss tactics with, he convinced her not to share the idol with her suggestion, Shadow, but with Outlast instead.

At Dakal, JJ still felt she was on the bottom of the tribe and went on an idol hunt of her own. She found the Dakal split idol and revealed it to Brian as an attempt to gain trust with a person in the majority. Despite a rocky first season playing together in Cagayan, Mittens and Curtis sought to use their six-year friendship to solidify a true trustworthy "Cops-R-Us" alliance.

On the Edge of Extinction, a new advantage clue had KC and DD searching high and low throughout the island. After giving up for the day, DD discovered a "safety without power" advantage hidden inside the water well. The advantage allowed a player to leave Tribal Council and return to camp before the votes are cast to protect themself. DD chose to sell it to Rose for a fire token. He accepted the deal, guessing that it came from DD and realizing that the Sele tribe wasn't fully aware of the potential of the fire tokens.

After seeing that his wife had been voted out, Boc fumbled in the puzzle portion of the challenge, leading to Sele's blowout loss. Since old school players were at a numerical disadvantage, Shadow and Boc wanted to target new school players, primarily Rose or Christian as outsiders. Rodney felt vulnerable as her alliances and Shadow were leaving her out of conversations. Rodney revealed to Christian, in front of Maddie, that there was an old school alliance in her attempts to plead her case. Christian suggested Rodney as the best to vote out due to her scrambling, while Rodney started to pitch a Shadow vote to Boc. Rose and Josh tried to recruit Outlast to join in the plan.

At Tribal Council, the Sele tribe spoke about the rapid pace of the game and that the old school players were struggling to keep up. Shadow spoke about an old school and new school divide, and Christian revealed Rodney's slip-up earlier in the day as an example of Sele's paranoia. The resulting paranoia amongst Sele led Boc to ask the entire tribe to dump their bags and expose if they had an idol. Penner and Outlast kept their idol halves hidden from the view of their tribemates while the rest of Sele revealed the contents of their bags. After a flurry of whispering among players, the entire tribe voted out Vernon for her scrambling. Before arriving at the Edge, Rodney bequeathed her fire token to Penner.

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Post #109: 2nd Mar 2020 7:58 PM 
Episode 3

"Out for Blood"

After eliminating Rodney, Outlast sought to unite the new school players against Boc, Shadow, and Maddie, who he felt were running the tribe. Penner felt secure about her position in the tribe thanks to an extra fire token from Rodney and her full idol (Outlast had returned his half to her). At Dakal, the tribe continued to flourish thanks to Lamps netting a shark. Despite this, Dylan worked to gather numbers against Lamps in an attempt to get back on the plus side of the numbers. Nofo had mixed feelings and ultimately told Lamps about Dylan's plot. The three players on the Edge had a chance for a fire token; DD deciphered the clue and found a paper stating there was a "vote steal advantage" hidden in an opposing tribe member’s torch; she anonymously offered the advantage to Mittens on Dakal. After accepting the offer, Mittens had Curtis camouflage her and she was able to retrieve the "vote steal" from Sele’s torches.

In a close competition, Mittens unintentionally dislodged one of Dakal’s puzzle pieces but Dakal emerged victorious. At camp, Outlast, despite being in the majority with the new schoolers, attempted to get Penner, Maddie and then Boc on board with voting out Shadow, to Boc's confusion and frustration. This made Rose consider turning on Outlast instead, but Josh suggested that the rest of the alliance vote out Maddie to keep the numbers. At Tribal Council, the old schoolers voted against Outlast, but Josh's plan came to fruition and Maddie was sent to the Edge. Maddie chose to bequeath his fire token to Shadow.

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Post #110: 4th May 2020 4:31 PM 
Time for a big ole catch-up
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Post #111: 4th May 2020 4:37 PM 
Episode 4

"I Like Revenge"

Outlast was stunned by Maddies blindside and found himself as the outsider of Sele. Boc and Shadow feared the worst now that it was just them against the new schoolers. While Outlast tried to regain his tribe's trust by doing more chores around camp, Boc convinced Rose and Josh that Outlast was still playing both sides. On Dakal, morale was high thanks to the tribe's winning streak, but Dylan suspected that Nofo had been leading an alliance of one-time winners against the people with connections. Dylan tried to warn Lamps and Curtis to no avail as Lamps was still angry that Dylan threw her name around days ago. However, Mittens felt that keeping Dylan around was a good move for her since she had bonded with him. On the Edge, the four inhabitants were given a task to carry twenty logs, one at a time, from the top of the mountain back down to camp before sundown. They all struggled mightily, with Maddie almost fainting and requiring medical intervention near the end point, but all four completed the task and earned a fire token each.

Dakal built up a substantial lead on the puzzle as Sele repeatedly struggled to get any of the keys. Outlast managed to pull through and get all three himself. Afterwards on the puzzle, Boc and Josh breezed past Vic and Mittens , who had to undo initial piece placement, and won Sele their second challenge. Back at Dakal, Dylan targeted Vic for struggling on the puzzle as it was the same one he succeeded on back in David vs. Goliath. The rest of the tribe considered voting out Dylan . However, Curtis wanted to assemble a group of big threats including Mittens , JJ, and Lamps to keep Dylan as shields for themselves. Although Mittens and JJ were on board, Lamps had doubts as she felt Dylan was too dangerous. At Tribal Council, Dylan voted for Vic , who voted for JJ on the chance Dylan had an idol. The rest of the tribe voted to send Dylan to the Edge. As Dylan left, he bequeathed his fire token to Vic .

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Post #112: 4th May 2020 4:45 PM 
Episode 5

"The Buddy System on Steroids"

Nofo confided in Mittens and Zersch regarding his friend and former castmate Helios Garabandias wife’s ALS diagnosis. Upon arriving at their marooning site, the castaways were redistributed into three tribes of 5: Dakal consisted of Penner, Rose, JJ, Lamps, and Curtis; Sele consisted of Josh, Vic, Shadow, Zersch, and Nofo; Yara consisted of Outlast, Christian, Boc, Mittens, and Brian.

On Dakal, Penner and Rose bonded with JJ, hoping to bring her into an alliance against Lamps and Curtis. On Sele, Josh and Zersch, who previously dated, awkwardly reunited; she and Shadow agreed to target Zersch if it benefited their game. On Yara, Outlast, Christian, and Boc shakily attempted to stick together to keep a majority against Mittens and Brian. The tribe’s search for an idol at the new camp resulted in Brian finding it; she had to give half to a tribemate before sundown, and she chose Mittens.

Sele and Dakal came from behind to respectively place first and second, as Yara blew their large lead during the puzzle. Outlast convinced Christian and Boc to target Mittens instead of Brian, but Boc aimed to keep the entire tribe together at camp to avoid the potential for scrambling (a tactic that he had used to great personal effect in Redemption Island), much to the annoyance of several of his tribemates. Mittens gave Brian her half of the idol back and debated playing her vote steal. At Tribal Council, neither Mittens nor Brian played their advantages, but they weren’t needed as Outlast and Christian joined them in blindsiding Boc, who bequeathed his two fire tokens to Shadow before heading to the Edge.

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Post #113: 4th May 2020 4:53 PM 
Episode 6

"Quick on the Draw"

The Yara tribe celebrated a Boc-free morning after Tribal Council, with Christian improving his social game by bonding with Mittens and Brian. Outlast, however, felt that his position has weakened despite the necessary move to eliminate Boc. On the Edge, the castaways were given a clue to another advantage, which Dylan figured was hidden in the rocky tidal area near camp. Retrieving an idol nullifier, he sold it to Shadow on Sele for a fire token. He used the token to acquire a jar of peanut butter for himself.

With Yara winning immunity, Sele and Dakal were left to scramble for Tribal Council after seeing that Boc had been sent to the Edge. Zersch and Joshs history saw the two struggle to make a plan when Josh told Zersch that she was considering voting for him so Shadow would bequeath her fire tokens to her. Zersch tried to sell his vote to Shadow for her fire tokens, but she chose to use that information to recruit Vic into making a big move. The vote sale was brought up in Tribal Council when Shadow tried to highlight Zerschs potential to betray Vic and Nofo, but the men stuck together to send Shadow to the edge, voiding her idol nullifier. On her way out of Tribal Council, Shadow chose to bequeath her tokens to Josh.

Meanwhile on Dakal, Curtis was left spooked by Bocs elimination, retreating to a new Spy Shack by Dakal's water well. Penner tried to solidify a bond with JJ and Lamps about protecting the women, knowing that she was the likely target if the tribe stuck to original tribal lines. Once out of hiding, Curtis rallied Rose, Lamps , and JJ together to protect big threats. Lamps was skeptical about the idea knowing that she had connections on the other tribes, and decided to sell her idol to Penner for two fire tokens if she'd vote out either Curtis or Rose. The two successfully negotiated a deal where Penner paid one fire token to Lamps before tribal with the idol, and would pay the second token after tribal. At Tribal Council, Rose tried to explain that it would be pointless to stick to original tribal lines, but remained nervous with Penner about the original Dakal trio's intentions. When Jeff asked the tribe if anyone wanted to play an idol, Penner stepped up and played Lamps idol on herself. After returning to her seat, she surprised Dakal with her original idol and used it to protect Rose. When the votes were read, the entire Dakal tribe (plus Rose) had voted for Penner, with her sole vote sending a stunned Lamps to the Edge. Leaving Tribal Council, Lamps bequeathed her new fire token to Nofo.

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Post #114: 4th May 2020 4:58 PM 
Episode 7

"We're in the Majors"

Lamps immediately decided to raise the sail on the Edge, believing she would have no chance of winning a challenge to get back in the game. The others on the Edge received a clue for four fire tokens hidden on top of the mountain; Dylan found one, but Boc found the other three. At Sele, Nofo began to grow wary of Zersch's loyalty after the latter's open negotiation at their Tribal Council for fire tokens. Josh gave Zersch a fire token to extend trust to him, although she regretted it after he talked down to her. At Dakal, JJ considered siding with Rose and Penner against Curtis if it would further her game. At Yara, Outlast was convinced that Mittens or Christian had an idol; his paranoia turned his tribemates, specifically Mittens, against him.

Yara maneuvered through the course more slowly than Dakal and Sele (making them less susceptible to spilling water), which proved to be effective as they finished first. Dakal earned second place over Sele by a narrow margin. Vic was frustrated with Zersch's trash-talking at the challenge, which he thought may have cost them the victory. Nofo's plot to coax Zersch into giving Josh a fire token made Vic concerned about Nofo's strategic prowess and ability to plan ahead, making him and Josh swing votes on whether to vote out Zersch or Nofo . At Tribal Council, they chose to send Nofo to the Edge; when tasked with bequeathing his fire tokens, he chose to split the two between Mittens and Brian, giving them one each.

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Post #115: 4th May 2020 5:05 PM 
Episode 8

"This is Where the Battle Begins"

All except KC (who had given her token to Boc), Shadow, and Nofo purchased an advantage to have their bags already dug up, with DD and Boc using the rest of their tokens for an idol if they won their way back into the game. Dylan beat Boc by inches and joined the newly merged Koru tribe. While setting up camp, Zersch and Rose befriended each other, but Rose joined with Christian, Curtis, and Dylan against the less flashy players like Zersch and Vic. Meanwhile, Penners huge move of single-handedly voting out Lamps raised concern among her tribemates.

Penner and Rose emerged victorious. Most of the remaining men targeted Vic over Zersch upon Roses insistence that Zersch would work with them. Brian was concerned at Roses power, and shifted the majority’s target onto his closest ally Zersch . Rose came to realize Zersch was being targeted over Vic and attempted to shift the vote to Outlast instead, seeing Outlast as an easy vote that the whole tribe could agree on. Outlast grew paranoid over his spot in the game, but at Tribal Council, a reluctant Rose, along with the rest of the group except the post-swap Sele members, blindsided Zersch . Before arriving at the Edge, Zersch split his two fire tokens between Josh and Vic.

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Post #116: 4th May 2020 5:14 PM 
Episode 9

"War is Not Pretty"

Vic and Josh were livid about Zerschs elimination; while Vic, tired of being seen as the easy vote, vowed revenge, Josh tried to talk him out of doing something rash. Outlast reflected on the similarity of a fleur-de-lis he noticed on the Tribal Council voting podium and Penner's split immunity idol from Day 4. Seeing an opportunity to gain trust with Josh , Outlast told her he believed that there was an idol on Jeff’s podium at Tribal Council.

JJ, Christian, Josh , Mittens, and Brian won reward, but Mittens decided to give her spot to Vic, as it was his birthday the day before and he had gotten blindsided by the last vote. Despite her claim that it wasn’t to further her game, Penner and Rose felt it was a strategic move, and Outlast expressed concern about Mittens reputation for blindsiding friends. On the Edge, Shadow and Rodney located an advantage that would give a player the chance to flip a coin for immediate immunity at any Tribal Council up until the final seven, shared the knowledge with others and chose to sell it to Josh for her four fire tokens.

JJ won the challenge. The alliance of “big threats” agreed on splitting the vote between Vic and Outlast , but Christian convinced them to split between Vic and Josh instead. Meanwhile, Vic convinced Dylan that Brian was coming against him, but Outlast rallied numbers against Mittens, Brian’s closest ally, instead. When JJ found out people were targeting Mittens, she worked with Dylan to flip the vote on Outlast for having the ability to sway decisions. Outlast ’s claim that Christian and Mittens were too close led to an argument with Christian, and several castaways scrambled to figure out a plan, with Dylans name thrown around in the crossfire. This continued into Tribal Council; while the others whispered freely, Outlast and Christians conflict boiled over, with Christian getting mad at Outlast for suspecting Mittens had an idol from when they were on Yara. Before the votes were read, Outlast attempted to play the voting podium symbol believing it to be an idol, but was wrong and subsequently voted out. Outlast bequeathed his fire token to Penner before going to the Edge.

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Post #117: 4th May 2020 5:19 PM 
Episode 10

"The Full Circle"

On day 24, the castaways were greeted by their loved ones; unlike previous seasons where one person would meet them for a reward challenge, entire families made the trip. Jeff also gave all the castaways time with their loved ones at camp. Meanwhile on the Edge, those castaways were met by one or several loved ones each as well.

Curtis won the challenge. At camp, Rose sought to break up a strong duo in Mittens and Brian. Mittens wanted to get JJ out thinking she would win the game in the end, but Curtis felt Dylan was the more pressing threat. Curtis then got an idea to blindside Rose for his strong strategic game and coming after Mittens . Rose sensed something was up and considered using his "safety without power" advantage. Meanwhile, Brian tried to talk Mittens into using her steal-a-vote. Two five-person alliances emerged among the scrambling: Penner, Rose , JJ , Josh, and Dylan targeted Brian; Christian, Vic, Mittens , Brian, and Curtis targeted Rose . At Tribal Council, more whispering commenced. When Jeff said it was time to vote, Rose and Mittens both played their advantages. With Rose gone, the other alliance discussed who they were going to switch their vote to. Mittens took Penners vote, and JJ played her idol from Dakal on Penner to negate two votes. While Brian received two votes herself, Dylan was sent back to the Edge with five votes after Josh flipped; he had no fire tokens to bequeath.

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Post #118: 4th May 2020 5:24 PM 
Episode 11

"This is Extortion"

Rose was upset about Dylan's elimination, as he was relying on him as a shield. Rose and Christian got into an argument, with each telling the other that they were the next biggest threats left. Early the next morning, Curtis snuck out of camp and found an idol. Wanting to go back to the chaotic gameplay he used back in Cagayan, Curtis pledged loyalty to the minority alliance, but Penner and JJ grew skeptical. On the Edge, DD and Shadow found a bottle containing a clue to the whereabouts of another advantage. They realized it was hidden underneath the shelter, and Shadow distracted the others while DD found an "Extortion" advantage; this allowed her to force somebody to pay a number of fire tokens or else they would be forced to sit out of the immunity challenge and would lose their next vote. She played it against Curtis, who had three, but was able to obtain one each from Rose , Vic, and Christian to match the six-token fee. To cover up the fact that she had the 50-50 safety coin, Josh told Curtis she had spent her fire tokens on an advantage for if she was sent to the Edge.

Curtis won his second immunity challenge in a row. Back at camp, Mittens approached the majority alliance with a plan to split the votes between Rose and Josh on the chance the former played an idol. Rose told the minority alliance that he wanted to vote Christian off, but Penner and JJ secretly decided to flip over to the majority and vote against Rose . However, Curtis decided to take the opportunity to blindside somebody and approached Vic, Rose , and Josh about blindsiding Brian who he felt was too tight with his closest ally Mittens . While Vic was up for it, Rose showed reluctance, because he wasn’t sure if he trusted Curtis when he told him that Penner and JJ were about to betray him. At Tribal Council, the majority alliance (including Penner and JJ ) stuck to the plan and split the votes between Rose and Josh . However, Rose and Josh joined Curtis and Vic, blindsiding Brian and sending her to the Edge with an unused idol in her pocket. Brian split her two fire tokens between Mittens and JJ .

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Post #119: 4th May 2020 5:29 PM 
Episode 12

"Friendly Fire"

An irate Mittens scolded Curtis for leaving her in the dark at the last vote; to regain her trust, Curtis told Mittens of his idol. He also told Christian, and evolved his "spy shack" strategy by making a "spy nest" in the trees, which only Mittens was aware of. Christian and Rose's conflict continued, while JJ rallied tribemates into voting Curtis out next. Christian found an idol while searching with Curtis , although Curtis caught Christian trying to hide it from him. At the Edge, the 11 castaways were tasked with carrying 20 coconuts (one at a time) from one side of the island to the other. The first six to complete this task would earn two fire tokens each. The placements were DD, Brian, Nofo, Shadow, Dylan, and Zersch, with the other five (Rodney, KC, Boc, Outlast, and Maddie) not earning any fire tokens.

Rose, Christian, and Mittens fell out early. During the challenge, Jeff offered peanut butter and cookies to anyone who would drop out. JJ and Josh accepted the offer, giving Penner immunity, while Curtis accepted Vic's request for a fire token if Vic would drop out. This gave Curtis his third consecutive immunity win. Back at camp, everyone initially agreed to vote Rose out. However, when Christian told Curtis that JJ had been trying to make a move against him, Curtis switched the plan, working to convince Christian, Mittens , and Rose to blindside JJ . Josh sensed Rose was still in danger and loaned him her 50/50 coin flip. At Tribal Council, Curtis and Rose whispered to each other, leading to another live tribal. Amongst the whispers, JJ expressed concern that Curtis , Mittens , and Christian were running the game, Mittens got a sense she was in trouble, and Penner lashed out when Rose tried to start a conversation with her, saying she wanted to get the vote over with. After the votes were cast, Curtis openly offered to play his idol for Mittens while Rose mulled playing the coin flip. No advantages were played, and Mittens joined the men in sending JJ to the Edge. JJ split her three tokens between Mittens , Josh , and Penner.

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Post #120: 4th May 2020 5:31 PM 
aaaand that's where we're at. In the running:


and everyone on Edge. Literally everyone except for Lamps can still win
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