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R-ay Seven
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Post #106: 20th Aug 2017 10:05 PM 
Zersch @ 20/8/2017 22:59
Oh and for the record I didn't just waste the mirror for shits and giggles, I didn't have a choice and it could only be used on myself.

What was it supposed to do?
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Post #107: 20th Aug 2017 10:06 PM 
Timmah @ 20/8/2017 23:01
THE GREAT DR @ 20/8/2017 21:59
Timmah @ 20/8/2017 22:59
If lamps is scum, so is 317. In my non expert opinion

Why's that?

It was something I was thinking yesterday while,reading back on lamps posts

don't tie me to him.
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Eff Ewe DADD!
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Post #108: 20th Aug 2017 10:08 PM 
Angi tied herself to timmah yesterday. Not sure if they are scum together, or if she knows he's Town and is trying to get credit.
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Post #109: 20th Aug 2017 10:08 PM 
JJ @ 20/8/2017 21:05
Zersch @ 20/8/2017 22:59
Oh and for the record I didn't just waste the mirror for shits and giggles, I didn't have a choice and it could only be used on myself.

What was it supposed to do?

He watches himself
Rodney is a great guy. Oops, nevermind he's a terrible human being.
He likes his sandwiches to be Turkey and Swiss. Triangle cut. Let vern have his crust. Poison the part Rodney eats.

TIB - 2 time award winner "Worst mafia player" at FE (maybe everywhere)

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Curtis said he wishes I never joined FE.

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Post #110: 20th Aug 2017 10:08 PM 
Curtis - I would never leave you out. :)



D1: nothing of note
D2: Seems sketchy to me since he was calling Farlig out because of this block back on D2 but it was later determined Merc was most likely the Mafia kill, and given he still pushed for his lynch D5 when Ben was getting votes. Could read town since he calls for Maddie to be killed but the fact he includes Ahoda (to be killed) is sketchy when Maddie seems pretty obv scum.
D3: Suspects that day were Ahoda, Mittens, Shadow, im317. All but 1 has flipped either town or 3p. The one who hasn't, im317, he lynched immediately after Zersch asked im317 what's up, as if he had info. So, he could either be town thinking Zersch knows im317 is scum or scum, feeling he needs to lynch to look good if Zersch has info. Either way, not really conclusive except that none of his other 3 reads were mafia and Shadow was obvious lynch that day, anyway.
D4: Continues to say Ahoda is scum. Lynches Dadd after lie detector result, which seemed obvious. Lynched Jamie after his claim. Said Christian seemed scummy.
D5: Casts suspicions on Christian that he could be Jamie's scum buddy, says he might go look and see how votes came in but doesn't do it. Could be mafia seeking Christian as an easy target. His Town/Scum list isn't that weird in itself. Obv some of his scum suspects have now flipped town. It stood out to me that he has Ben/Timmah under a category stating he confuses them for each other but doesn't cast any suspicion on them as scum besides that. Meanwhile, Ben has flipped scum and Timmah has never seemed to be a target for Curtis, really. Under his 5 scummiest, two of the five have since flipped town. One has been "cleared" by Vic (although that's not set in stone or anything obv), the other two are im317 and TIB. I personally don't think TIB Is scum, maybe im317 is. Trying to point out other Mason seems sketchy but, if he were a mafia, he probably would just share that on his scum board. Defends Zersch and then agrees he could have set something up with Maddie in order to look innocent. Hard to really conclude anything about this since Zersch basically disappeared after seeming very town and giving us Mafia/Maddie on D2.
Worst thing to me is saying he doesn't believe Ben or Sock's claims but then lynches Farlig. He uses excuse similar to Timmah's in that he doesn't trust people on the other trains (Ben/Sock trains). Passes by any real doubt about Timmah's vengeful claim in the process and waves off lynching David as too boring.
D6: Talks about Ben & Sock being scummy pretty consistently. After Ben is killed by Brian, lynches Sock. The only thing that looks bad (besides Sock flipping town lol) is that he seemed to go back and forth with Timmah a lot, saying if someone on Farlig's train is scum it's him, pointing out why Timmah's conspiracy theories regarding Vic are wrong, even comparing him to Ben in terms of what he was saying about Vic, but never lynches him. I also don't see that Sock's claim was that outlandish given a role with a day killer, it made sense to me that someone would have a role where they couldn't die during the day. Also, Sock seemed like an easy target as he wasn't around a lot to defend himself. Also, continually ignoring David as a lynch target keeps giving me bad vibes.

Curtis's lynch record:

D1: Nofo
D2: Maddie, Vlady
D3: im317, Shadow
D4: Dadd, Jamie
D5: Christian, Farlig
D6: Sock

The two mafia he lynched (Maddie/Jamie) seemed like obvious lynches at the time. The Dadd lynch isn't really bad due to the false lie detector info. Christian lynch isn't that bad since I do agree Christian seemed scummy when claiming. The lynches I question most are Farlig and Sock since Farlig could've been a way to save scum Ben and Sock could've been a way to save scum Timmah, or someone else?

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Post #111: 20th Aug 2017 10:09 PM 
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Post #112: 20th Aug 2017 10:09 PM 
Primate @ 20/8/2017 21:08
Angi tied herself to timmah yesterday. Not sure if they are scum together, or if she knows he's Town and is trying to get credit.

Or it could just be her honest opinion.
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Post #113: 20th Aug 2017 10:11 PM 
JJ @ 20/8/2017 23:05
Zersch @ 20/8/2017 22:59
Oh and for the record I didn't just waste the mirror for shits and giggles, I didn't have a choice and it could only be used on myself.

What was it supposed to do?

Would tell me anyone that visited me on the night I used it.

Spoiler: No one did.
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Post #114: 20th Aug 2017 10:12 PM 
everyone getting tied together
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Post #115: 20th Aug 2017 10:13 PM 
Curtis looks worse than I thought.
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Post #116: 20th Aug 2017 10:14 PM 
lets all mass claim right now
d ( i n o s r o a ) r
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Post #117: 20th Aug 2017 10:15 PM 
It seems I am 100% scum depending on the flip of about three different people

Bring it on. Off with their heads
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Post #118: 20th Aug 2017 10:16 PM 
Curtis @ 20/8/2017 23:15
It seems I am 100% scum depending on the flip of about three different people

Bring it on. Off with their heads

given Mittens claim, if hes telling the truth then i think you are scum 95%.
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Post #119: 20th Aug 2017 10:16 PM 
Curtis @ 20/8/2017 23:09

Well you were first. Well, Rose was first but I got bored since she seems so town. :P
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Post #120: 20th Aug 2017 10:16 PM 
Primate @ 20/8/2017 23:13
Curtis looks worse than I thought.

lol rly? I think my reads have been pretty good (:

I guess the Farlig/Sock lynches were dark times
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