The end of day gets tense and the multiple breakups seem to have also taken their toll. The room nearly erupted into fighting at times. Finally, the read door opened as the speaker crackled:
"It appears we have not removed the problems plaguing FE and it is only getting worse. Choose."
The arguing continues, until finally people point to TIB. He sighs, says "I haven't done as well as I'd hoped" and walks through the door. It appears he left a tricorner hat on the couch where he was sitting.
TIB was: Adam Ant (aligned with town)
Last song used successfully: “Friend of Foe” – You can determine if the target player is protown or not.
How can you have any pudding if you won't eat your meat?
This may be a long night, given the weekend. Deadline is set for 6:00am Monday BUT if all actions come in earlier and I have a chance to do writeups, I'll definitely open earlier.
How can you have any pudding if you won't eat your meat?