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Winners at War: Fantasy
Quizmaster Vern!
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Post #91: 13th Feb 2020 5:02 PM 
If I dont see a double-head I'm gonna be upset Curt
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Post #92: 13th Feb 2020 5:41 PM 
Vernon the Admin of 2019 @ 13/2/2020 17:02
If I dont see a double-head I'm gonna be upset Curt

uh ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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Quizmaster Vern!
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Post #93: 13th Feb 2020 6:22 PM 
Please no
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Post #94: 13th Feb 2020 10:40 PM 
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Survivor: Winners at War - Fantasy


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Post #95: 13th Feb 2020 10:47 PM 

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Winning Season: Africa (Season 3)
Maddie played in a different environment compared to today, back when a tribe switch was considered the biggest twist in the show's history. But his success speaks to a mentality that prevails: Despite Survivor's cutthroat nature, likability goes a long way. In the wilds of Kenya, Maddie's natural charm and allegiances won out, making him one of the most popular winners of all time. And he's back to continue the narrative, now with a personal story of survival.

Winning Season: Guatemala (Season 11)
Rodney impressively fought a numbers disadvantage the entire postmerge, losing all of her allies in the process. But her scrappiness and social maneuvering endeared her to those in power, eventually bringing her into the fold. The relationships she made throughout had a million-dollar value, as the bonds she made on both sides along with her underdog story earned her the win.

Winning Season: Micronesia - Fans vs. Favorites (Season 16)
After losing her first season, Survivor legend Shadow worked to bring more dimension to her game, though it was stymied when she was targeted early. Luckily, her quick connections prevailed, taking her from the bottom to a crucial role in several alliances. Part of some of the biggest moves in Survivor history, Shadow's ruthlessness and charisma earned her the respect of the jury and fans alike.

Winning Season: Redemption Island (Season 22)
Boc made three runs at the game with moves out of The Godfather, but they never translated to a win until Redemption Island. Entering a cast of new players, Boston Boc played one of the most dominant games in history, assembling an army of fiercely loyal soldiers and easily winning in his handpicked endgame. Now, after writing the book on how to win Survivor, he's back for a record fifth time to see if he could practice what he preaches.

Winning Season: Philippines (Season 25)
Penner holds the distinction of going to every single Tribal Council in her season, only earning safety during one challenge. But she was able to impressively survive every time, building strong bonds with power players and quickly adapting her game across winnowing numbers and three different tribes. Now back again, the sex therapist hopes her second Survivor session yields fewer visits to Jeff Probst, but still the same result.

Winning Season: San Juan Del Sur - Blood vs. Water (Season 29)
The two-time Amazing Racer lost her support system from the get-go when her twin was voted out. She then bonded with future winner Rose, who also got blindsided. Thus began DD's revenge plot, timed to a tee. Part of the majority, she subtly swayed the numbers to turn votes against her allies, all the while mapping out her endgame. In a season run by pairs, it was the first player left single to take the victory, as DD was able to get her retribution and a million dollars to boot.

Winning Season: Cambodia - Second Chances (Season 31)
Rose was a constant in a season full of variables, aligning himself with the game's biggest targets to avoid repeating history. As the game shifted, he kept his eyes on the prize: Winning for his wife and soon-to-be three children. With family on his mind, he made bold plays in the right moments, and used the concept of "voting blocs" to slip under the radar. As a result, Rose won unanimously, making good on his second chance.

Winning Season: Kaôh Rōng (Season 32)
Never visiting Tribal Council in the premerge, Josh was raring to go once the merge hit, becoming a pivotal swing vote at two vital times. But her competition soon turned against her, fearing her connections. Through a series of events that include key challenge wins, a late-game medevac, and a juror removal, Josh claimed her spot at the end. And in one of the show's most highly contested results, the jury honored her fight and impressive skill set.

Winning Season: Millennials vs. Gen X (Season 33)
Survivor means so much for Outlast, considering it was a key part of his relationship with his late mother. Inspired by her, he played his heart out, finding idols, winning challenges, and taking risks, all of which earned friends and enemies alike. Reaching the final Tribal Council, he outlined his simultaneous loyalty and ability to get rid of threats. The jury then made his dreams come true, voting for him unanimously.

Winning Season: Heroes v. Healers v. Hustlers (Season 35)
In the first half of his season Christian was a power player, a loyal ally who made tight relationships and was a key part of alliances both secret and open. But when everyone turned against him, the Marine went into fight mode. He found and played idols in three successive rounds, and became the first victor in the brand-new firemaking competition at the final four, all while putting on a show for the jury. They in turn gave Christian the win, honoring his fight.

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Post #96: 13th Feb 2020 10:52 PM 
I love the hat!
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Post #97: 13th Feb 2020 10:54 PM 

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Winning Season: David vs. Goliath (Season 37)
Though in trouble early on, Vic ingrained himself into the cast by making several key two-person alliances, with nicknames to boot. He took advantage of the advantages the game provided, weaponizing them when outnumbered at the merge. And though he lost several key allies in the process, the public defender played to that "David" label, working his way out of several tight corners to ultimately prevail and join the winner's circle.

Winning Season: Ghost Island (Season 36)
Zersch started the game by building furniture and a close connection with Domenick Abbate. The two would go on to dominate together, Domenick's smarts and boisterousness complementing Zersch's cool, level-headed thinking. The duo's games were heavily linked, to the point where they tied the final vote, a Survivor first. But Zersch's social navigating prevailed, as his bond with Laurel Johnson led her to break the tie in his favor.

Winning Season: Game Changers (Season 34)
Mittens notably changed up tactics from her first time out, straying away from the safest route to become a silent assassin. In a hectic endgame, She was constantly in the know as to what was going on, influencing the outcome to satisfy her game and get the upper hand. Her style of masterminding, attention to detail, and social bonds got her to a win, showing she truly is a "game changer" in every sense of the phrase.

Winning Season: Cagayan (Season 28)
The police officer played hard from jump, lying up and down about his profession and unearthing an idol--one of three he would ultimately find. He was not shy from antics on the island, whether they be constructing a "spy shack" or trying to become proficient in llama. Though flashy, Curtis played a game of influence, jumping sides frequently to get rid of friend and foe. But despite his betrayals, Curtis' ferocity, initiative, and ability to pivot led the jury to ultimately reward him.

Winning Season: Blood vs. Water (Season 27)
Dylan suffered a series of setbacks early, with an eliminated girlfriend and injured shoulder. But he was able to not only make lemonade out of lemons, but chug that lemonade when nobody was looking. At the merge, Dylan took the reins and never looked back, cobbling an alliance of single players that he rode to the very end, where the jury awarded him for evading the target on his back.

Winning Season: One World (Season 24)
The initial gender divide put JJ in a dominant alliance of five women, which she quickly became the leader of. Though the "One World" twist provided obstacles in her path, she worked around them to guarantee the girls would prevail while simultaneously keeping her options open. And, in one of the most impressive strategic games to date, JJ stood in an unloseable endgame, with everyone looking to take her to the finals out of loyalty and likability.

Winning Season: South Pacific (Season 23)
Brian was a key cog in her Day 1 alliance, working to make sure they got to the end without any deviations. Within that, she was part of a trio that ruled the game until Day 39. And sitting at the end, she used her position to her advantage, painting herself as the brains behind the operation while decrying her opponents' flaws. It was ultimately a winning argument, as the jury diagnosed the then-medical student as the Sole Survivor.

Winning Season: Cook Islands (Season 13)
Nofo's rational and intelligent approach to the game made him the brains of his alliance, with an additional idol safety net. It also got him out of a tight spot, going from a 8-4 disadvantage to getting his alliance to the end, the biggest underdog story in the show's history. With tenure at the White House, Facebook, and Google between seasons, we'll see if Nofo's mind is still sharp for the twists and turns coming his way.

Winning Season: All-Stars (Season 8)
Coming from season 2, KC found a partner both romantically and strategically in her now-husband Boc. The two of them ruled the roost from beginning to end, maneuvering over any obstacle in their way. Now, after a sixteen year Survivor hiatus, she's back to see if that success can be replicated with a new group of returnees.

Winning Seasons: Pearl Islands (Season 7) and Heroes vs. Villains (Season 20)
Lamps is to this point the only person to win the title of Sole Survivor twice, claiming victory against some of the game's biggest stars. She's never afraid to mince words, creating rivalries with some of the most notorious villains reality TV has seen. But despite her outspoken personality, Lamps benefits from slipping under everyone's expectations, willing to spin a lie or make a deal at a moment's notice, as long as it's not her.

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Post #98: 14th Feb 2020 12:12 AM 
My resume is amazing - Female Power FTW!
Quizmaster Vern!
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Post #99: 14th Feb 2020 12:31 PM 
Verndney or Rodnon......... you decide.

Either way. Where the fuck are we!!!!
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Post #100: 17th Feb 2020 4:15 PM 
Episode 1

"Greatest of the Greats"

20 returning winners arrived in Fiji to play an All-Winners season of Survivor. The two tribes of 10 (Dakal in red and Sele in blue) were informed that the grand prize this season would be $2 Million, and that the Edge of Extinction was in play. Lastly, Jeff introduced the Fire Tokens to the cast, where at their camps the tribes found out they could use their fire tokens to buy advantages and luxury items whenever they were at challenges.

After Sele's loss at the immunity challenge, Boc and Shadow found themselves as an unlikely duo. The new school players scrambled to put out a name, with Outlast and Penner's early separation looking for water putting a target on their back. When Christian approached Boc for strategy talk, he spilled that Rodney had suggested Boc as one of the options. Boc confronted Rodney and, impressed with her honesty, formed an old school alliance with her, Maddie, and Shadow. When Outlast found out that Penner and himself were targets, he tried to shift the target onto players with previous relationships like DD and Rose, the two having previously played together in San Juan del Sur. While the tribe scrambled before Tribal Council, Boc and Shadow found themselves dumbfounded that they were not the targets.

At Tribal Council, Penner and Outlast pushed for prior relationships to be targeted over second-time players. Eventually, a majority of the old school alliance decided to send DD to the Edge to split up her and Rose. As DD left Tribal Council, she chose to bequeath her fire token to Rose. During her first day on the Edge, DD received an advantage and luxury item menu and was informed of finding ways to earn new fire tokens. Following a clue left by the Edge Sail, she discovered a hidden immunity idol that works for the next three Tribal Councils, which she could sell to anyone on the losing tribe.

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The first two days were relaxing for Dakal, with Lamps and Curtis patching things up from Game Changers, and Nofo and Brian gathering other first-time returners into a group. After the immunity challenge loss on Day 3, Nofo and Brian started gathering the former Game Changers trio (Lamps, Mittens, and Curtis) to target KC, JJ, and Dylan. Lamps discovered an offer for an idol had appeared in her belongings for a fire token, which she accepted under the impression that DD had made the offer from the Edge.

Prior to the season, Dylan, Boc, Rose, and JJ had played in a televised Poker tournament with Dylan casually suggesting an alliance if the four of them were playing Survivor again. JJ and KC felt overwhelmed by the pace of the game already, with JJ shocked to find herself being actively left out of strategic talk by the majority of Dakal. At Tribal Council, all three tried to convince the tribe that there was no Poker Alliance in the game, with KC and JJ trying to convince others to take out Vic for being the most recent winner. It was to no avail, with the disconnected players and the Game Changers voting KC out and sending her to the Edge in fear of her husband, Boc, over at Sele. Before arriving to the Edge, KC chose to bequeath her fire token to Boc.

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Quizmaster Vern!
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Post #101: 17th Feb 2020 7:37 PM 
naw this is some bullshit
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Post #102: 18th Feb 2020 7:20 AM 
Dyl, Boc, Rose and JJ would have been a stellar poker alliance.
"So, uh, what are we saying here? If we save LA from a nuclear bomb, then you and I can get together for dinner and a movie?"
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Post #103: 18th Feb 2020 7:56 AM 
Boc and KC make for a stellar married couple
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Post #104: 18th Feb 2020 8:00 PM 
He's my pumpkin~
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Post #105: 19th Feb 2020 10:35 AM 
Am I still in it?
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