that was an incredible episode. really hit me hard.
yesterday is also the day my dad passed away 5 years ago so the timing is really weird for me
I can definitely relate to the episode and think it was well done. Slowly letting in other people and filling them in on the same story over and over again. Slowly realizing the news is breaking out. Everyone in shock, but everyone saying essentially the same thing to console you to the point where the consoling words are just words
Not sure what was up with Logan Roy's assistant girlfriend chick though. That reaction was definitely one I haven't seen, and so Tom's "the fuck!?" reaction was priceless.
good ep, especially the phonecall bits. Apparently that part was like a 30 min long take? Either they chopped it up a bit in the edit or I just didn't notice, either way I'm sure that lent itself to the intensity quite a bit
Gotta say I didn't believe it one bit until they finally showed Logan's body. That was an interesting/effective choice on the writers' part. Kept the audience in a similar situation as the kids
The whole saying your final words to someone who almost certainly can't hear you but you feel like you have to do it anyway was eerily reminiscent of an experience I had with a family member, so that definitely hit me. Shiv's reaction was def the hardest to watch. Whole cast did great but Snook and McFadyen were the MVPs here imo
One of the best episodes of the show fursuuuure. People are putting it up there with Ozymandias and some other all time tv show eps, I definitely think it'll be considered a classic for a long time. I was caught wayyyyyy off guard when it started to develop, they pulled it off so well. I literally thought he was fucking with them even though that's so stupid
Connor continues to be the quiet mvp of the season, Alan Ruck has done so much with what he's given. Him finding out that Logan died on his way to Sweden aka he was never gonna come to the wedding was such a gut punch. I loved the shot towards the end of him and Willa getting married with a much smaller crowd
But yeah Shiv and Tom stole the show, they were both perfect. I also loved the bit with Frank and Kendall, there was some early series stuff about how Frank practically helped raise him, so when Frank frustratingly punched the wall and called Kendall son..oof
Wild move on the writer's part but a great one. The whole series started with Logan's health problems and basically the promise that he would die and his successor would be in question, but they waited long enough for us to forget all that and then pulled the wool over our eyes. I kinda feel like they'll do the same thing with the whole Tom going to jail incident. I hope not tho, I'm rooting for him to have a good ending but I don't see it happening. I think Greg's gonna land in some trouble too
Kinda…felt bad for Kerri! Greg with a big douche moment making fun of her with Marcia. Good guy Roman helping her was nice. I loooved the end of the ep with Kendall threatening Hugo. That smirk
4x5 was so good. Speaking of Hugo, I thought he was hilarious. I can’t imagine the show without Hugo Jerri Frank Karl Carolina etc, they’re always all so funny. “That guy’s a dick.” after Hugo did nothing but insult him made me lol
Tom trying to get in with the Swedes lol, oof
These location visit episodes always seem to hit different. Fun fact, that was the ex machina house! Neat