Very...different. I don't care about any of other Blizzard's games but I kinda love the concept of it basically being a Disneyland battle, seems like they could do a lot of unique things with this map
BIOTIC GRASP: (LMB, RMB) - healing, resource generation, zoning
When healing
Uses resource which slowly recharges (but see damage beam)
Heals 75-80 hps (same as Ana, slight more then Mercy) with a 4 second residual heal over time. You can tap a person to heal with using very little resource.
Is AOE, so you can heal more then one hero at a time!!
Targets like Mei's Freezy gun, has slightly more range, passed through targets.
Shields effect it, D'va DM does not.
Charges Ult
When damaging
Recharges resource quickly.
Does 30 - 45 dps. 50-75% of Winston damage.
Long range!
Locks on target but, requires aim to keep it on there. Disconnects instantly if the target reticle moves slightly away from target. It does not act like Sym's beam at all. Aim / Tracking is important here.
Effected by shields, but not by D'va's DM.
Charges Ult
BIOTIC ORB: ('e') - her only real damage outside ult.
When you press e, you then click left or right to pick which orb
Has a 10 second cooldown. Cooldown starts at launch.
Lasts 10 seconds (same as cooldown), or 200 damage, or 300 healing, works pretty quickly.
Travels as fast as Syms Orb, or Halt. Slows down when it damages / heals people, which means it stays next to them more.
Passes through shields
Effects things in a radius slightly smaller then Halt.
Bounces off floor, walls, roof, objects, etc
Defectable by Genji
Absorbable by Dva
Can heal you
Doesn't use resource
FADE: (on Shift) - her escape:
6 second cooldown
Makes you fast, invisible, invulnerable.
it is NOT a teleport
lasts for less then 1 second.
ULT: (q) -its a hell of a thing.
Long range, hitscan, wide beam.
Lasts 5 seconds
Does a lot of damage AND healing
Bypasses Shields, Dv'as DM.
Moira moves faster during her ult.
Disables Crouch
It heals you when you damage people with it
Effectively counters Zarya's Grav, in the same way as Zen
Not a DPS hybrid.
Multi target burst healing with Healing over time tagged on makes her a strong primary healer
Vampire beam is good against Mercy in a pharmercy, so acts as a counter.
Damage beam does NOT act like Syms beam - saying it again, because people are not watching the videos and looking closely at how it works.
Yeah, but it moves pretty fast when it's not connected to an enemy. will have to basically fling herself at the orb to eat it cause it's extremely bouncy. And it can deal damage from behind as well.
Her fade is so cool, though. It's like a mixture of Sombra & Reaper's abilities to get away.