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Post #946: 8th Jun 2017 11:19 PM 
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Post #947: 8th Jun 2017 11:19 PM 
PONY 2012 lolol
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Post #948: 9th Jun 2017 1:28 AM 
the fuck is going on with teh britsh election thing
people are chearing and saying may lost but dont cons have the most seats out of every1 even if it isn't majority? how do the alliances shake out with so many parties? someone gimme that summary
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Post #949: 9th Jun 2017 1:39 AM 
You usually need to 50% in order to govern I think, so the cons need to rope in one of the smaller parties. But they might not want to so yeah.

Probably gonna be like a Democrat as President and Senate as Republican sort of thing, both blocks refusing to work with each other.

It's only been a year since the Brexit thing so it's probably gonna be a bit chaotic over there.
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Post #950: 9th Jun 2017 3:22 AM 
Herm @ 8/6/2017 23:39
You usually need to 50% in order to govern I think, so the cons need to rope in one of the smaller parties. But they might not want to so yeah.

Probably gonna be like a Democrat as President and Senate as Republican sort of thing, both blocks refusing to work with each other.

It's only been a year since the Brexit thing so it's probably gonna be a bit chaotic over there.

50%+1 (triggered).

This happens every election in Iceland, but this is a bit interesting since currently the top 5 parties after the Conservatives add up to 325, or 50% (1 more needed!), there are 3 seats left so it's theoretically possible if one of them goes to one of those parties.

But realistically such a big coalition will never work or likely even be formed, but I'm not sure who would be willing to work with the conservatives.

This is a LOT like the election last year in Iceland, where the standing two-party coalition fell and no one wanted to work with one of those parties, (and all the other parties needed to form a coalition to get both of them out, which turned out to be impossible).
It took two and a half months for a three-party coalition to form then with one of the standing ones that didn't smell as funny.

Most likely one of the smaller parties joins the Conservatives and that party can ask the Conservatives for almost anything, but I'm not familiar enough with UK politics to know which one would possibly do that.

Post Edited by Mercator @ 9th Jun 2017 3:23 AM
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Post #951: 9th Jun 2017 3:36 AM 
The only party that would conceivably work with the Tories are the Irish DUP, but even with the DUP the Tories won't have enough seats to form a government. The Lib Dems have sworn they will not form a coalition with the Tories because last time they did that it basically destroyed their party. The Scottish National Party (SNP) is only likely to form a government with Labour (a lot of SNP voters used to be Labour votes pre-Scottish referendum), but even if SNP, Lib Dems, Greens, and Labour join forces, that's STILL not enough to form a minority government with Corbyn as PM.

TLDR; Forming a government is going to be an absolute shit storm and will probably fail.
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Post #952: 9th Jun 2017 3:38 AM 
And the reason people are saying May lost in particular is because she was the one who called for a snap election under the impression that the Tories would pick up even more seats and a clear mandate from the people which...definitely did not happen here and is kind of a disaster for the Conservatives, especially what with Brexit negotiations and all that. May will probably end up stepping down as Conservative Leader and I know many Con MPs are already calling for it.
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Post #953: 9th Jun 2017 8:46 AM 
Mercator @ 8/6/2017 22:19

Better than Vermin Supreme?

Clearly a tie for my vote.
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Post #954: 9th Jun 2017 11:58 AM 
Igor @ 9/6/2017 1:28
the fuck is going on with teh britsh election thing
people are chearing and saying may lost but dont cons have the most seats out of every1 even if it isn't majority? how do the alliances shake out with so many parties? someone gimme that summary

Here's the simplest explanation. Most of the world uses a parliamentary system. Parliament is similar to Congress, with ministers elected by localities. But rather than elect a "president" directly, parliament instead picks one of their own to be the head of government. So essentially imagine that to elect the "president" (aka prime minister), Congress has to get together and get 50%+1 of the people to agree. So it means that if you don't have a single party with 50%+1, they have to make friends with someone else, which usually involves offering concessions (positions in the government, etc.). The key thing is that the prime minister holds on to their position only so long as they have that 50%+ vote going for them. If they piss off their partners, then parliament can hold what is called a "no confidence" vote, which if it gets 50% or more of the vote, the prime minister's government is gone and a new government needs to be formed. It means that the government can have viable third parties and can be quickly responsive to the will of the people- after all, it doesn't take much to change the government. The big disadvantage is that you lose a lot of stability- a president is in, for better or worse, for at least four years, so you know that his government is going to be relatively stable during that period. In a parliamentary system, the government could literally change every day if nobody can field a majority coalition, making it more difficult to set up long-term programs (which end up putting some more power at times into the civil service system).
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Post #955: 9th Jun 2017 12:08 PM 
Ahh sounds more entertaining, I'm in
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Post #956: 10th Jun 2017 3:04 AM 
Igor @ 8/6/2017 22:21
McCain is the biggest piece of shit. Either he's incredibly senile and shouldn't be in office or he's purposely trying to downplay the investigation and confuse stupid people between the two investigations. Guy is honestly just worried about keeping himself in congress and try to flip flop any way possible, it's disgusting. He wants to keep support in the Trump base while trying to appear like he's doing his due dillgence to push the investigation in the beginning. I'm done with this old piece of GOP shit. At least the other GOP are evil and we knew where they stand. This guy is such a snake oil salesman.

McCain really is spineless piece of shit along with other republicans that are just riding this out (Graham, Rubio, Cruz...)

Trump literally called him a coward to his face and made fun of his war record for being a POW. He then called McCain an incompetent politician.

McCain then says some bad stuff about Trump in the media but as far as I know ALWAYS votes yes on stuff Trump puts forward. He is literally the definition of all talk no walk.

What the hell does McCain have to lose if he fights back anyways? His seat? He is 80 years old. He is going to retire soon anyways. Why not go out fighting?

Maybe Trump is right that he is a coward
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Post #957: 10th Jun 2017 3:27 AM 
The entire Republican party should be studied, since humans aren't invertebrates.
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Post #958: 10th Jun 2017 3:55 AM 
I'm always perplexed whenever I see Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell walking upright.
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Post #959: 10th Jun 2017 7:11 AM 
I hate every congressman I see, from chimpan-a to Paul Ryan
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Post #960: 15th Jun 2017 2:32 PM 
How can you have any pudding if you won't eat your meat?
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