Them "Mystic Eyes" - You can't go wrong with Them. Tune
Bertrands Wish "Keep Dreaming" - I'm going to be humble and give myself a 9/10 B) Taking a point away from myself because of the production quality. I can hear how much better it would have been had I taken it to a pro. Production is god damn hard, and I'm doing it myself atm. Regardless, I think the song is very good, best I've written to date.
Btw I know the band name sounds like a perfume, but it's named after Bertrand Russell, so that means it's actually really cool, and anyone who didn't get the reference is a loser. Also I asked Rose to design a logo for the band last year and she never did it! So I had to settle for a cartoon dandelion that I paid someone $50 to make on Fiverr. Not the best investment I've ever made.
Marian Hill "Down" - I hate it but it's so catchy. Didn't someone post this before? IIRC Apple used this on an advert.
KNOWER "The Government Knows" - I can't stop laughing. :peroy: Also this Peroy smiley syncs up well with the music. I wish I'd written this.
Chuck and Mac "Powerful Love" - nice
STRFKR "Rawnald Gregory Erickson the Second" - Thought I was gonna hate this, but it is pretty good. The beat is catchy. The singer sounds like a rapist though.
Joel Plaskett "Through & Through & Through" - This was a bit cheesy but not bad.
Grey Daze "Sickness" - Decent
League 2
Andy Shauf "Neon Skyline" - The song is okay, but I don't like this guys voice at all.
AURORA "Runaway" - When will Indie girls stop singing like this. Why do they do it, it doesn't sound good! Song might have been okay otherwise.
Grimes "You'll Miss Me When I'm Not Around" - First time I've listened to a Grimes song. It's okay, not something I'd listen to again though.
Conference North
My Chemical Romance "Welcome To The Black Parade" - It's too American.