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Ghost Island: Fantasy
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The Butcher
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Post #76: 30th Apr 2018 11:12 PM 
I just saw this.

Curt, you look good in that buff!
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First Place Dick
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Post #77: 23rd May 2018 4:20 PM 
Episode #8

"The Sea Slug Slugger"

After Tribal Council, Patrick was concerned as to why she received votes again, while Curtis told Dylan about his idol, making her wary of his power in the game.

The team of KC, Chelsea, DD, Dylan, Patrick, and Curtis won reward. They immediately had the others draw rocks for Ghost Island, with Halle getting exiled; her urn was empty. While on reward, Patrick asked why she received votes, and KC said the others were wary of her bond with Outlast. Back at camp, Outlast talked to KC about blindsiding Curtis. However, after Outlast told her she was the only person left out of the loop on the last vote, KC wanted to "stir the pot" and lied to her old Naviti tribemates about Outlast saying that Jamie and Chelsea didn't trust KC, planning to target him.

KC defeated Outlast in the final round to win immunity. KC's allies tried to sway DD to their side with an idea to split the vote between Outlast and Patrick. Outlast pitched to the other former Malolo members to vote out Curtis, while Boc assured Patrick she was safe. Wanting to make a move and even the playing field, DD told Patrick of Naviti's plan to split the vote between her and Outlast, making Patrick unsure of who to trust. At Tribal Council, the Malolo plan fell through as they joined the original Navitis in splitting the vote against Patrick and Outlast. Outlast played his hidden immunity idol, negating the seven votes against him, sending Patrick to the jury with four votes.

Episode #9

"It's Like the Perfect Crime"

The morning after Patrick's elimination, Rose plotted with the old Malolo members to bring in Vic and KC to overthrow the Naviti majority because she felt like she was on the bottom, but Dylan was skeptical.

Since DD was not picked, he had no shot at reward, but was ineligible for Ghost Island. The team of Vic, Halle, Jamie, Outlast, and Ben won reward; KC got sent to Ghost Island via rock draw. While on reward, Outlast told Vic, Jamie, and Ben he was willing to work with them as an extra number, but Jamie wanted to stay strong with Naviti and pick off the Malolo members. On Ghost Island, KC played the game of chance but lost her vote after choosing the wrong chest. At camp, Dylan told Boc about Rose potentially turning on them, and Boc told Jamie , who was shocked. Outlast started searching for an idol, and DD joined him, eventually finding Scot's idol from Kaôh Rōng. It was powerless unless Tai's matching idol from the same season, which was hidden under the shelter, completed the idol. After a while, DD found the second half of the idol, but was forced to tell the other old Malolo members about it as several tribemates shuffled in and out of camp.

Vic won immunity. Jamie confronted Rose and Vic about turning on them, prompting Rose to chew out Dylan in front of everyone else. Rose adamantly tried to convince Jamie she was loyal, while Boc suggested a strong guy's alliance with Outlast, to Jamie's chagrin. At Tribal Council, Rose and Dylan reignited their argument, but while Vic joined Rose in voting against Outlast, the rest of the tribe sent Rose to the jury.

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Post #78: 23rd May 2018 4:27 PM 
Episode #10

"The Finish Line Is in Sight"

After Tribal Council, Boc expressed his gratitude toward Dylan for saving him, Curtis, and Jamie, but Jamie still wanted to pick off the old Malolo members. Boc also considered turning against Curtis before looking for an idol. He found the fake idol Jayadamo played in Millennials vs. Gen X, which still had no power, but Boc had the opportunity to trick the other players with it. Before the challenge, Jeff announced a random draw of two "tribes" for that day only, each of which would go to Tribal Council, meaning two people would be eliminated that night and Ghost Island was not in play.

Orange consisted of Boc, Jamie, Dylan, Outlast, and Curtis, while Purple consisted of KC, Vic, DD, Halle, and Ben. Vic won immunity for Purple, but immediately dropped out before Boc outlasted Curtis for the other immunity necklace and the right for Orange to visit Tribal Council last.

Back at camp, Outlast asked to borrow DD's idol, but DD immediately refused. To save himself, Outlast told Jamie he had an idol and would definitely play it. Jamie bought Outlast's ploy and told Boc , who didn't believe it. She then told Vic and Curtis, and planned on using her extra vote to vote against Dylan twice, but Curtis considered turning on Jamie to save Dylan. Meanwhile, Ben, Vic, and KC planned on voting against Halle, but they told her they would vote against DD. A paranoid Halle tried to trick DD into playing his idol for her instead of himself at Purple's Tribal Council, while DD targeted Ben.

At Purple's Tribal Council, DD played his idol on himself, negating Halle's vote against him, and the Naviti members sent Halle to the jury. At Orange's Tribal Council, Jamie used her extra vote, creating a 2-2 tie between Dylan and Outlast; on the revote, Outlast was unanimously sent to the jury.

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Post #79: 23rd May 2018 4:35 PM 
Episode #11

"A Giant Game of Bumper Cars"

Back at camp, Jamie revealed to the others that she used her extra vote against Dylan, after being pressed by Boc about there being 6 votes at a 5-person Tribal Council. At the reward challenge, the castaways were reunited with their loved ones: Curtis' father Dick Page, Jamie's brother Jme, DD's aunt Mariah, KC's daughter Mr. C, Vic's sister Sam, Dylan's brother Nicole, Ben's sister Kate Beckinsale, and Boc's wife Ellie.

Ben won reward and chose to share it with Boc, Curtis, DD and their loved ones. Ben also had to send one of the other 4 to Ghost Island where an advantage will be available off the bat, unless he or one of the other reward participants volunteers to give up their reward. Curtis volunteered, and he received Malcolm's final immunity challenge advantage from Philippines. On reward, Boc tried to align with DD and Ben, but DD was wary. At camp, Jamie was bitter about not getting chosen for reward or for the advantage on Ghost Island; she and KC plotted a girls' alliance out of revenge. Dylan weighed the pros and cons of turning on Boc and Curtis.

Boc won immunity. He and Curtis planned on bringing in Dylan to blindside Vic, while the women wanted to bring in DD to blindside Curtis. DD and Dylan privately weighed their options; DD was antsy to make a move, but Dylan wanted to stay true to her alliance with Boc and Curtis. At Tribal Council, DD revealed there were cracks in the Naviti alliance, putting his tribemates on edge. In the end, DD and Dylan voted against Vic, sending her to the jury.

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Post #80: 23rd May 2018 4:40 PM 
Episode #12

"Always Be Moving"

After Vic's elimination, DD approached Jamie with a plan to turn against Boc and Curtis.

Boc and Curtis won reward; they chose Dylan to join them and sent Ben to Ghost Island. There was a 3 in 4 chance of getting an advantage, and Ben won Jamie's misplayed extra vote that came back into play. While on reward, Dylan was secretly ready to turn on Boc and Curtis. Back at camp, DD told Curtis he would cast his jury vote for Boc over him, in hopes that they would turn on each other, but they saw through the plan.

Curtis finished the puzzle first, but Dylan called Jeff's name first; by that rule, Dylan won immunity. She wanted to stick with Boc and Curtis out of gratitude, and the three of them targeted Jamie. However, a paranoid DD asked Boc and Curtis if they were going to blindside him, making them reconsider their plans. DD then caught Boc rummaging through his bag and giving Curtis something, prompting him to go back to Jamie. Boc, Curtis, Ben, and KC debated on whether to vote out DD or Jamie at the hammock. At Tribal Council, DD's paranoia took over, and an argument ensued between him and Curtis, as Boc urged everyone else to stick to the "hammock plan." The vote was initially tied between DD and Jamie, but Jamie was sent to the jury on the revote.

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First Place Dick
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Post #81: 23rd May 2018 4:42 PM 
Still in the running

Dylan, Financial Consultant
DD, Caretaker
KC, Army Veteran
Boc, Construction Supervisor
Ben, Fishing Guide
Curtis, Furniture Designer
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