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Survivor 41: Episode 1
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Shark from Jaws
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Post #76: 22nd Sep 2021 9:16 PM 
Shan's far and away my fav. I also liked Naseer and Xandar a lot. Loved how he handled the extra vote twist, how he explained it, and how it could come to benefit him.
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Stargate that right there is the GAME WINNING vote bay bayyyyyyy
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Post #77: 22nd Sep 2021 9:22 PM 
yeah Shan's the biggest standout for me so far. I also kinda started to come back around on JD by the end tbh

Danny (biased), Naseer, Sydney, Xander, Evvie all have potential
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Post #78: 23rd Sep 2021 7:45 AM 
My theory on the spare Ricard vote:

"So, uh, what are we saying here? If we save LA from a nuclear bomb, then you and I can get together for dinner and a movie?"
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Post #79: 23rd Sep 2021 12:26 PM 
lol people are fucking furious that they got rid of “come on in guys”
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Post #80: 23rd Sep 2021 12:51 PM 
Curtis @ 23/9/2021 13:26
lol people are fucking furious that they got rid of “come on in guys”

lol silliness of it bugging people that much. I'm furious too though, about JD surviving that tribal council. :P Sorry, Dyl.
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Post #81: 23rd Sep 2021 12:52 PM 
I wonder if Jeff had just decided to drop the "guys" quietly, if anyone would have noticed or had a problem with it.
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Post #82: 23rd Sep 2021 1:49 PM 
Just watched. Was fun. Agree with the group here in general that the dice save thing is lame.

My favorite so far is Danny lets goooooo
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Post #83: 23rd Sep 2021 7:19 PM 
great premiere but man im bummed Sara left. Brad leaving woulda been ideal since hes about 21 years late to the show or JD leaving woulda been a good one episode arc for him and the way they showed him so far.

standouts/faves for me were

xander - legitimately surprised at how good he handled the protect vs risk thing
shan - obvi
evvie - maybe it was gonna be Abraham all along and the "uncertainty" at the end was just a weak red herring attempt but i liked the way evvie approached the situation and in general she seems a good balance of fan and player
tiffany - very likable and soft presence

i also liked ricard a lot personally even tho i didnt care much for the "guys" part of it all him being anti-JD cracked me up. he seems like a gamer to me but hopefully he doesnt go full gamebot i have hopes he wont

naseer has a lot of lolz worthy wildcard potential. def pre-jury boot heck i was fully expecting him to be first boot overall but glad he has at least one more episode to be his kooky self

hated JD. Brad is an anachronism. im forgetting who else is on yellow besides xan/tiff/evvie oh voce. ehh need to see more from him and wish he had stood up and said to just do savvy instead of sweat but nothing standout from him yet as far as i can recall.
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Post #84: 23rd Sep 2021 8:29 PM 
Christian @ 23/9/2021 12:52
I wonder if Jeff had just decided to drop the "guys" quietly, if anyone would have noticed or had a problem with it.

yeah I mean idc either way but dedicating like 3 min of screentime to it and ultimately putting the decision in a player's hands was an odd choice when they easily could've taken the route of just...changing it themselves. Felt like Jeff really wanted to pat himself on the back on that one
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Shark from Jaws
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Post #85: 23rd Sep 2021 9:03 PM 
That was probably the weakest part of the premiere. Highlighting it in the way they did was unnecessary, almost like they wanted a pat on the back for changing with the times. But what was worse was Jeff asking the cast in the first place on the first day, putting them on the spot, surrounded by cameras, by strangers, what are they gonna say? It's just not a good look when he's the one in power there.
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Stargate that right there is the GAME WINNING vote bay bayyyyyyy
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Post #86: 23rd Sep 2021 9:45 PM 
Its SOOOOO nice to have Survivor back.

Shan and Xander are the two players that seemed to have the most game this episode.

Shan could have very easily been targeted if she wasn't well insulated because of the puzzle but her social game appears to be on point. Xander seems like he has the potential to go far because he doesn't come across as a particularly smart or scheemy guy, but he has a decent head on his shoulders.

I liked the JD/Ricardo rivalry, interested to see where that goes. I kind of think that JD might come out on top?

I loved the part where Tiffany was searching the correct tree for the idol but looked in every branch except the right one.
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Post #87: 24th Sep 2021 2:37 AM 
That was good. I applauded when I saw Jeff probst again
Of the people, for the people!

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Post #88: 24th Sep 2021 7:39 AM 
Early favorites are Danny, Brad, and Shan.
"All this from a slice of gabagool?"
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Post #89: 24th Sep 2021 9:37 AM 
This show felt so…artificial?
It was jerking itself off for the whole 2 hours.
Sad because I’ve missed this show but what was that
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Post #90: 24th Sep 2021 9:41 AM 
The concept of shot in the dark is good but I don’t get how it works. If there’s a majority alliance at merge it could help stifle a pagong situation. But it seems like a weak attempt at that.
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