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Kevin Spacey
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Post #841: 23rd Dec 2017 12:51 PM 
"Been Netting"
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Post #842: 23rd Dec 2017 1:53 PM 
Hard nettin'
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Post #843: 23rd Dec 2017 2:33 PM 
We used to have to Ask Jeeves if we wanted to know shit. It was terrible.

How can you have any pudding if you won't eat your meat?
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Post #844: 23rd Dec 2017 2:51 PM 
I've never heard of anyone using molesting children as self-deprecating humor so i guess you're a pioneer in that regard.

But anyways, downplaying or ignoring false sexual assault allegations which absolutely DO happen is not empathy, its willful ignorance.

Rape and false allegations are both crimes and should be treated equally as such on a case by case basis, and to downplay either of them is just fucking ridiculous.

Basically what you're saying is that everyone should ignore false allegations made against men (which definitely happen) because women get raped. How does that make any logical sense?

Thats like saying don't call the police when some motherfucker breaks into your house because sometimes cops shoot people, its fucking ridiculous.

I might be a troll but at least my trolling makes some kind of loose logical sense AND THATS WHY IT WORKS
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Post #845: 23rd Dec 2017 3:34 PM 
You can't wrongfully convict someone of rape based on feelings anyway, everything in our society is evidence-based in some shape or form. We could put steps into place and help make it harder for things like this to happen in the future. Social media's been changing things lately, it's still kind of a new thing but it's not going away.
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Post #846: 23rd Dec 2017 4:51 PM 
I was wondering how he would find this thread, and if he even could.


looks like he could bois!
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Post #847: 23rd Dec 2017 4:54 PM 
Results for me:

1. Kevin Spacey pekas ut av 20 personer på Londonteater | Aftonbladet
2. Netflix bryter med Kevin Spacey | Aftonbladet
3. Kollegornas ilska mot Kevin Spacey | Nöje - Expressen
4. Kevin Spacey - N Dimension Forums
5. INDECENT: TV Anchor Says Kevin Spacey Sexually Assaulted Her ...
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Post #848: 23rd Dec 2017 4:57 PM 
Herm @ 23/12/2017 13:54
Results for me:

1. Kevin Spacey pekas ut av 20 personer på Londonteater | Aftonbladet
2. Netflix bryter med Kevin Spacey | Aftonbladet
3. Kollegornas ilska mot Kevin Spacey | Nöje - Expressen
4. Kevin Spacey - N Dimension Forums
5. INDECENT: TV Anchor Says Kevin Spacey Sexually Assaulted Her ...

You swedes must really like each other's wieners!
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Post #849: 23rd Dec 2017 7:55 PM 
Darkus Black @ 23/12/2017 0:31
Igor @ 23/12/2017 4:11
Buffy @ 22/12/2017 23:09
lol this isn't about - "will there be bitches at the party"... and I don't personally know any women (or people) who say this but okay if you do lol.

Thats how the kids talk these days.
I'm just trying to show that not every time someone says bitch it's meant to be sexist or demean women

But it is. This is a prime example of subjugation through the use of language and bringing words into mainstream that have demeaning connotations and pass them off as ok. It's not your fault that you are just using the learned behaviours of the sexist people that came before you. But you can teach the people coming after you that it isn't ok.

It's not subjugation. It's not like you're trying to say they are below you or that you're trying to say you're dominant to them. It's just slang. Words evolve their meaning over time and context is really everything. Bitch has even evolved to be a word of empowerment (i.e. she's a bad bitch, etc)
In the context of going to a party a lot of guys are going to meet girls/talk to girls/try to hook up. Same reason a lot of the girls are going as well. What you said in your previous post is pretty ridiculous. I honestly don't think it's remotely demeaning. Nor am I trying to "take away women's rights". I'm not denying the existence of oppression. I think women and men should have equal rights and be treated equally. You're just trying to paint me as this racist/sexist dude to fit your story better.
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Post #850: 23rd Dec 2017 8:06 PM 
Igor @ 24/12/2017 0:55
Darkus Black @ 23/12/2017 0:31
Igor @ 23/12/2017 4:11
Buffy @ 22/12/2017 23:09
lol this isn't about - "will there be bitches at the party"... and I don't personally know any women (or people) who say this but okay if you do lol.

Thats how the kids talk these days.
I'm just trying to show that not every time someone says bitch it's meant to be sexist or demean women

But it is. This is a prime example of subjugation through the use of language and bringing words into mainstream that have demeaning connotations and pass them off as ok. It's not your fault that you are just using the learned behaviours of the sexist people that came before you. But you can teach the people coming after you that it isn't ok.

It's not subjugation. It's not like you're trying to say they are below you or that you're trying to say you're dominant to them. It's just slang. Words evolve their meaning over time and context is really everything. Bitch has even evolved to be a word of empowerment (i.e. she's a bad bitch, etc)
In the context of going to a party a lot of guys are going to meet girls/talk to girls/try to hook up. Same reason a lot of the girls are going as well. What you said in your previous post is pretty ridiculous. I honestly don't think it's remotely demeaning. Nor am I trying to "take away women's rights". I'm not denying the existence of oppression. I think women and men should have equal rights and be treated equally. You're just trying to paint me as this racist/sexist dude to fit your story better.

I bet you think the word nigger us just slang too. You probably chat with your buddies and use it while saying they use it so it must be ok.

Just because you don't think it is demeaning doesn't make it not demeaning. The fact that you argue that it isn't, once again, shows that there is a deeper issue. Nobody is trying to make you for into anything. You are doing that yourself.
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Post #851: 23rd Dec 2017 8:08 PM 
Darkus Black @ 23/12/2017 20:06
Igor @ 24/12/2017 0:55
Darkus Black @ 23/12/2017 0:31
Igor @ 23/12/2017 4:11
Buffy @ 22/12/2017 23:09
lol this isn't about - "will there be bitches at the party"... and I don't personally know any women (or people) who say this but okay if you do lol.

Thats how the kids talk these days.
I'm just trying to show that not every time someone says bitch it's meant to be sexist or demean women

But it is. This is a prime example of subjugation through the use of language and bringing words into mainstream that have demeaning connotations and pass them off as ok. It's not your fault that you are just using the learned behaviours of the sexist people that came before you. But you can teach the people coming after you that it isn't ok.

It's not subjugation. It's not like you're trying to say they are below you or that you're trying to say you're dominant to them. It's just slang. Words evolve their meaning over time and context is really everything. Bitch has even evolved to be a word of empowerment (i.e. she's a bad bitch, etc)
In the context of going to a party a lot of guys are going to meet girls/talk to girls/try to hook up. Same reason a lot of the girls are going as well. What you said in your previous post is pretty ridiculous. I honestly don't think it's remotely demeaning. Nor am I trying to "take away women's rights". I'm not denying the existence of oppression. I think women and men should have equal rights and be treated equally. You're just trying to paint me as this racist/sexist dude to fit your story better.

I bet you think the word nigger us just slang too. You probably chat with your buddies and use it while saying they use it so it must be ok.

Just because you don't think it is demeaning doesn't make it not demeaning. The fact that you argue that it isn't, once again, shows that there is a deeper issue. Nobody is trying to make you for into anything. You are doing that yourself.

Nope, I actually don't. Not that word nor "nigga". Comparing bitch to that word is a huge stretch and you know it.

It just isn't and I've proven why it isn't. It can be in a different context sure. You must just not understand American culture. Or you're braindead. Or both.
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Post #852: 23rd Dec 2017 8:11 PM 
I wasn't comparing the words. I was comparing the idea.
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Post #853: 23rd Dec 2017 8:11 PM 
So American culture is a culture of female oppression by your words. Got it. Disappointing.
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Post #854: 23rd Dec 2017 8:12 PM 
Darkus Black @ 23/12/2017 20:11
I wasn't comparing the words. I was comparing the idea.

Sounds like you may be racist
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Post #855: 23rd Dec 2017 8:16 PM 
Igor @ 24/12/2017 1:12
Darkus Black @ 23/12/2017 20:11
I wasn't comparing the words. I was comparing the idea.

Sounds like you may be racist

Ha. Brilliant logical leap there. You are clearly as thick as pig shit.

Sorry for your brain. I imagine it must be a shit life dealing with it. Although you don't realise how bad it us of course so you are probably happy in your oblivion.
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