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Post #826: 23rd Dec 2017 12:33 AM 
Yeah, it is, but he'll never understand so this is pointless.
Darkus Black
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Post #827: 23rd Dec 2017 12:36 AM 
Chris25 @ 23/12/2017 4:49
Snowflake poker @ 22/12/2017 23:44
Can we appropriately title this thread yet? It’s about so much more.

Thats why I made the "Fun with sexual assault" thread but it got locked again :(

Yeah, because you actually think sexual assault is funny because you are rapey while trying to pass it off as being a light hearted comment on the internet. You are just a product of your upbringing and environment though. The poor women in your family, I feel for them.
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Post #828: 23rd Dec 2017 12:39 AM 
DR @ 23/12/2017 1:21
Snowflake poker @ 22/12/2017 23:44
Can we appropriately title this thread yet? It’s about so much more.

Kevin Spacey deserves to see this nonsense when he googles his name

lol nobody deserves this
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Post #829: 23rd Dec 2017 12:40 AM 
Buffy @ 23/12/2017 5:33
Yeah, it is, but he'll never understand so this is pointless.

Frustrating but not pointless. He understands but doesn't want to acknowledge it. That is because it he did it throws his whole belief system into the fire. It's the same reason people cling to belief in God and the words of the Bible. It's easier to accept an internal truth than it is to challenge it and look at the potential that you could have been wrong your whole life.
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Post #830: 23rd Dec 2017 12:47 AM 
Whoa. Belief in God is a different subject. (also, I noticed you capitalized both God and Bible so...)
Darkus Black
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Post #831: 23rd Dec 2017 1:00 AM 
Buffy @ 23/12/2017 5:47
Whoa. Belief in God is a different subject. (also, I noticed you capitalized both God and Bible so...)

Yeah. That's my phone's fault. Too early in the morning to catch that.

It is a different subject but it is the same psychology. Challenging beliefs is hard because once you accept it then you have to admit you were potentially wrong and people don't want to do that.

Which is why people fight to interpret bible passages To fit their ideology in the same way Igor interprets the language of young people to fit his belief system.
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Post #832: 23rd Dec 2017 1:03 AM 
At least start a new thread, though. Maybe after Christmas...

I just got done reading how Igor thinks "popping out" a baby for some douchebag is no big thing so I'm not into the God argument, yet.
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Post #833: 23rd Dec 2017 1:30 AM 
Darkus Black
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Post #834: 23rd Dec 2017 1:31 AM 
Oh wait. You said after christmas. Oh well onwards and upwards!
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Post #835: 23rd Dec 2017 1:38 AM 
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Post #836: 23rd Dec 2017 1:55 AM 
So what's the end goal here? It's been a bit too much running around in circles.
Darkus Black
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Post #837: 23rd Dec 2017 1:56 AM 
Chris25 @ 23/12/2017 6:38

Good troll, man. Intelligent, articulate and well thought out.

The uninitiated might think you have nothing to actually add but we know best!
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Post #838: 23rd Dec 2017 3:26 AM 
Darkus Black @ 23/12/2017 1:56
Chris25 @ 23/12/2017 6:38

Good troll, man. Intelligent, articulate and well thought out.

The uninitiated might think you have nothing to actually add but we know best!

Naw dawg, i'm with you. God isnt real, its just a social construct put in place to control the minds of weak individuals. I agree with you 100%
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Post #839: 23rd Dec 2017 9:27 AM 
Chris25 @ 22/12/2017 23:35

Yeah, I'd say i was trolling too if i admitted to being a child molester +1

It's called using self-deprecating humor. I know you don't grasp the concept, since you believe humor to only be about insulting others.

Zersch Actually @ 21/12/2017 17:23
I've been against him this entire topic (no shit!!) but I'm not seeing a problem with his last post, it really wasn't that unreasonable.

His personal attack on you aside, Vlady.

Finally have a few minutes to respond to this properly instead of enjoying chris' attempts to insult me- he should know I've probably been netting since before he was born and that internet insults are pretty funny to me. But to the post:

His post is essentially "we have to worry about fake accusations and just because the women here wouldn't fake accuse doesn't mean it wouldn't happen". That's great- nobody has said once that they don't happen. They do. The issue stems in that worrying about their possibility is part of what leads to so many unreported rapes in the first place. We as a society are so laser focused on this fake rape worry that we begin with disbelieving the woman. As a recent example, look no further than the Roy Moore accuser. Immediately, she was declared a liar and a "Democrat plant", even as more corroborating evidence piled up. She was doxxed, she was given death threats, and as other women stepped forward with similar stories, they too were doxxed and threatened. This isn't a case of innocent until proven guilty, it's a case of any accuser is *guilty* of faking until she has undeniable proof she isn't. Add to it the "she probably wanted it" or "she shouldn't have dressed that way" and the thousand other arguments that get put forward and there is no wonder that many rapes go unreported. As I have pointed out before, I almost guarantee every other woman and a couple of the men on this board have a sexual assault or sexual harassment story. They don't need to share it to *prove* a point- I know it is there because that is how far our society is tilted.

It's very similar to BLM versus cop's getting shot. Yes- cops getting shot is something that is bad, just like fake allegations of rape. But the balance is so far tilted that cops have no ROE and thus we get some pretty ridiculous cases of cops shooting people, mainly because it's balanced so far on the "cop needs to protect himself from getting shot" that it doesn't matter who else gets shot and killed *as long as it isn't a cop*. Or as they say in Blade Runner: "If you're not cop you're little people."

chris' ultimate concern is that he knows he's unlikely to ever be raped so he's only really worried about the one thing that *might* happen to him: false accusation of rape. Thus why I say he should show a little empathy and consider beyond himself. Otherwise he is bound to end up married to someone who, unknown to him, has been sexually assaulted in the past (given statistics, this is a likely occurrence). He'll be unable to understand why she's not" in the mood one night"- mainly because the scars of that sexual assault are still there. He'll get angry that he's not getting his, unable to see beyond his own wants, so he'll think she's just being a "crazy bitch". They'll fight, eventually divorce, and he'll blame it all on her.

How can you have any pudding if you won't eat your meat?
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Post #840: 23rd Dec 2017 11:56 AM 
Herm @ 23/12/2017 2:55
So what's the end goal here? It's been a bit too much running around in circles.

that's probably how it will always be.
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