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Post #811: 4th May 2017 1:43 PM 
welp GOP healthcare bill narrowly passes house
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Post #812: 4th May 2017 1:44 PM 
vladykins @ 4/5/2017 11:06
Mercator @ 4/5/2017 12:27

vladykins @ 4/5/2017 5:11

Actually, that stems from them deciding to remove her because she laughed.

It's kind of like the officer who sees "suspicious black person" and pulls them over, gets nervous that they are going for a gun, and shoots them. The "reason" the cop shot was "he was going for a gun". The ultimate reason it happened is the cop pulled him over for being "suspicious black man".

It's more like the police pulling over a car with a "FUCK THE POLICE" sticker, but the driver doesn't stop the car and then gets arrested for refusing to stop.

While I'd argue your situation isn't the same, I'll bite on it anyway:

Is "Fuck the police" sticker a reasonable reason to pull someone over? It's not against the law and so that is not a legitimate stop. So any "crime" that results of an illegal stop (resisting arrest, fleeing the scene, etc.) would be invalid.

I'm 99% sure that it's irrelevant and that not stopping for a cop is a crime by itself and will get you arrested no matter what.
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Post #813: 4th May 2017 1:49 PM 
Cactus @ 4/5/2017 11:33
Primate @ 4/5/2017 10:00
Cactus @ 3/5/2017 23:58
Primate @ 3/5/2017 16:06
Cactus @ 3/5/2017 14:24
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The whole "that's racist" argument always nullifies any legit point the person is trying to make for me.

aka no one can make a legit point that something is racist. how convenient!

No, but shoving it out there in lieu of a legit argument is all too common.

aka no one can make a legit argument that something is racist. reminder that there was indeed a wolf at the end of that story.

look, i'm not disagreeing that some people play the 'racist' card more than they should. but that doesn't mean that no one can ever flag something as racist without immediately invalidating themselves. some things are racist, primate. by what magic does labeling them properly instantly cause them to become their opposite?

so i'm just going to assume that you weren't really reading that closely, scanned to the second paragraph, noticed the dreaded R word, and so you just plugged your ears and went lalalalala. because otherwise, you're apparently taking the position that it's not racist to advocate that black people should have remained in chains while slavery gradually dissipated with no deadline and zero legislative pressure. if you're not understanding what "antebellum gradualists" refers to, just look it up.

Racism is the wolf. Everything in your blurb is valid and worth saying until the author twists it in attempt to apply it to this situation.

The blurb you posted used supposition to ascribe racist motivations and turn the attention away from the actual topic at hand. Racism is a real problem, it minimizes it when people twist stuff and use it to push a personal agenda.

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The Last Snowcrab
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Post #814: 4th May 2017 2:05 PM 

Post Edited by Mercator @ 4th May 2017 2:05 PM
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Post #815: 4th May 2017 2:38 PM 
Mercator @ 4/5/2017 13:44
vladykins @ 4/5/2017 11:06
Mercator @ 4/5/2017 12:27

vladykins @ 4/5/2017 5:11

Actually, that stems from them deciding to remove her because she laughed.

It's kind of like the officer who sees "suspicious black person" and pulls them over, gets nervous that they are going for a gun, and shoots them. The "reason" the cop shot was "he was going for a gun". The ultimate reason it happened is the cop pulled him over for being "suspicious black man".

It's more like the police pulling over a car with a "FUCK THE POLICE" sticker, but the driver doesn't stop the car and then gets arrested for refusing to stop.

While I'd argue your situation isn't the same, I'll bite on it anyway:

Is "Fuck the police" sticker a reasonable reason to pull someone over? It's not against the law and so that is not a legitimate stop. So any "crime" that results of an illegal stop (resisting arrest, fleeing the scene, etc.) would be invalid.

I'm 99% sure that it's irrelevant and that not stopping for a cop is a crime by itself and will get you arrested no matter what.

Actually, they are not allowed to pull you over without probable cause. Thus, a bumper sticker would not legally constitute probable cause and you could get your whole case thrown out.
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Post #816: 4th May 2017 2:51 PM 
Mercator @ 4/5/2017 14:05
vladykins @ 4/5/2017 11:43



That last one (:

I love the Bae one too.
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Post #817: 4th May 2017 3:09 PM 
I feel sick over how the GOP is celebrating about AHCA passing the House. You'd think they were celebrating a Super Bowl win or something. It's disgusting and shameful.
"All this from a slice of gabagool?"
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Post #818: 4th May 2017 3:32 PM 
vladykins @ 4/5/2017 12:38
Mercator @ 4/5/2017 13:44
vladykins @ 4/5/2017 11:06
Mercator @ 4/5/2017 12:27

vladykins @ 4/5/2017 5:11

Actually, that stems from them deciding to remove her because she laughed.

It's kind of like the officer who sees "suspicious black person" and pulls them over, gets nervous that they are going for a gun, and shoots them. The "reason" the cop shot was "he was going for a gun". The ultimate reason it happened is the cop pulled him over for being "suspicious black man".

It's more like the police pulling over a car with a "FUCK THE POLICE" sticker, but the driver doesn't stop the car and then gets arrested for refusing to stop.

While I'd argue your situation isn't the same, I'll bite on it anyway:

Is "Fuck the police" sticker a reasonable reason to pull someone over? It's not against the law and so that is not a legitimate stop. So any "crime" that results of an illegal stop (resisting arrest, fleeing the scene, etc.) would be invalid.

I'm 99% sure that it's irrelevant and that not stopping for a cop is a crime by itself and will get you arrested no matter what.

Actually, they are not allowed to pull you over without probable cause. Thus, a bumper sticker would not legally constitute probable cause and you could get your whole case thrown out.

They can do some things without probable cause, like asking for an ID.
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Post #819: 4th May 2017 4:02 PM 
Wow...Pelosi's response to the Democrats petty singing on the House floor. This isn't CNN, this is real life and politics isn't a primetime news program.


Pelosi really needs to retire. She lacks credibility and I'm pretty sure there's a large portion of the Democratic Party (myself included) who do not want her speaking for the party, if not the majority of the party.
"All this from a slice of gabagool?"
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Post #820: 4th May 2017 5:32 PM 
Primate @ 4/5/2017 13:49
Cactus @ 4/5/2017 11:33
Primate @ 4/5/2017 10:00
Cactus @ 3/5/2017 23:58
Primate @ 3/5/2017 16:06
Cactus @ 3/5/2017 14:24
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The whole "that's racist" argument always nullifies any legit point the person is trying to make for me.

aka no one can make a legit point that something is racist. how convenient!

No, but shoving it out there in lieu of a legit argument is all too common.

aka no one can make a legit argument that something is racist. reminder that there was indeed a wolf at the end of that story.

look, i'm not disagreeing that some people play the 'racist' card more than they should. but that doesn't mean that no one can ever flag something as racist without immediately invalidating themselves. some things are racist, primate. by what magic does labeling them properly instantly cause them to become their opposite?

so i'm just going to assume that you weren't really reading that closely, scanned to the second paragraph, noticed the dreaded R word, and so you just plugged your ears and went lalalalala. because otherwise, you're apparently taking the position that it's not racist to advocate that black people should have remained in chains while slavery gradually dissipated with no deadline and zero legislative pressure. if you're not understanding what "antebellum gradualists" refers to, just look it up.

Racism is the wolf.

no shit. you think your analogy was difficult to parse? and again, there was indeed a wolf at the end of that story, so connect the dots this time.

Primate @ 4/5/2017 13:49

Everything in your blurb is valid and worth saying until the author twists it in attempt to apply it to this situation.

everything? so you have zero problems with the second sentence? because frankly, it seems like it's going straight over your head, otherwise the third sentence wouldn't be so jarring to you. protip: there are zero twists.

Primate @ 4/5/2017 13:49

The blurb you posted used supposition

not really. and not really a problem. the only presumption here is that antebellum slavery was racist. are you disagreeing with that?

Primate @ 4/5/2017 13:49
to ascribe racist motivations

nope. read carefully. motivation or intent was never mentioned.

Primate @ 4/5/2017 13:49
and turn the attention away from the actual topic at hand.

wrong again. you don't get to decide what the topic is just so you can disagree with an argument. if you need some context, that post was in a conversation where people were convinced that trump thought jackson was alive during the civil war.

Primate @ 4/5/2017 13:49
Racism is a real problem, it minimizes it when people twist stuff and use it to push a personal agenda.

good thing that never happened then. bullet dodged!

meanwhile, advocating for racist policies is racist. jackson's racist policies were racist. even if (and it's a huge if) slavery would've eventually ended on its own, advocating that black people remain slaves until that day is racist. anything short of abolition was racist. advocating gradualism over abolition is racist. advocating racist policies is racist. let me know if you're getting this. if you're still not understanding what "antebellum gradualists" refers to, just look it up this time.

have a great day.
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Post #821: 4th May 2017 5:51 PM 

"All this from a slice of gabagool?"
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Post #822: 5th May 2017 8:28 AM 
Mercator @ 4/5/2017 15:32
vladykins @ 4/5/2017 12:38
Mercator @ 4/5/2017 13:44
vladykins @ 4/5/2017 11:06
Mercator @ 4/5/2017 12:27

vladykins @ 4/5/2017 5:11

Actually, that stems from them deciding to remove her because she laughed.

It's kind of like the officer who sees "suspicious black person" and pulls them over, gets nervous that they are going for a gun, and shoots them. The "reason" the cop shot was "he was going for a gun". The ultimate reason it happened is the cop pulled him over for being "suspicious black man".

It's more like the police pulling over a car with a "FUCK THE POLICE" sticker, but the driver doesn't stop the car and then gets arrested for refusing to stop.

While I'd argue your situation isn't the same, I'll bite on it anyway:

Is "Fuck the police" sticker a reasonable reason to pull someone over? It's not against the law and so that is not a legitimate stop. So any "crime" that results of an illegal stop (resisting arrest, fleeing the scene, etc.) would be invalid.

I'm 99% sure that it's irrelevant and that not stopping for a cop is a crime by itself and will get you arrested no matter what.

Actually, they are not allowed to pull you over without probable cause. Thus, a bumper sticker would not legally constitute probable cause and you could get your whole case thrown out.

They can do some things without probable cause, like asking for an ID.

You can't pull someone over and then ask to see their ID and use that as your reason to pull over.

Moreover, the "reasonable suspicion" standard comes in for stop and ask for ID on the street:


That's why you can ask if you are being detained and if they say you aren't, you leave without showing ID.
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Post #823: 5th May 2017 9:29 AM 
Or, how about if an officer of the law asks you to do something, you just do it respectfully and not be a dumbass about it?

It's a pretty simple solution that results in no one being shot, but that would be too much common sense for most people apparently.
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Post #824: 5th May 2017 10:19 AM 
Timmah @ 5/5/2017 9:29
Or, how about if an officer of the law asks you to do something, you just do it respectfully and not be a dumbass about it?

It's a pretty simple solution that results in no one being shot, but that would be too much common sense for most people apparently.

You've clearly never had an issue with a police officer. ;) I've had instances where I was not causing an issue and a couple where I'd actually called the police had had them harass me. And my ass is lily white.

More so, this is what "compliance" can get you:


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Post #825: 5th May 2017 10:27 AM 
I don't know man, the fact that someone who could get pulled over without probable cause due to the color of their skin is expected to act "respectfully" in order to not get shot is kind of fucked up. Unless acting disrespectfully is pulling a gun out on an officer or threatening the officer's life in some kind of way, a gun even be in the picture.
"All this from a slice of gabagool?"
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