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Survivor Top 5
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Post #61: 28th Mar 2017 9:51 PM 
I narrowed it down to 8. Even though I tend to enjoy the earlier seasons of survivor more it appears that the production value of tribal makes a difference as most of my favorite tribal are from recent seasons.

1. Edgardo's blindside - Such a fun blindside. The reactions are just completely ridiculous and the Funny 115 article just makes this over the top my favorite TC.
2. Sarah's blindside - Such a classic. I did not see at coming at all and absolutely loved it. The reactions afterwards are almost as great as the tribal.
3. Matt's second blindside RI - Such a great move. The reaction on Matt's face when he realizes what has happened is priceless.
4. BvW Rock Draw - While I was pretty confident Tyson was winning the season this was really the last hurdle and most nerve wracking for me. Also Tyson telling Katie off afterwards was great.
5. Jeff Kent's blindside - I don't really know why this one sticks with me. I tried to find a full youtube video but only got the voting. IIRC both Abi and Malcolm out they have idols, and Jeff goes home only because Penner effs up and votes the wrong person.

Honorable Mentions
Michaela's Boot - Mostly because I didn't see it coming at all. And her reaction towards Jay was priceless. Such a great character.
Double Idol in Cambodia - Great tribal council that doesn't resonate as well with me because they made it so obvious that it was going to happen leading into the finale. Really fun nonetheless.
Malcolm's Boot - I am sure this one will eventually get into the top 5 because it was crazy exciting but I don't want to get carried away yet.

"So, uh, what are we saying here? If we save LA from a nuclear bomb, then you and I can get together for dinner and a movie?"
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Post #62: 28th Mar 2017 9:53 PM 
I think in terms of boots such as Alex, John C, the entire episodes makes the blindside that great. Not necessarily the tribal council itself.
"So, uh, what are we saying here? If we save LA from a nuclear bomb, then you and I can get together for dinner and a movie?"
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Post #63: 28th Mar 2017 9:56 PM 
Cliff's blindside deserves a shoutout

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The Woo/Lindsay reactions are classic but check out Tony sizing up his victim
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Post #64: 28th Mar 2017 10:57 PM 
Dylan @ 28/3/2017 21:51
Also Tyson telling Katie off afterwards was great.

he showed his ass then and him lashing out of her made no sense whatsoever
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Post #65: 28th Mar 2017 11:31 PM 
Ugh. It's sad to think that if Penner didn't screw up that Kent vote that maybe he might have made it to the end if he didn't put his foot in his mouth.

Then again, he was fine if he would have just went with Lisa and Skupin.
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Post #66: 28th Mar 2017 11:32 PM 
Curtis @ 28/3/2017 18:25
Oh man I forgot about Rob C and the outcasts flipping on Alex

DAMNNN that might replace Erik giving up Immunity. That's my favorite flip of all time

Even though I didn't enjoy what happened as a result, Matt throwing that final challenge and letting Rob go after he taught him everything was kind of ironic.
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Post #67: 2nd Apr 2017 2:03 AM 
WEEK #2: Top 5 Dumbest Moves

There have been...A LOT! Big flashy ones where someone goes down in flames in embarrassing fashion, but also subtle mistakes that have a huge impact later. Siding with the wrong person, holding onto an Idol, anything JT has ever done, etc

Nominees? GO!
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Post #68: 2nd Apr 2017 2:08 AM 
Erik Reichenbach Fans Vs Faves - Giving Natalie Immunity and getting voted out.
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Post #69: 2nd Apr 2017 2:14 AM 
One that is always understated is that part of the reason Joel Klug got voted off (in addition to his poor social game), was that he proposed Pagong vote together as a block when the merged happened. They didn't like the idea, his ass was voted out, and the rest is history.

Not really a 'move' but incredibly naive. They may not have known strategy but they knew one million dollars was on the line.
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Post #70: 2nd Apr 2017 2:15 AM 
Woo brings Tony instead of Kass
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Post #71: 2nd Apr 2017 2:20 AM 
Jay in One World had a fucking dumb one. It's him and Troyzan vs the world and he decides to tell Kim that Troyzan has an Idol and is gonna play it, then it's flipped on Jay. SURPRISE
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Post #72: 2nd Apr 2017 2:27 AM 
I think this is going to be verrrryyyyyyyy hard to narrow down to five.

- Tyson votes himself out
- Russell burning his tribe's shit in the premerge. All it did was weaken his tribe.
- James not playing either HII at F7.
- Jay from one world tells Kim that Troyzan has the HII when he is the sole other minority member, getting him voted out (memory is hazy on that season, could be wrong).
- Rafe voluntarily breaks his f2 deal with Danni, at final 3, after she won immunity and he was by far the greater threat.
- JT's idol hand off to Russ
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Post #73: 2nd Apr 2017 2:27 AM 
Curtis @ 2/4/2017 2:20
Jay in One World had a fucking dumb one. It's him and Troyzan vs the world and he decides to tell Kim that Troyzan has an Idol and is gonna play it, then it's flipped on Jay. SURPRISE

Lol beat me to the punch.
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Post #74: 2nd Apr 2017 2:30 AM 
Manono in One World winning the IC but volunteering to go to tribal to boot....BILL?!
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Post #75: 2nd Apr 2017 2:34 AM 
I feel like there could be a top 5 for just One World and it would be comparable with the rest of the list.
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