First 3 competitive games I tried to play, someone quit within the first 20 seconds. STOP QUITTING
Yeah, this is the main thing that's soured me on competitive. I seem to have the worst luck with people quitting when my team's actually doing well for once. That combined with the fact that a loss seems to be weighted way more heavily than a win is really annoying
They should have a competitive multiplayer mode with no teams, just like 12-16 individuals running around killing each other
ACTUALLY they should have a mode with 21 players and everyone can only be one of each hero, first come first serve. ONE LIFE EACH. Battle Royale style. That would be so much fun
apparently in the brazilian version of that photo it mention sombra's name specifically, and there have been hints about her all around (i.e. wanted posters and such in the game)
some people think that it's pharah's mom - one of the original founders of overwatch
personally i don't really care who it is, super excited for a new support character. i don't have the best aim though so we'll seeeeee
I'm about to get on xbox and play. Wish matchmaking wasn't so fucking terrible though. The people quitting sucks. But honestly, the overtime is almost worse.
don't really see myself using her much (unless I start using a mouse) but I'm glad there'll be another healer, everyone playing as Mercy/Lucio all the time gets a bit stale
I have a feeling that sleep dart is gonna make me rage kwite a few times tho (: Definitely will make people somewhat rethink how/when they use their ults at the very least