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Breaking Bad; Seasons 1-5A
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Post #61: 16th Jul 2012 12:55 AM 
Just saw someone point this out (from the Pilot):

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Post #62: 16th Jul 2012 2:41 AM 
boc, what about the photo?
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Post #63: 16th Jul 2012 2:42 AM 
i loved the episode, the truck shit was great
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Post #64: 16th Jul 2012 2:44 AM 
wtf happened to ted? i am confused
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Post #65: 16th Jul 2012 5:46 AM 
GUD episode. A little slow but only to be expected. Also lol @ flashforward Jackface Walt. I hope they don't leave that until the very end of the season. It'll probably be the mid-season break.
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Post #66: 16th Jul 2012 7:05 AM 
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Post #67: 16th Jul 2012 7:25 AM 
Really all this episode did was wrap shit up ...

- Walt disposes of the evidence of the car bomb and poison
- Mike has recovered and is back doing Mike stuff, but isn't about to kill Walt any more
- Ted Beneke is alive but isn't going to talk
- The camera/laptop story was introduced then wrapped up

We're basically still at the start of season 5. Apart from the flashforward intro scene nothing has moved ahead, it's just clarified where we are and tied up loose ends.
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Post #68: 16th Jul 2012 7:27 AM 
Oh I guess the PHOTO shit was introduced

Though it's a bit weak to imply that the writing may only have been found because of Walt's little STUNT with the magnets. Since it was evidence due to be processed I imagine it would have been found anyway.

I know they don't exactly say that it has been found BECAUSE of the magnets etc., but I got the impression they were trying to say Walt's plan has BACKFIRED in this unexpected way and now because of his actions they will be on his trail again etc.
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Post #69: 16th Jul 2012 9:01 AM 
Very good episode! The opening scene just fucked me up, and I can't wait to see where they're going with it. I hope they don't play it like they did with season 2, and that this is the only episode beginning like that. And also, while I'd rather that be the end of the half season, it felt like it could be a PRE-FINALE moment.

I really liked that the episode was just about resolving the mess left with Face-Off. And the whole magnet thing felt very old-school Breaking Bad, but with Walt a CHANGED MAN. His absolute cockiness is great, especially because they state explicitly that it's all going to be fucked up. But his interactions with Mike were terrific the whole episode, and I'm so glad that Mike looks to be playing a bigger role.

How did you guys read Skyler's response to Ted? Was she being threatening and manipulative or just playing the part? Because she clearly knows how deep she is in this based on the ending.
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Post #70: 16th Jul 2012 10:18 AM 
I loved it, and agree with the opening sequence. It was a mind fuck but I liked that they're back to cleaning the shit up left behind by Gus and the truck/magnet stuff was cool. Heisenberg is back and its only going to get crazier. Love that Mike is back with them for now and hope he continues to work with Walt and Jesse.
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Post #71: 16th Jul 2012 10:41 AM 

Do you think that Walt and Jesse's days of producing meth are now over? There was no suggestion at the end of season 4, or now at the start of season 5, that they would ever need or want to go back to cooking.

Will season 5 be all about them evading the law and covering up their past crimes?

I'm not sure what Walt's financial status is now actually. He was going to use the money to get his family into hiding in late s4, but since he didn't have enough he didn't use it for that purpose. He still had a fuckload, however, presumably enough to support his family when he's gone. So is this essentially OVER for Walt so long as he can wrap up the loose ends and protect himself from HANK?

Or will they both realise that they NEED the excitement and risk that comes with the territory of being HEISENBERG? It has been hinted before, I think in s3, that Walt is actually resistant to abandoning his new life even when he's financially secure and not in any danger. And considering there are no kingpins left (Walt and Jesse have killed them all), there is presumably little in the way of Walt/Jesse now moving in as the new drug lords.
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Post #72: 16th Jul 2012 11:18 AM 
Pa Hupu @ 16/7/2012 9:01
How did you guys read Skyler's response to Ted? Was she being threatening and manipulative or just playing the part? Because she clearly knows how deep she is in this based on the ending.

My first impression was she was power-tripping. She likes the power just as much as Walt. Because she was only apologetic to Ted up until the point she realized how terrified he was of her

But I could also see it being a sort of "friendly" warning like "Good, because if you even think about talking my husband will fuck you up"
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Post #73: 16th Jul 2012 11:26 AM 
@ Roos

I'm under the impression that Walt's very low on funds considering he asked JESSE to pay for him. He probably has a couple hundred thousand left but considering his original figure was $737,000 to pay for his family that's not gonna be nearly enough for him. He was out of the game in season 2 and then he realized he missed the power and the whole "Stay out of my territory" thing happened and he was right back in

Should be interesting to see what his new plan of attack is considering the RV and superlab are gone
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damn right son!
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Post #74: 16th Jul 2012 11:29 AM 
threee words: Awesome, awesome, awesome!

Just like Skinny B I had to think of Heroes/LOST bearded flashforwards when the camera went up in Walt's face, and I was loling like "hahaaa....they always do this...worked again". It's just the best way to visually imply that there has been change I guess, in an authentic way.

Well anywho, apparently Walt is going Tony Montana this season, and I love it
"Because I say so?!" ..." We're done, when I say we're done"... and "I forgive you!" - that's just BALLS. Next episode he'll probably tell a guy to stick his head up his ass, and see if it fits. As of now Walt is saying whatever he wants, whenever he wants, wherever he wants it(except when hank's around). He WON god-dammit, and now it's time to play the "winner" card. Heisenberg, the #1 Player in town. Until he falls, face first, and decides to grow a beard and hair back and leave town etc...probably season 6 material btw.

Hank is still recovering. I love how he doesn't miraculously just walk again, shit is real. And he's giving it no rest. Back at the crime scene, on a stick - he wants to get to the bottom of the whole story really bad. He gotta connect the dots and realize it's Walt at some point this season. Could have been a reason for Walt to leave town, but of course there could be other reasons for that too.

Excellent start into the s5. Scenes with Saul were just gold. Walt saying "I must be hearing things" reminded me of Gus' "Are you hearing things?" intentional or not, a bossy thing to say. But yeah, lol, he must be hearing things, 'cause Saul just used "ethically" in a sentence. LOL'd. The Saul office scene was the shit.
WTF btw.: Saul somehow gave the "poison" to the little guy...brock?! Damn Saul, lawyers rly got no soul it seems. He said he didn't know what'd happen etc.....well. Still got mad love for Saul! Actually felt sorry for him when Heisenberg came onto him like the boss-man he can be these days. Kicking down the chair, intimidating, getting close and all that.

Guess who's back around besides mike, (yeah mike, clean up man #1) and the car dump guy (I like that guy because he's chilled out). It's Ted, a.k.a. the victim of "an act of god" (the phrase best, it fits) He's back, and looks fucked up. I thought the reaction Skyler had on her face when she first saw him was well played really, cause I would have been just as surprised/shocked/terriefied. Skyler was good really. Her scratching her arm whenever Walt's around talking to her, did she do that last season aswell? Like when Walt said to her that HE'S "THE ONE WHO KNOCKS" for example. She realized there's a side of Walt she doesn't know and is afraid of getting to know. Now he just clipped a couple of guys again, says he won, is back home with a glass of whiskey in his hand and almost acts like nothing happend - she's scared of him really, and it's starting to physically show. Well play, well played.

Post Edited by Henry_42 @ 16th Jul 2012 11:29 AM
"There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die."

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Post #75: 16th Jul 2012 11:37 AM 
Henry_42 @ 16/7/2012 11:29
WTF btw.: Saul somehow gave the "poison" to the little guy...brock?! Damn Saul, lawyers rly got no soul it seems. He said he didn't know what'd happen etc.....well.

nah Huell took away Jesse's ricin cigarette so it'd LOOK like that's what poisoned Brock, when it was really Walt poisoning him with the Lily of the Valley berries. He was in on the plan but didn't do the actual poisoning. Though I still don't know how Walt managed to plant the berries in Brock's food!
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