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Congrats America! Season 2
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Post #676: 27th Sep 2018 6:16 PM 
Timmah @ 27/9/2018 13:50
Spin @ 26/9/2018 13:14
Mads @ 26/9/2018 12:58
Mike @ 26/9/2018 13:51
Kevin Spacey and Congrats America are merging into one.

So, this Kavanaugh thing...nobody even slightly skeptical of the accusations?

Looks like the Democrats taking advantage of MeToo to me. But hey, maybe I haven't seen all the evidence.

Nah, Neil Gorsuch went through with no real drama and he and Kavanaugh went to the same high school about the same time.

Plus Dr. Ford’s accusations don’t at all seem overly embellished or anything. Any women reading them would find them pretty believable, and reading the account it’s even easy to see how Kavanaugh might not even remember the incident or may not have thought much of it at the time.

I think the GOP’s biggest mistake is not pulling the plug on this ages ago and moving forward with another nominee.

If they pulled the plug now, chances are high the next old white guy wouldn't get through the process before the mid-term elections. If the GOP wants to make sure 'their guy' gets on, it's Kavanaugh or bust, basically.

It'll probably be "their gal" in all likelihood.

"All this from a slice of gabagool?"
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Post #677: 27th Sep 2018 7:58 PM 
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Post #678: 27th Sep 2018 8:25 PM 
"All this from a slice of gabagool?"
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Post #679: 27th Sep 2018 9:10 PM 
After today, I think I'm with Primate...Burn it all down.

If there are 50 mostly old white men that can look their wives and daughters in the face and vote yes on this guy, simply because he's 'conservative', then we need to burn the whole place to the ground and start over. There is no way a man who has no problem lying to a senate panel in a job interview, won't continue to do so while on the bench.
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Post #680: 28th Sep 2018 8:25 AM 
Timmah @ 27/9/2018 12:34
vladykins @ 26/9/2018 16:07
Primate @ 26/9/2018 14:40
Sounds like this guy should be before the bench not behind it.

Interestingly, it appears Maryland has no statute of limitations of rape. If they can get enough evidence, it just might happen:


She didn't actually accuse Kavanaugh of rape in that statement. She also doesn't say enough in the Affidavit to actually subject herself to perjury if it is untrue. I am not saying that she is lying or that Kavanaugh did or did not do any of the things he is being accused of, or that he should or shouldn't be confirmed as a SC Justice. I am simply saying that just because there is a sworn Affidavit is not confirmation of truth or lie. Attorneys draft Affidavits. Very carefully.

She said Kavanaugh and Judge were both partakers in date raping chicks and stated she was raped in one of these instances. While she doesn't say Kavanaugh raped her, the affidavit is pretty clear in saying that he took part in date raping multiple times.

See, here is the issue. You are looking for her to say "Kavanaugh raped me" in the affidavit, which, as you note, it is carefully worded to not say. While looking for that, you ignored the actual accusation. It's pretty cut and dry. That's why folks like Graham are so busy saying "Well, if she knew girls were getting raped at these parties, why didn't she report them?" totally ignoring high school and college dynamics, especially for young women. Oh sure- go tell on the "cool party" run by the rich prep school assholes- it's not like any of them will make your life miserable forever after or anything until they drive you to commit suicide. Never happened before. Ever.

How can you have any pudding if you won't eat your meat?
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Post #681: 28th Sep 2018 8:31 AM 

And the whole reason for the push on Kavanaugh instead of waiting for an investigation? Gamble v U.S.

How can you have any pudding if you won't eat your meat?
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Post #682: 28th Sep 2018 8:58 AM 
vladykins @ 28/9/2018 8:25
Timmah @ 27/9/2018 12:34
vladykins @ 26/9/2018 16:07
Primate @ 26/9/2018 14:40
Sounds like this guy should be before the bench not behind it.

Interestingly, it appears Maryland has no statute of limitations of rape. If they can get enough evidence, it just might happen:


She didn't actually accuse Kavanaugh of rape in that statement. She also doesn't say enough in the Affidavit to actually subject herself to perjury if it is untrue. I am not saying that she is lying or that Kavanaugh did or did not do any of the things he is being accused of, or that he should or shouldn't be confirmed as a SC Justice. I am simply saying that just because there is a sworn Affidavit is not confirmation of truth or lie. Attorneys draft Affidavits. Very carefully.

She said Kavanaugh and Judge were both partakers in date raping chicks and stated she was raped in one of these instances. While she doesn't say Kavanaugh raped her, the affidavit is pretty clear in saying that he took part in date raping multiple times.

See, here is the issue. You are looking for her to say "Kavanaugh raped me" in the affidavit, which, as you note, it is carefully worded to not say. While looking for that, you ignored the actual accusation. It's pretty cut and dry. That's why folks like Graham are so busy saying "Well, if she knew girls were getting raped at these parties, why didn't she report them?" totally ignoring high school and college dynamics, especially for young women. Oh sure- go tell on the "cool party" run by the rich prep school assholes- it's not like any of them will make your life miserable forever after or anything until they drive you to commit suicide. Never happened before. Ever.

The affidavit dances around the idea that he gang raped women, but never states that he actually did it. I didn't miss anything because I was looking for something specific. I draft these things myself all of the time. It is not cut and dry at all. The affidavit certainly implies that he took part in gang rapes, but does not go so far as to state it as a fact. And it was drafted that way carefully so that she isn't committing perjury if it turns out that he never took part in any gang rapes.

I am not trying to convince you that he is not guilty of raping women, but you are doing exactly what you say that I am doing: In looking for what you want to see, you ignore what it actually says. That is why these sort of things are so effective in the court of public opinion, but never amount to anything in an actual court of law where it is subject to cross-exam.
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Post #683: 28th Sep 2018 12:06 PM 
I was keeping up with the drama over here the first year, but I stopped paying attention earlier this year. 2 much constant hysteria.

I assume the strategy is to dispose of Kavanaugh before the Midterms?
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Post #684: 28th Sep 2018 1:21 PM 
Herm @ 28/9/2018 11:06
I was keeping up with the drama over here the first year, but I stopped paying attention earlier this year. 2 much constant hysteria.

I assume the strategy is to dispose of Kavanaugh before the Midterms?

There is no decent source out there anymore to really tell what is going on. The media misreports almost constantly, spokespeople for the 2 parties are completely full of shit, and strict afollowers of either party are too stupid to even bother talking to.

( I don't mean stupid in general. I just mean stupid when it comes to trust they are willing to put in these people)

Post Edited by primate @ 28th Sep 2018 1:36 PM
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Post #685: 28th Sep 2018 1:30 PM 
I'm not sure what to think after reading a little more. This could be what it appears or it could be a stall tactic until the power shifts back to the dems.

I tend to side with the alleged victim in these deals, but when they are backed up and prodded on by scheming political shitbags it's a little less easy to jump on the wagon.
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Post #686: 28th Sep 2018 8:04 PM 
I haven't really been following the Kavanaugh bullshit but it's unavoidable I get posts about it every fucking day on Facebook and the whole #himtoo and constant maymays of sad little boys or babies with captions that they need to beware about false accusations for the rest of their life which is more serious than ACTUAL RAPE THAT FUCKING HAPPENS make me laugh. God I hate politics.

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Post #687: 28th Sep 2018 8:25 PM 
Who knew KC lived in an area more conservative/republican than the Deep South. I can’t say I’ve seen any of that here.
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Post #688: 28th Sep 2018 8:30 PM 
Utah is one of the reddest states in the nation. Salt Lake is kinda getting more liberal and was the only county to vote blue but overall the LDS church runs the system. The fucking third party candidate got just as many votes as Hilary did.
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Post #689: 28th Sep 2018 8:52 PM 
KC @ 28/9/2018 20:30
Utah is one of the reddest states in the nation. Salt Lake is kinda getting more liberal and was the only county to vote blue but overall the LDS church runs the system. The fucking third party candidate got just as many votes as Hilary did.

And he was crazy, even for Utah people.
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Post #690: 28th Sep 2018 8:57 PM 
I'm not even talking about Gary Johnson. It was some dude named Evan who only got votes in Utah. He was basically "Mormon Republican who wasn't Trump". He got around 300,000 votes I think.

This is the type of shit I'm seeing on Facebook:

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And like, I get it, false rape accusations do happen. But fuck man, this is what makes people scared to pursue in the first place. Also it's humorous that the people that post this garbage are the same people who jumped all over Al Franken or liberal hero Kevin Spacey as soon as their accusations came out before either commented or acknowledged their validity.
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