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Congrats America. You have officially screwed the world!
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Post #676: 12th Apr 2017 4:04 PM 
Mercator @ 12/4/2017 13:46
vladykins @ 12/4/2017 12:31
Primate @ 12/4/2017 13:21
vladykins @ 12/4/2017 9:29

Rule #1 When Comparing Anyone to Hitler: Just don't, especially if you are going to imply they are worse than Hitler.

Rule #2 When Comparing Anyone to Hitler: If you ignore Rule #1, you better damn well be extremely clear in your language and make sure that it applies in the situation.

Spicer's first reference was supposed to be a "At least Hitler didn't gas the enemy in WWII!". There is immediate problems with this statement, since even if Assad did strike the town, it is clearly differentiated from gassing enemy soldiers. This is why he was questioned on this, which Spicer then followed up with his "gas your own people" line. The point is he had a dumb analogy in the first place to try to justify a pretty much failed attack on an airbase and he just dug it deeper instead of dropping the analogy. The timing of the analogy during Passover also makes it insensitive at best and Nazi sympathetic at worst.

Other excellent examples of people not following Rule #1:

-The vegan who tells you you are worst than Hitler because at least Hitler didn't eat meat.
- Pretty much anybody who has compared another poster on the Internet to Hitler


While Hitler is a nazi, not every nazi is Hitler.

I can draw a Venn Diagram if it helps! :P

If people don't understand Venn diagrams, this one should help them:

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That might be the best thing I've ever seen.
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Post #677: 12th Apr 2017 4:05 PM 
vladykins @ 12/4/2017 13:31
Primate @ 12/4/2017 13:21
vladykins @ 12/4/2017 9:29

Rule #1 When Comparing Anyone to Hitler: Just don't, especially if you are going to imply they are worse than Hitler.

Rule #2 When Comparing Anyone to Hitler: If you ignore Rule #1, you better damn well be extremely clear in your language and make sure that it applies in the situation.

Spicer's first reference was supposed to be a "At least Hitler didn't gas the enemy in WWII!". There is immediate problems with this statement, since even if Assad did strike the town, it is clearly differentiated from gassing enemy soldiers. This is why he was questioned on this, which Spicer then followed up with his "gas your own people" line. The point is he had a dumb analogy in the first place to try to justify a pretty much failed attack on an airbase and he just dug it deeper instead of dropping the analogy. The timing of the analogy during Passover also makes it insensitive at best and Nazi sympathetic at worst.

Other excellent examples of people not following Rule #1:

-The vegan who tells you you are worst than Hitler because at least Hitler didn't eat meat.
- Pretty much anybody who has compared another poster on the Internet to Hitler


While Hitler is a nazi, not every nazi is Hitler.

I can draw a Venn Diagram if it helps! :P

I'm just saying, you are kind of toeing the line there.

I like CHris' answer better
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Post #678: 12th Apr 2017 4:38 PM 
Igor @ 12/4/2017 12:45
lel Wilkey the administration has engaged in Holocaust Denial before and had fucking nazis running around


Also, it wasn't too long ago I remember some people were comparing Trump to Hitler ;)
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Post #679: 12th Apr 2017 5:17 PM 
Wikey @ 12/4/2017 16:38
Igor @ 12/4/2017 12:45
lel Wilkey the administration has engaged in Holocaust Denial before and had fucking nazis running around


Also, it wasn't too long ago I remember some people were comparing Trump to Hitler ;)

Their statement on Holocaust remembrance day to start
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Post #680: 12th Apr 2017 7:43 PM 
What was wrong with the remembrance day statement?

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Post #681: 12th Apr 2017 8:08 PM 
vladykins @ 12/4/2017 11:29

Rule #1 When Comparing Anyone to Hitler: Just don't, especially if you are going to imply they are worse than Hitler.

Rule #2 When Comparing Anyone to Hitler: If you ignore Rule #1, you better damn well be extremely clear in your language and make sure that it applies in the situation.

Spicer's first reference was supposed to be a "At least Hitler didn't gas the enemy in WWII!". There is immediate problems with this statement, since even if Assad did strike the town, it is clearly differentiated from gassing enemy soldiers. This is why he was questioned on this, which Spicer then followed up with his "gas your own people" line. The point is he had a dumb analogy in the first place to try to justify a pretty much failed attack on an airbase and he just dug it deeper instead of dropping the analogy. The timing of the analogy during Passover also makes it insensitive at best and Nazi sympathetic at worst.

Other excellent examples of people not following Rule #1:

-The vegan who tells you you are worst than Hitler because at least Hitler didn't eat meat.
- Pretty much anybody who has compared another poster on the Internet to Hitler

Where were you in SI 10 when Monica began her Final speech? You could've helped her a lot!
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Post #682: 12th Apr 2017 8:09 PM 
I just found out NATO is no longer obsolete. Phew! Thanks Trump!
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Post #683: 13th Apr 2017 4:52 AM 
Trump seems very easy to sway.

Gd news though. Europe would have to rely solely on Britain and France for defense if Nato was scrapped. Not good.

Though I do think he may have had a point that other members aren't contributing enough.
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Post #684: 13th Apr 2017 6:21 AM 
We still haven't joined Nato, there was a big debate about it before the US election.

They did some public surveys a year ago or something and it was a 50/50 on join/don't join. Many people who don't want us to join thought if we did join it would escalate things between US and Russia, because Scandinavia is placed very strategically for America. There were reports of Russia patroling our borders with submarines and planes a year or two ago, and they did warn us not to join Nato so there's that as well.

The only established parties who seem to be against the Nato deal are the far left and far right parties, even though the far right party jumped back and forth a lot on this issue.
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Post #685: 13th Apr 2017 6:43 AM 
Wikey @ 12/4/2017 16:38
Igor @ 12/4/2017 12:45
lel Wilkey the administration has engaged in Holocaust Denial before and had fucking nazis running around


Also, it wasn't too long ago I remember some people were comparing Trump to Hitler ;)

And all that did was galvanize the idiots on the alt right.

Now punching Richard Spencer- an actual white supremacist - is still in style. He got punched and glitter bombed the other day here in DC. But again, he's just a white supremacist and not Hitler.
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Post #686: 13th Apr 2017 6:50 AM 
Primate @ 12/4/2017 16:05

I'm just saying, you are kind of toeing the line there.

I like CHris' answer better

Not really. As I noted a minute ago, calling someone like Richard Spencer a nazi is technically in accurate, but forgivable, considering he is a white supremacist who has advocated for the genocide of African Americans. So while he is not a member of the Nazi party, calling him a Nazi is forgivable. Calling him Hitler wouldn't be; until Richard Spencer starts a world war while killing millions of his own people by rounding them up by race, religion, disability, and sexual preference, he isn't Hitler.

This is why ultimately the Spicer problem comes in. If Assad was bombing specific ethnic groups with the purpose of genocide, he'd still be more Pol Pot than Hitler. Claiming WORST than Hitler requires some extreme action.
How can you have any pudding if you won't eat your meat?
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Post #687: 13th Apr 2017 7:56 AM 
Richard Spencer and the extreme alt right (alt right has it's own spectrum apparently) are the only people I think it would be accurate to describe as Nazis. Not that it will do them any harm, since Nazi comparisons are thrown around so wantonly these days! Pewdiepie and Jontron are nazis now too, did u guys hear?

Hell I'd probably be called a Nazi for some of my views (: Which is ridiculous

Also, I feel the need to clarify once more: I think Spicer was dumb for making the Hitler comparison. I don't like anyone making such comparisons, they are silly. But that's all they are...silly. I can't bring myself to be offended by this. And tbh, I'd wager that a lot of Jews don't give a shit either.

And dumb as it was, I immediately understood what he was trying to say.

They're making a mountain out of a mole hill imo. Another fabricated outrage about Trump and co. It's funny cause there are plenty of valid things to criticize. Why waste time on this?

I guess you could make the case that Trump should fire Spicer for being a dumb idiot. But I'd kind of miss him! He is funny, and he has a shitty job. He has to go out in front of the press every week and spin Trumps actions into good news.
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Post #688: 13th Apr 2017 7:57 AM 
Since Vlady brought Spencer up, what do you guys think of people attacking him?

Do you think it's a good thing?

Cuz I don't
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Post #689: 13th Apr 2017 8:08 AM 
I think Wikey should take Spicer's job
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Post #690: 13th Apr 2017 8:09 AM 
Sean Spicer is one of the few people part of this administration that I feel bad for, every press conference he's sweating bullets.He seems to stumble through his speeches. I'd be more concerned with the people telling him what to say.

As a public figure, he needs to be held accountable though. I don't think he's a holocaust denier, but probably shouldn't have tried to equate Hitler and Assad.
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