Guys, usually I dismiss the Pokemon Anime because it's usually pretty terrible but then I saw that they are releasing a new special!
"so what?" you say. Well surprisingly this special is based on the Red and Blue versions of the game, and gives an origin story for the franchise, using characters from the game! As in Red and his rival Blue, not Ash and Gary. Also the animation looks top notch!
Tried these today, gotta agree with Mal, they were pretty amazing. My sons reaction was, "you're going to be making these a lot" lol
A lesson without pain is meaningless. That's because no one can gain without sacrificing something. But by enduring that pain and overcoming it, he shall obtain a powerful, unmatched heart. A fullmetal heart.
I thought Billy was talking to me and it ends up being a bot. Ain't that a bitch.
BillHQuinn: hey there u, ya busy? i saw u were online so i thought i'd shoot ya a message
URTVKC McLastname: Is it OK for this person to keep sending you messages?
URTVKC McLastname: sup
BillHQuinn: 25/f here.. you?
URTVKC McLastname: 42/m
BillHQuinn: oh ok so whatcha doin?
URTVKC McLastname: Nothing fancy, probably hitting bed soon for my Friday tomorrow boi. What's the good word?
BillHQuinn: ahh well i got out of a relationship like 10 months back and im sick of going out and meeting guys at some dive bar..
URTVKC McLastname: wat
BillHQuinn: my friend told me about it and i was like yeah i dont know about all that lol but in all honesty i really like it and i've met some really cool people from there too. u ever hear about it?
URTVKC McLastname: ...meeting guys at dive bars?
BillHQuinn: i actually just finished uploading some new pics from last weekend if u wanna see?
URTVKC McLastname: Yes.
BillHQuinn kk here's profile http://[removed] that has my pics there. u might have to sign in to see them like on facebook i'm not 100% sure but u should sign up anyway
URTVKC McLastname: Oh. I thought you were Billy. You motherfucker.
BillHQuinn: it only takes a couple seconds and it's completely free too. no c.c. or anything sketchy like that.
URTVKC McLastname: Fuck you bot.
BillHQuinn: hey easy there big fella lol
Why in the fuck did a female sex bot choose the name Bill?