I had a close shave. I lost my debit card today and that's the card that's being charged for my pre-order shipment. Spent half the day looking for it, re-tracing steps, calling places I've been. Normally you'd have to cancel it or somebody else could be using it but my bank now does a temp freeze on it so I temp FROZE it in the hope I'd find it but it was looking pretty bleak.
I actually ran to another bank before closing to try and get my dormant account there re-activated but they told me it would be the end of the week until I could use it and the charge might be coming out tomorrow and if there was a problem could fuck up the shipping. WORST POSSIBLE TIMING.
Found it about an hour ago buried down the side of my car seat. Gave it one good last search and it turned up just in time before I fully cancelled it.
I have Friday and Monday off, so I'm probably gonna end up blasting through a whole lot of World of Light over the weekend. I'm torn between wanting to savour it and wanting to get the full roster ASAP.
Yeah having such a small base roster with so many to get will be great. Part of me wants to try and unlock them naturally and not streamlined through the adventure mode because I always find it much more satisfying when they show up and you have to fight them to finally unlock.
I've got a copy of the OST but I've been putting off playing it because I don't wanna give away too much e.g. boss fights and the like which could kinda be inferred from some of the track list.
However I'm so pumped for 34 Castlevania tracks. They really went above and beyond with that. One of the best game soundtracks of all time.
So this is everything I wanted pretty much. I've seen a few complaints about the online but I'm not really big into the whole for glory scene so doesn't really bother me. I do wish I could do local multiplayer for online friend matches and a few other variants.
Not played much World of Light as I really wanna unlock the roster outside of it. I got Marth on that mode just to see if I could, but I prefer doing it the old fashioned way.
Anybody wants to add me, friend code is: SW-5860-2778-9975
Blasting through classic mode (each run unlocks somebody) or waiting 10 minutes in game (going back to the menu after 10 minutes unlocks somebody).
I've sunk about 10 hours in so far and I've unlocked about half the roster, crazy how many characters are in this. Ryu is my new main, I never really used him in 4. Got the DLC but basically never used it (just wasted my money) so he's like a new character for me.
I'm really enjoying World of Light too. Lots of nice little references to all the games included.
I've unlocked somewhere in the 30s I think, so around half?
I started by unlocking Marth in World of Light and just now unlocked someone I enjoy playing other than her, Sheik. Playing the same character for hour got kinda tiring so I mixed it up with Classic and some other stuff. Tried Ryu and I think I like him too, haven't unlocked him in the Adventure though so haven't played him that much.
It's fun in World of Light when you can finally beat someone you couldn't before, since you have better spirits with you and have gotten better yourself.
Ya I took the Marth route too and the characters were rough. World of light is awesome, such creative battles. I thought I’d get bored of it quick but have found it really addicting.
But ya I’m with Merc. When I started 3 Stars were like impossible for me, but now they are doable, though still difficult, but now 4 Stars are a bitch. Freaking Ho-Oh was the only one I’ve beaten
"So, uh, what are we saying here? If we save LA from a nuclear bomb, then you and I can get together for dinner and a movie?"