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Poll of the Day #86; this or that ii
 Poll Question: This or that?
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Post #46: 21st Sep 2017 5:50 PM 
Night - Waaaay more of a night person. I almost always stay up super late when I don't work the next day.
TV - I have a few coffee table books but that's about it. Can't remember the last time I sat down and read a novel.
Hotdog - Both are fine, but I pretty much grew up with hotdogs cause I refused to eat burgers when I was a kid.
Facebook - Don't really like either but Facebook serves more of a purpose. I've tried to get into Twitter a few times and never could. I use Facebook messenger time to time and once in awhile I will find something funny on my newsfeed to report to Curtis.
Coffee - I don't like either at all, but certain coffee flavored things are ok I guss.
City - This kind of depends on the situation. I've lived in the country pretty much my entire life aside from the three years I lived in Long Island and like it fine for a place to hang my hat, but I prefer hanging out around the city. I do eventually intend on moving to a city so I guess I'll just put that for now.
PC - lolno. PC all the way.
Seinfeld - Never really got into Friends. Grew up with Seinfeld since my parents were fanatics and I got into it with the reruns on TBS when I was in high school. I never actually took the time to sit down and try to get into Friends but every ORG Cunt Goddess being in love with it turns me off from trying.
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Post #47: 21st Sep 2017 5:50 PM 
Hey that was good timing
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The Last Snowcrab
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Post #48: 21st Sep 2017 6:08 PM 
The trend seems to be that straight people prefer Seinfeld, which isn't that strange.
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Post #49: 21st Sep 2017 6:09 PM 
These were all simple for me

Night>Day: I'm definitely a night owl and feel way more productive and motivated at night

TV>Books: Easy. Sorry books, I've tried. Good television has always been more engrossing for me

Hamburger>Hotdog: Since hotdogs are obviously bad

Facebook>Twitter: Facebook is mostly whatever now, but messenger is nice and a place to have a lot of old photos is nice. I'd feel less connected to a lot of people if it wasn't for Facebook for better or for worse, plus Facebook at its height (its height for me) felt vry innovative and was a lot of fun, it came at the perfect time for my grade. I think Twitter is terrible and loathe the way its become integrated in television + the fact that people force trying to be funny on it

Coffee>Tea: Never had tea. Had coffee for the first time a few months ago, it tastes like shit and I don't feel like it wakes me up but I still drink it since it staves off my hunger and pushes my lunch break back which makes the day feel quicker

City>Country: Country is nice but would be miserable to live there at this age. Way more options in the city

PC>Mac: no brainer

Seinfeld>Friends. No brainer. Friends is funny (except when it steals Seinfeld jokes(!) ) but Seinfeld is absolutely the best sitcom of all time
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Post #50: 21st Sep 2017 6:15 PM 
I'm curious about why Maddie is such a fan of Twitter.
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Post #51: 21st Sep 2017 6:27 PM 
Mercator @ 21/9/2017 19:08
The trend seems to be that straight people prefer Seinfeld, which isn't that strange.

I don't see that. I prefer Friends. My list is the same as Merc/Curtis except Friends > Seinfeld
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Post #52: 21st Sep 2017 6:31 PM 
Josh @ 21/9/2017 18:15
I'm curious about why Maddie is such a fan of Twitter.

she obviously wants us to ask
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Post #53: 21st Sep 2017 6:39 PM 
JJ @ 21/9/2017 16:27
Mercator @ 21/9/2017 19:08
The trend seems to be that straight people prefer Seinfeld, which isn't that strange.

I don't see that. I prefer Friends. My list is the same as Merc/Curtis except Friends > Seinfeld

I think every gay person that has responded said Friends and most of the straight said Seinfeld?

I don't have a list of everyone's sexual preferences though.
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Post #54: 21st Sep 2017 6:41 PM 
Shadow and I discovered this morning that I unfollowed him on Twitter at some point for some reason and it was really awkward
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Post #55: 21st Sep 2017 6:48 PM 
Mercator @ 21/9/2017 19:39
JJ @ 21/9/2017 16:27
Mercator @ 21/9/2017 19:08
The trend seems to be that straight people prefer Seinfeld, which isn't that strange.

I don't see that. I prefer Friends. My list is the same as Merc/Curtis except Friends > Seinfeld

I think every gay person that has responded said Friends and most of the straight said Seinfeld?

I don't have a list of everyone's sexual preferences though.
Next poll?

I don't watch either of them. I'm just slightly more familiar with friends. Still have only seen like 1 episode
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Post #56: 21st Sep 2017 7:00 PM 
Curtis @ 21/9/2017 19:41
Shadow and I discovered this morning that I unfollowed him on Twitter at some point for some reason and it was really awkward

Update: He told me to follow him and then he unfollowed me
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Post #57: 21st Sep 2017 7:12 PM 
My first and last tweet was in 2009...

What's Shadow's @?
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Post #58: 21st Sep 2017 7:17 PM 
Mercator @ 21/9/2017 20:12
My first and last tweet was in 2009...

What's Shadow's @?

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Post #59: 21st Sep 2017 7:21 PM 
Day - I'm more active at night tbh so this one was close, but I do like it being light out much more. Summer nights when it's light until like 9PM are my ideal

TV - lol. Haven't fully read through any book since I finished ASOIAF which was a few years ago

Hotdog - I didn't really know what to put here cuz it really depends. If I'm going to a restaurant then definitely a burger. But usually when you're choosing between those options it's at a cookout, where I'd usually go for the hot dog

Facebook - I guess? Don't really check either much

Coffee - I wish I liked tea more tho

City - Suburbs is a good middle ground cuz I'm not a fan of either city or country. But city if I had to choose

PC - obv

Seinfeld - never watched a full episode of either! But of the clips I've seen, Seinfeld def seems better
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Post #60: 21st Sep 2017 7:26 PM 
Boc @ 21/9/2017 20:21

Seinfeld - never watched a full episode of either!

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