Haven't finished yet but watching you fail to see that extra puzzle piece just sitting there as you deconstruct Rudy's correct nipple arrangement is making me laugh so hard
Sean's story throughout the season is hilarious. You always assume he'll be the one leaving but he always miraculously stays. And it ended in the funniest way. Sean just had no idea what was going on his entire time out there
I looooool'd so hard at that ending. I didn't realize you could lose in the finals? The final 2 immunity challenge was epic! Five vote jury. Too great.
"So, uh, what are we saying here? If we save LA from a nuclear bomb, then you and I can get together for dinner and a movie?"
I just checked the merge video and realized that the entire other tribe was completely wiped out. I'm uh... pretty sure we didn't go through enough rounds to kill off 5 people after the swap. I'm thinking some sort of glitch happened there that completely borked the end game since the game didn't understand why there was only two people left on Episode 13. Strange!
I was totally thinking we'd just get a Tribal Council where Lex would just vote me and that'd be it