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Congrats America. You have officially screwed the world!
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Post #481: 9th Mar 2017 1:21 PM 
I hope Trump gets a 2nd term so the chaos continues.
Curtis @ 25/7/2017 9:44
Great job Ahoda

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Post #482: 9th Mar 2017 2:13 PM 
He's gonna be lucky to get a second year at this rate.

But don't worry, he'll have made his money through his weekly trips to Mar-a-lago.
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Post #483: 9th Mar 2017 2:15 PM 
make america 2016 again
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Post #484: 9th Mar 2017 2:47 PM 
I'll believe it when I see it!
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Post #485: 9th Mar 2017 3:00 PM 
wikey @ 9/3/2017 14:47
I'll believe it when I see it!

Let's just say that Lindsay Graham is going to chase this down and right now he is either going to find the warrant (which will also uncover the Intel info on Russian connections). Alternatively, Lindsay Graham will find that no such warrant exists, which means Trump will be underfire for lying to everyone. Either way, he's kind of fucked.


How can you have any pudding if you won't eat your meat?
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Post #486: 9th Mar 2017 10:14 PM 
The establishment republicans dont really want Trump in there.

They've fallen in line and supported him because they have to but the first chance he fucks up enough that they can knee cap him and throw Pence into the presidency they're going to do it.
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Post #487: 10th Mar 2017 6:23 AM 
vladykins @ 9/3/2017 9:04
wikey @ 8/3/2017 19:14
Why couldn't they find evidence before he was elected?

I'm so not buying this Russia shite at all, it's getting really dull. They have no reason to hold back if they have definitive evidence and yet they still haven't produced it. They should do so, otherwise fuck em.

Actually, it looks lie the evidence was there, it was passed to the Select Committee on Intel and the House/Senate leadership, and they sat on it. Flynn has already resigned due to his illegal contact, but it looks like additional folks in the campaign have had contact with the Russians, potentially illegally, including Kushner (Trump's son in law).

DC insiders have indicated that the Obama admin decided not to push the issue in order to not influence the election, which is why they were more upset when Comey decided to drop his Hillary bombshells days before the election (which ended up being a non-issue other than politically).

I 100% do not buy this. If they had something that would have won them the election they would have used it, and that sounds like an election winner to me. There was time to hit back at the Comey bombshells, but they didn't. The only way I'd buy this is if Obama is a complete idiot, and I don't think he is. Far easier to avoid a compromised President altogether than to oust one who has just won, surely.

I'll admit I've found some of the Russian stuff sketchy, but nothing thus far has been damning. The media have been framing so much of it in a very dishonest way.

I don't trust any of these assholes right now. So many accusations been thrown around and not enough evidence supporting them.

Democrats and Media accuse Trump of been a Russian pawn, but still have yet to provide concrete evidence. Trump tweets that Obama wiretapped him, doesn't provide evidence. Wikileaks dumps suspiciously convenient Vault 17 leaks shortly after. People claim that Wikileaks is a Russian pawn, but again, nobody has bothered to prove it thus far. Meanwhile nobody talks about the accuracy of the leaks themselves, and instead focuses on their source.

Whole thing is fucked lol.
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Post #488: 10th Mar 2017 6:43 AM 
wikey @ 10/3/2017 4:23
vladykins @ 9/3/2017 9:04
wikey @ 8/3/2017 19:14
Why couldn't they find evidence before he was elected?

I'm so not buying this Russia shite at all, it's getting really dull. They have no reason to hold back if they have definitive evidence and yet they still haven't produced it. They should do so, otherwise fuck em.

Actually, it looks lie the evidence was there, it was passed to the Select Committee on Intel and the House/Senate leadership, and they sat on it. Flynn has already resigned due to his illegal contact, but it looks like additional folks in the campaign have had contact with the Russians, potentially illegally, including Kushner (Trump's son in law).

DC insiders have indicated that the Obama admin decided not to push the issue in order to not influence the election, which is why they were more upset when Comey decided to drop his Hillary bombshells days before the election (which ended up being a non-issue other than politically).

I 100% do not buy this. If they had something that would have won them the election they would have used it, and that sounds like an election winner to me. There was time to hit back at the Comey bombshells, but they didn't. The only way I'd buy this is if Obama is a complete idiot, and I don't think he is. Far easier to avoid a compromised President altogether than to oust one who has just won, surely.

I'll admit I've found some of the Russian stuff sketchy, but nothing thus far has been damning. The media have been framing so much of it in a very dishonest way.

I don't trust any of these assholes right now. So many accusations been thrown around and not enough evidence supporting them.

Democrats and Media accuse Trump of been a Russian pawn, but still have yet to provide concrete evidence. Trump tweets that Obama wiretapped him, doesn't provide evidence. Wikileaks dumps suspiciously convenient Vault 17 leaks shortly after. People claim that Wikileaks is a Russian pawn, but again, nobody has bothered to prove it thus far. Meanwhile nobody talks about the accuracy of the leaks themselves, and instead focuses on their source.

Whole thing is fucked lol.

Then on the other hand, you have the Trump Admin and campaign officials flat out denying everything rather than supporting an investigation to prove no wrongdoing.
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Post #489: 10th Mar 2017 7:25 AM 
Well I would say that is the justified response given the current legitimacy of the accusations. I'm not entirely sure how the system works in Merica, but I imagine they wouldn't be able to stop an investigation if there was enough evidence to justify one.

If they were to support the idea, they would be giving the accusations legitimacy.

It would be like Obama allowing an investigation into his birth records to prove he really is a US citizen.
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Post #490: 10th Mar 2017 7:39 AM 
Stay out of this Wikey
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Post #491: 10th Mar 2017 8:50 AM 
wikey @ 10/3/2017 6:23
vladykins @ 9/3/2017 9:04
wikey @ 8/3/2017 19:14
Why couldn't they find evidence before he was elected?

I'm so not buying this Russia shite at all, it's getting really dull. They have no reason to hold back if they have definitive evidence and yet they still haven't produced it. They should do so, otherwise fuck em.

Actually, it looks lie the evidence was there, it was passed to the Select Committee on Intel and the House/Senate leadership, and they sat on it. Flynn has already resigned due to his illegal contact, but it looks like additional folks in the campaign have had contact with the Russians, potentially illegally, including Kushner (Trump's son in law).

DC insiders have indicated that the Obama admin decided not to push the issue in order to not influence the election, which is why they were more upset when Comey decided to drop his Hillary bombshells days before the election (which ended up being a non-issue other than politically).

I 100% do not buy this. If they had something that would have won them the election they would have used it, and that sounds like an election winner to me. There was time to hit back at the Comey bombshells, but they didn't. The only way I'd buy this is if Obama is a complete idiot, and I don't think he is. Far easier to avoid a compromised President altogether than to oust one who has just won, surely.

I'll admit I've found some of the Russian stuff sketchy, but nothing thus far has been damning. The media have been framing so much of it in a very dishonest way.

I don't trust any of these assholes right now. So many accusations been thrown around and not enough evidence supporting them.

Democrats and Media accuse Trump of been a Russian pawn, but still have yet to provide concrete evidence. Trump tweets that Obama wiretapped him, doesn't provide evidence. Wikileaks dumps suspiciously convenient Vault 17 leaks shortly after. People claim that Wikileaks is a Russian pawn, but again, nobody has bothered to prove it thus far. Meanwhile nobody talks about the accuracy of the leaks themselves, and instead focuses on their source.

Whole thing is fucked lol.

Dems have a history of holding back- it is why they are often called pussies and lose elections. Take Iran-Contra, for example. The Dems could have dragged Reagan and company to the cleaners on that. They didn't because we still had the shadow of Watergate and they did not want the slowly recovering pessimism about government to get destroyed. So a couple people got slaps on the wrist, Bush Senior won the election, and even the "criminals" ended up still able to participate in and run for government (Ollie North ran for Senate a little while back and Poindexter was knee-deep in Dubya's surveillance and digital recognition program until the public got word of it). I can cite numerous examples, but that one is pretty egregious.

Given the tensions in the election and right wing opinion on Hillary, releasing information during the election would have been seen as faking stuff up to influence the election. Hillbots would have pointed and said "See see!" while Trump defenders would have said it was the Dems trying to institute martial law in order for Obama to take people's guns and hand over control to the UN/Illuminati/Lizard People.

Reps have always been much more "Take no prisoners"- they aren't afraid to salt the fields if it wins them the election. Sometimes this bites them in the ass, but more often than not it doesn't.

I've posted previously about Wikileaks- it is all Assange's personal playground since all the other major "open document" folks left for other projects because they couldn't take Assange's use of the site for personal vendettas. I posted this previously but can find the info on it again if you don't believe me. Assange has had a personal hard on for Hillary for a long time and he'd do anything to fuck with her.
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Post #492: 10th Mar 2017 8:52 AM 

Here's a fun article on Poindexter's Total Information Awareness set up:


How can you have any pudding if you won't eat your meat?
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Post #493: 10th Mar 2017 8:57 AM 
How can you have any pudding if you won't eat your meat?
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Post #494: 10th Mar 2017 10:03 AM 
How can you have any pudding if you won't eat your meat?
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Post #495: 10th Mar 2017 10:53 AM 
Curtis @ 10/3/2017 8:39
Stay out of this Wikey

I would but politics at home has gotten stale over the past month or so. Brexit is losing its novelty! And you guys kinda stole the spotlight. Since Trump's election, Question Time, a British show about British politics, has almost never managed to go an episode without Trump been a major talking point.

@Vlad, But we aren't talking about a political scandal with the Trump/Russia thing, it's more a matter of national security. Wouldn't it be irresponsible to sit on evidence that a presidential candidate is colluding with a Russian President? That he might be his puppet even. I figure you'd put the worry of playing dirty aside at that point. I don't know enough about Iran-Contra to compare, but if the excuse for holding back then was due to the memory of Watergate and not wanting to rock the boat with another scandal, what's the excuse now?

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. I ain't seen the evidence yet.

Also, to clarify, do you think Assange is a puppet of the Russians too?

I'll read those links you sent. Regardless of opinion on Assange, are the leaks legit? If so, they contain some nasty stuff.
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