Really liked it/love the concept of the game. There’s a lot of different directions they could’ve taken the story at many points but I was happy with how it ended. I can see why they wanted to continue after that point. It reminded me of Stranger Things continuing with the same characters after it’s first season tbh. The whole thing reminded me of a tv series as it was going
oh hey, my best friend is very good friends with Justin and Griffin! She worked at Polygon with them and worked alongside Griffin producing videos for it. neato
I’m halfway through the first ep. Def different “gameplay” wise from Motw but it doesn’t seem overall complex
It’s a bit weird going back in time from Amnesty to this. Their audio quality and rhythm and storytelling are pretty clearly not quite finessed yet but I’m sure it gets really good. Taako is my early favorite
I should get back into this at some point. I started the first two episodes and enjoyed it but I got into a different podcast and forgot about it. OOPS!
They just defeated Brian/Bryan. Easily the funniest bits so far in that last chapter. When Black Spider pretends to be Gundrin(?) and pleads with them in his regular voice I fucking lost it, that was hysterical. And then his whole dialogue as he's falling/after he lands
ive been sick the last few days and got a lot of my relisten done while huddled under my sheet feeling like death. Finally got through Rockport Limited. Some thoughts on that particular part:
godddd the pacing there is horrendous. It's FUNNY but if there was one part of the podcast i had to just throw out it would be that part no questions asked
Angus is great and the concept is cool and i love the resolution but man what a slog overall. This part was very on-as-background noise during my first listen and I thought maybe i would appreciate it more this time around, but honestly not really
Petals to the Metal is also kinda slow at first but it has more iconic moments and after the genre shift i think is where taz finally found its footing
d ( i n o s r o a ) r "She essentially tore apart the Hex Girls with a simple STAT" LUCK CREATOR | HEART HACKER | BUY GOLD BYE