You are Kenny - known in the FE world as Nofo - an angry young man from South Carolina. You were part of the trio that joined FE, kickstarting the surge of new members last summer with Matt and Samm and shot into relevancy as Angela in Lab 3.
Nofo is not exactly known for bringing people together but will attempt to do so for the good of the board. Each day phase, Nofo can choose two people. The following night, the two guests will be put into a private forum to speak to one another throughout the night.
Possibly moving to Columbus in a couple months. I'm sure Nat has plenty of room
I'm not in Columbus, but sure! :)
A lesson without pain is meaningless. That's because no one can gain without sacrificing something. But by enduring that pain and overcoming it, he shall obtain a powerful, unmatched heart. A fullmetal heart.
What's your accent like? US, Panama, New Mexico, England, back to US. I'm curious
It's definitely American, but I don't know what regional dialect. I'd have to take one of those accent quizzes again (I think one of those was posted here before, right?) It's probably a mish-mash of different places that just ends up sounding normal (to me at least), although it's not ~quite~ the same as other people in my native Ohio (if you can call it that). I sound pretty much the same as people in Washington though.